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1.不安 uptight adj. 焦虑不安的,紧张的 uneasiness n 不舒适,不安,局促 | catatonic adj 紧张症的 ...

2.不自在 uneasily 不自在地 uneasiness 不自在 uneasy 不安的 ...

3.不安,担忧 ... calmness n.平静;安静 六级词汇 uneasiness n.不安,担忧;不自在 四级词汇 calpng n.点名;职业;欲望 六级词 …

4.局促 uptight adj. 焦虑不安的,紧张的 uneasiness n 不舒适,不安,局促 | catatonic adj 紧张症的 ...

5.平静与不安 「Exciting squall~ 骚动突然降临~」 「Uneasiness平静与不安~」 「True smile~ 过去与 …

6.安逸与不安 ... 「Exciting squall~ 突如其然的骚动~」 「Uneasiness安逸与不安~」 「True smile~ 过去和朋友 …

7.心神不安 uptight adj. 焦虑不安的,紧张的 uneasiness n 不舒适,不安,局促 | catatonic adj 紧张症的 ...


1.Note: Avoid touching the eye and keep away from children. Consult a doctor immediately in case of any sign of uneasiness .注意事项:避免触及眼睛及儿童,若有不适请即就医。

2.The reasons for this uneasiness about women speaking can be non-trivially summed up in all that "social intercourse" for women might imply.对于女人说话的担忧,其原因可以被大体总结为潜在的女人的“社会交往”。

3.There was rising in him a dreadful uneasiness ; something very precious thathe wanted to hold seemed close to destruction.他心里涌起一种难言的焦灼,因为他原来一直想保住的东西现在好象要毁灭了。

4.He tried to fall asleep, but a sense of uneasiness tugged at him.他试着睡去,可是一种不安的感觉牵扯着他。

5.When I first landed on the land, I could feel no sense of the uneasiness in a strange place, but some famiparity.当我第一次踏上那片土地是,我完全没有感觉到来到一个陌生地方的那种不安,而是一种很熟悉的感觉。

6.There was rising in him a dreadful uneasiness ; something very precious that he wanted to hold seemed close to destruction.他心中涌起了一丝糟糕的不安情绪,他想要拥有的非常宝贵的东西好像就要毁灭了。

7.He did not tell his daughter this; but Natasha perceived this dread and uneasiness of her father's, and felt mortified by it.他没有把这件事告诉他女儿,但是娜塔莎明白父亲的恐惧心理和急躁情绪,她觉得自己受到了侮辱。

8.In social situations, there is an uneasiness, clumsiness, or perhaps some sort of minor embarrassment or faux pas on your part.在社交场合,你显得有点不自然,有点笨拙,甚至可能会造成一些小尴尬和失态。

9.After whole body is uneasiness, I step back to open his to say, he said a words: "The good boldness of vision of over Mr. Yan. "浑身不自在之后,我退却开他的说,他说了一句话:“完颜先生好气魄。”

10.I spent the night trying to reassure her, and she sent me off the next morning displaying a distinct uneasiness which I could not fathom.整个晚上我都在安慰她,第二天她带着我无法理解的焦躁不安催我动身。