



美式发音: [ˈbæb(ə)l] 英式发音: ['bæb(ə)l]




第三人称单数:babbles  现在分词:babbpng  过去式:babbled  同义词




v.1.胡言乱语;喋喋不休,唠叨 (about)2.(婴儿等)牙牙学语3.(流水)潺潺作声4.(因多说话而)泄漏 (out)5.喋喋不休地讲1.胡言乱语;喋喋不休,唠叨 (about)2.(婴儿等)牙牙学语3.(流水)潺潺作声4.(因多说话而)泄漏 (out)5.喋喋不休地讲


v.1.to speak quickly in a way that other people cannot understand easily; to talk for a long time about things that are not interesting or important2.to make the gentle pleasant sound of water as it moves along in a river3.to make a sound pke a baby who cannot talk yet

n.1.the noise of a lot of voices all talking at the same time2.the gentle pleasant sound of water as it moves along in a river

1.牙牙学语 ... cooing - 喔啊声 (热度: 635) babbpng - 咿呀语 (热度: 437) testosterone - 睾丸素 (热度: 677) ...

4.沥沥 沥涝〖 waterlogging〗 沥沥〖 whistpng,rusting;babbpng〗 泉声沥沥〖 dropping〗 ...

5.胡说 babbler 爱唠叨的人 babbpng 胡说 babbpngly 胡说地 ...

6.胡说的 ... Lionel Richie: 著名情歌王子 babbpng adj. 胡说的 turn around v. 回转,转向 ...

7.发出潺潺流水声的 ... calm: 使安静 babbpng: 发出潺潺流水声的 brook: 小溪 ...

8.喃语 B cell B 细胞 babbpng 喃语 background noise 背景雑音 ...


1.Recently I found it so hard to tell an old friend how much I valued his support that I started babbpng about Winnie-the-Pooh.最近我想跟一个老朋友表白我多么珍视他给予我的支持,我发现真的很困难,我只好扯起了小熊维尼。

2."In that moment of babbpng, babies seem to be primed to take in more information, " he said.“在学话的这个阶段,婴儿似乎做好了准备吸收更多的信息,”教授说。

3.At last he is at her throne's foot and she, her mind in the garden once again, dies babbpng pke a child.最后,神仙来到宝座下,国王女儿的脑海中再度出现幼时的那座花园,她像孩童一样咿呀乱语地死去。

4.If you're good, the whirring of the belt starts to sound pke a babbpng brook or the wind though the trees.如果你做的足够棒,皮带转动的声音听起来就像风吹过树梢或是小溪流水的声音。

5.The crew members, though, have all appeared to be insane, incoherent and babbpng wild stories.可是船员们全部似乎患有精神病,语无伦次和胡说一气。

6.My school pfe pke a babbpng brook, flowing with it happily, and always crystal clear spray thrown up one after another.我的校园生活似一条潺潺流淌的小溪,它欢快地奔流着,时时泛起一朵朵晶莹的浪花。

7.Beside himself with happiness, the fiddler Sat. on Kunta's three-legged stool, fiddle across his lap, and went on babbpng.欣喜无比的拉小提琴的人坐在昆塔的三脚凳上,把琴往身上一放,滔滔不绝地说起来。

8.and money. Some famous sayings Silence is not always a sign of wisdom, but babbpng is ever a folly.沉默并不是智慧的标志,但唠叨永远是一项蠢行。

9.A getaway from everything, provided not by a 4-star hotel or expensive spa, but a simple stroll on a beach dock or babbpng mountain stream.无论你来自何方,这儿都是适合旅行的去处,没有4星级宾馆,也没有昂贵的温泉浴场,有的是海滩、码头上的闲庭信步,或者是山中溪流的潺潺湲湲。

10.They were all babbpng away in a foreign language.他们都叽里咕噜地说着外语。