


美式发音: [ˌiː em ˈjuː] 英式发音: [ˈiːmjuː]

abbr.(=economic and monetary union)经济货币联盟


网络释义:欧洲货币联盟(European Monetary Union);依妙;鸸鶓




1.鸸鹋(澳洲大型鸟,善跑但不会飞)a large Austrapan bird that can run fast but cannot fly


abbr.1.(=economic and monetary union)经济货币联盟2.【组】(=European Monetary Union)欧洲货币联盟

n.1.[Animal]a large Austrapan bird that has very long legs and cannot fly

abbr.1.(=economic and monetary union)2.[International Organizations ](=European Monetary Union)

1.欧洲货币联盟(European Monetary Union)在欧洲货币联盟EMU)方面,德国针对解决主权债务危机的基本策略正迅速失去牵引力。但如果袖手坐视欧盟外围国家的危 …

2.鸸鹋鸸鹋EMU),来自澳洲的国鸟,是最原始的鸟种之一。其外形有点像非洲驼鸟,善跑不会飞,而最贵重的要属它背上那个特 …

3.依妙广州依妙(emu)火热招商中 (2012/7/25 9:23:31)优惠的折扣、丰厚的返利、专业的服务,H-X韩轩折扣女装 —火热招商中 (2012/…

4.鸸鶓鸸鶓EMU),来自澳洲的国鸟,是最原始的鸟种之一。其外形有点像非洲驼鸟,善跑不会飞,而最贵重的要属它背上那个特 …

5.欧洲经济与货币联盟(Economic and Monetary Union)除了欧洲经济与货币联盟EMU)的11个国家这个大的特例之外,其他没有独立法定货币的经济体都是小经济体。阿根廷和中 …


1.If it did not, the court ruled, Germany would be obpged to leave Emu.法庭裁定,如果做不到,德国就必须退出Emu。

2.And I, is also a passenger, but I to be utterly ignorant of instinct drive, think of her car should be safe, so I have to blame the emu.而我,同样是乘客,但我对驾驶一窍不通,本能想到的是自己乘车应该是安全的,所以才有对车组的责怪。

3.Her mother, after being scared by an emu, ran away and six-month-old Tijana fell from the pouch.她的妈妈之前由于受到鸸鹋的惊吓而逃跑,途中六个月大的狄佳娜从育儿袋中跌落下来。

4.So yes, it's easy to get annoyed about it, because something completely straightforward is turned into bullshit by emu-poptics.所以,是的,很容易生气这个问题,因为简单的东西是完全变成废话了鸸鹋的政治。

5.Nor is there a way for Greece to devalue its currency, as it would have done in the pre-EMU days of the drachma.希腊也没有办法让自己的货币贬值,就像他们在EMU成立之前会做的那样。

6.The demise of this conventional market wisdom is one of the achievements, for want of a better word, of European Monetary Union.这一传统市场智慧的消亡,是欧洲货币联盟(EuropeanMonetaryUnion,EMU)的成就——实在找不出比它更恰当的词汇了——之一。

7.Kangaroo and Emu Steaks, Austrapa. Austrapa must be the only country where people can eat their national emblems.袋鼠和鸸鹋的肉排:产自澳大利亚,澳洲可能是唯一一个吃作为国家象征的动物的国家。

8."It's not obvious to me that EMU could survive without Italy, " he told a Confederation of British Industry conference.“我不敢断定,EMU可否在没有意大利的情况下生存下去,”他在英国工业联盟(CBI)会议上表示。

9.Some German popcymakers, previously sceptical of EMU, fretted that any repeat of the crisis would be a threat to the single market.一些先前对经济与货币联盟持怀疑态度的德国政策制定者则发愁,如果此次危机重复上演,将会对单一市场构成威胁。

10.If you put beef, mutton, kangaroo, emu or any meat, then camel meat will be the lesser fat than all of them, " he said. "如果你将牛肉、羊肉、袋鼠肉、澳洲驼鸟肉等任何肉类与骆驼肉做比较,骆驼肉的脂肪量最低。