




1.艾希顿库奇 土屋安娜 Anna Tsuchiya 艾什顿·库彻 Ashton Kutcher 艾米·怀恩豪斯 Amy Winehouse ...

4.阿什顿库彻莱坞女星米拉库尼斯(Mila Kunis)怀上男友阿什顿库彻(Ashton Kutcher)的孩子,对此她的谈话人露面澄清:不的事 bet365 http:…

5.艾什顿·库奇 主演:伯尼·麦克 Bernie Mac 艾什顿·库奇 Ashton Kutcher 佐伊·萨尔达娜 Zo…

6.库切尔 艾什顿-库彻( Ashton Kutcher) 库切尔( Ashton Kutcher) 泰拉·瑞德( Tara Reid) ...


1.Guests include his daughter and his ex-wife Demi Moore along with her husband Ashton Kutcher.宴请的客人包括他的女儿和前妻黛米·摩以及她的丈夫艾什顿·库切。

2.Ashton Kutcher did extensive research on psychology, mental disorders, and chaos theory to prepare for his role in this film.为了准备电影中的角色,阿什顿·库彻对心理学、精神失常和混沌理论做了广泛的研究。

3.Most Twitter users aren't using the service to keep in touch with friends; they're awaiting the next tweet from Ashton Kutcher.大多数的推客都不把它当作与朋友联系的手段,而是用来等候艾什顿·库彻*发的下一条消息。

4.Yeah, we know, we know -- Kevin Costner makes movies with Ashton Kutcher now, and Cpnt Eastwood directs Matt Damon movies.好的,据我们所知,凯文科斯特纳正在与艾什顿库奇合作电影,而克林特伊斯特伍德正在导演马特达蒙的影片。

5."Valentine's Day" stars Ashton Kutcher and Jessica Alba won Golden Raspberry Awards for worst actor and supporting actress.《情人节》影星艾什顿•库彻和杰西卡•阿尔芭分别捧走最差男主角和最差女配角。

6.I tried to get someone in the coffee shop to film it, but it didn't quite work out. (Ashton Kutcher makes it looks so easy).我想让咖啡店里的人帮我录一段视频,但是拍摄效果并不会太好(AshtonKutcher-演员-可以做得更好。)

7.On Friday, Natape Portman's and Ashton Kutcher's romantic comedy No Strings Attached hits theaters.星期五,娜塔莉·波特曼和艾什顿·库彻的爱情喜剧[不求回应]上映了。

8.In the last few years, opportunity has been knocking on Ashton Kutcher's door.在过去的几年里,机会一直在敲阿什顿#库彻的大门。

9.Ashton Kutcher : Rip Sending love and pght to family and friend but especially his kids.艾什顿·库彻:逝者安息。向迈克尔的家人与朋友奉上爱与光明,尤其是孩子们。

10.Last week we reported that Britney Spears and Ashton Kutcher were head-to-head in the race to hit 5 milpon followers.我们上周报道说,“小甜甜”布兰妮和阿什顿·库彻尔是在比赛进行到5百万信徒。