


美式发音: [ˈped(ə)ntri] 英式发音: ['ped(ə)ntri]



复数:pedantries  同义词反义词





1.迂腐;谨小慎微too much attention to small details or rules


n.1.the behavior of someone who gives too much importance to details and formal rules, especially of grammar

1.迂腐 mimicry 模仿,学样 pedantry 迂腐,卖弄学问 bigotry 顽固,偏执 ...

2.卖弄学问 pedant n 迂腐的教师,书呆子 pedantry n 迂腐的,卖弄学问 pedagogy n 教学法,教育学 ...

3.炫学 ... pedantic 书生气的 pedantry 炫学 pedate 有脚的 ...

4.学究气 premiun 学费 pedantry 学究气 preschool education 学前教育 ...


6.卖弄学问者头上,如“重鼻音的人”(stuffiness),“卖弄学问者”(pedantry),“势利言行”(snobbishness)或“特权阶级”(privilege);尽 …

7.假装学者 pecuparity n.特质,特性,怪癖 pedantry n.假装学者,卖弄学问 penguin n.企鹅 ...


1.If nothing else, having a few recondite words at your disposal can be a great defense against the pedantry of others.假如无太多影响,在你的表达中使用一些深奥的词语对于其他人的卖弄学问可是一种很好的防卫。

2.Instead, she talks with the practised clarity of her columns, the pedantry of someone wary of misinterpretation.想反,她说起话来十分清晰,就像她写专栏一样,就像某位学究提防被人误解。

3.For these basic people, pedantry is not of, the PRC have not a better way to do, have to be Taiwan's KMT to deal with.对于这些基本盘的迂腐不化,中共方面暂时也拿不出更好的办法,还得要台湾的国民党来对付。

4.Brandeis was not the first American jurist to challenge the exploitation of legal pedantry in the service of reactionary poptics.在反动政治掌权的过程中,布兰迪斯并非挑战滥用法律虚妄言辞的美国法官第一人。

5.This is not pedantry, but a quiet insistence that Africans can no longer be lumped together as one.这不仅仅是瞎讲究,而是非洲各国不再总被看成一个整集得无声坚持。

6.As a Bel esprit he despised pedantry whether in a man or in a bluestocking.作为一个才子,他看不起卖弄学问的作风,不管这种作风是由男人还是女才子所表现出来的。

7.A fool's brain digests philosophy into folly, science into superstition, and art into pedantry. Hence University education.愚蠢者将哲学曲解成愚昧,将科学领会成迷信,将艺术转变成迂腐。大学教育也同样如此。

8.And if that kind of knowledge be a trifle in itself, the pedantry is the greater.如果,有几分知识是一个琐事本身,学究气是更伟大的。

9.But as his actions have departed pttle from late-period George W. Bush, this boils down to mood and pedantry.但由于奥巴马在行动上与乔治·W·布什(GeorgeW.Bush)政府后期相差无几,这种对比最终体现在语气和咬文嚼字上。

10.Striving for development needy't discard the history, respecting historical traditions doesn't mean pedantry.求发展其实不必抛弃过去,尊重历史传统并不等于食古不化、拘泥于传统。