




1.石头 ... 低语录/呢喃语页/ Tikhiye stranitsy 石头/ The Stone 拯救与保护/ Rescue and Save/Save and Protect ...

2.那块石头 ... Sensatia 天然有机沐浴用品 The Stone 的经理告诉我 The Stone 史东典藏酒店设 …

5.击在了我的头上 ... The Stone 的经理告诉我 The Stone 史东典藏酒店设施 Pool Bar 以及 更衣室 ...

7.分崩离析 the best of starts 最好的开始 the broken heart,the stone 破碎的心如同散落的石块,分崩离析 ...

8.成为化石 The best of starts/ 那将会是最好的开端 The broken heart,the stone/ 也是心破碎,成为化石 ...


1.After some time, he comes back with a small stone in his mouth. He goes up to the bottle and puts the stone into the bottle.郑:过了一会儿,他嘴里叼着一块小石头回来了。他来到瓶子旁边,把石头放入瓶子。

2.Soon there was a fine fire burning , and shadows were dancing over the stone walls .我们找到一处矮石墙的残垣,歇了歇脚。

3.Here he took out the stone that had the power to recall the dead, and turned it thrice in his hand.在那儿他拿出那块可以召唤死者的石头,把它放在手上转了三次。

4.Pick up the STONE to the front right of the room and get the fifth and last STRANGE WHITE STONE WITH A SYMBOL ON IT in inventory.拿起石头屋子的右前方,并能与对资讯科技的第五次,也是最后符号聊斋白色石头库存。

5.she said to the stone, which began to glow with a bluish pght.她对着魔石念出了咒语,石头开始散发出蓝色的光芒。

6.The stone cut their hands and made them bleed, but the men did not worry about that.石头划破了他们的手,鲜血直淌,但他们却满不在乎。

7.Pulp is inside the stone material will contain elements of rock thing, just how much the amount.石浆就是料子里面的含有岩石成份的东西,量的多少而已。

8.Even as the stone of the fruit must break, that its heart may stand in the sun, so must you know pain.连果核也必须破碎,使果仁可以暴露在阳光中,所以你们也必须知道苦痛。

9.Many people connect the color frequency of a specific chakra with that of the stone being used.大多数人把特定穴位的色彩频率与正在使用的宝石对应起来。

10.Liu Bei was afraid to disturb him and had been waiting on the stone steps out of the door till Zhuge Liang woke up.刘备怕惊扰他,就和关羽、张飞一直站在外面的石阶上等着,一直等到他醒来。