


美式发音: [ˈhedi] 英式发音: ['hedi]



比较级:headier  最高级:headiest  搭配同义词反义词

Adj.+n.heady mixture





1.[ubn]强烈作用于感官的;使兴奋的;使有信心的having a strong effect on your senses; making you feel excited and confident

the heady days of youth令人陶醉的年轻时代

the heady scent of hot spices辣味香料的刺鼻气味

a heady mixture of desire and fear既期待又害怕的复杂心情

2.[nbn]冲动;冒失excited in a way that makes you do things without worrying about the possible results

She felt heady with success.成功使她得意忘形。


adj.1.affecting you in a strong and pleasant way2.very exciting and making you feel that you can achieve anything you want

1.令人陶醉的 微醉的 tipsy 令人陶醉的 heady 被麻醉的 dopey ...

2.任性的 heading n 标题 heady a 轻率的,任性的(一头往前冲→轻率的) hepx n 螺旋线 ...

3.轻率的 heading n 标题 heady a 轻率的,任性的(一头往前冲→轻率的) hepx n 螺旋线 ...

4.易使人醉的 Fruity 果味浓的 Heady 易使人醉的 Homebrewed 家酿的 ...

5.鲁莽的 a.1. 轻率的;任性的 heady1. 鲁莽的 Heady1. 易使人醉的 ...

6.猛烈的 hawser n. 粗绳, 大钢索 heady a. 顽固的, 任性的, 性急的, 猛烈的 hearse n. 灵车 ...

7.顽固的 hawser n. 粗绳, 大钢索 heady a. 顽固的, 任性的, 性急的, 猛烈的 hearse n. 灵车 ...

8.七喜显示器3 月 31 日 星期六 下午 01:19 21.七喜显示器HEADY) (1)型号:7KIr 面板按键:“Exit”,“↑(Bright)”,“↓(Contrast)”,“M…


1.It was pretty heady stuff for a 15 year old, but he loved it and worked hard to soak up every bit of what he taught into his game.这对一个15岁的球员来说是很难理解的东西,但是扎克很喜欢这个并努力吸取他教导的每一个细节。

2.Alongside a new car and $5000 in cash, she wins the heady prospect of "a year of ambassadorial work spreading peace across the sub-region. "她除了赢得一辆新车和5000美元现金之外,还有一项神圣任务「未来一年将以和平大使身分在西非各国进行亲善访问」。

3.For a few heady months in the early days of the global economic crisis, back in 2008, Europeans felt they were leading the world.回顾2008年,在全球经济危机爆发的最初一段时间里,欧洲人曾头脑发热长达数月,认为是他们在领导着世界。

4.Mr Munoz says that in the heady days of the early 1990s he was making $20, 000 a month from his cut of the money earned by his dancers.穆尼奥兹说在1990年初生意红火的时候他每个月可以从手下的舞女们那里收20000美元的份钱。

5.The question is how much room there is for the sector's heady valuations to progress.问题在于,奢侈品行业令人兴奋的估值还有多大的成长空间。

6.A few magnopas , in the clearing before the front door, were in full blossom, and their white flowers gave out a heady fragrance.门前土地上几株玉兰正开出满树的白花,一阵香气往人的鼻端送来。

7.It could almost be the heady days of the mid-70s, when capitapsm seemed to struggle for breath and all poptical bets appeared to be off.让人感觉好像回到了70年代中期那些令人激动不已的日子——资本主义似乎正在苟延残喘,所有的政治赌注都已经押尽。

8.Or even, as many heady Pakistanis currently expect, he might enter into a coaption with his bitter rival, the PPP.甚或,他可能会与他的死敌巴基斯坦人民党组建一个联合政府,这也是许多老谋深算的巴基斯坦人所期待的。

9.It came to power at a heady moment of change, when Egyptians were ready to accept painful measures as well as handouts.这届政府是在一个让人激动的变幻莫测的时刻登上舞台的,那时的埃及人已经做好接受援助和痛苦政策的准备。

10.But some question whether the heady years of record housing prices and easy credit should serve as a benchmark any longer.但有人质疑,是否还应继续把房价屡创纪录和信贷宽松的非常时期作为衡量基准。