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1.阿古 ... 苔丝狄蒙娜 Desdemona:What? 伊阿古 Iago:What? Are you crazy? Go home. 奥瑟罗 Othello:The handker…

4.旗官伊阿古其人入侵,故对婚事不加干涉。伪善、狡诈而又阴险 的旗官伊阿古(Iago) 暗暗垂涎戴思特蒙娜的美色,又因奥 赛罗未任命他 …

5.亚戈 黑咪之7连狩猎之未果,尼玛何等的人品 LuciferDamn 5-18 亚戈 Iago 哈萨克 fly ...




1.Iago. I pray you, be content; 'tis but his humour: The business of the state does him offence, And he does chide with you.伊阿古请您宽心,这不过是他一时的心绪恶劣,在国家大事方面受了点刺激,所以跟您呕起气来啦。

2.Iago, as if in earnest CARE for Othello's peace of mind, besought him to beware of jealousy.伊阿古做出假装诚心诚意地关心奥瑟罗精神上的安宁,劝他当心不要吃醋。

3.Iago. I did not think he had been acquainted with her.伊阿古我以為他本來跟夫人是不相識的。

4.Iago. Something from Venice, sure. 'Tis Lodovico Come from the duke: and, see, your wife is with him.伊阿古一定是从威尼斯来了什麽人。——是罗多维科奉公爵之命到这儿来了;瞧,您那位太太也跟他在一起。

5.Iago . Cassio, my lord! No, sure, I cannot think it, That he would steal away so guilty-pke, Seeing you coming.伊阿古凯西奥,主帅?不,不会有那样的事,我不能够设想,他一看见您来了,就好像做了什麽虚心事似的,偷偷地溜走了。

6.iago . do it not with poison , strangle her in her bed , even the bed she hath contaminated.伊阿古不要用毒药,在她床上扼死她,就在那被她玷污了的床上。

7.Iago. And for Cassio, let me be his undertaker: you shall hear more by midnight.伊阿古至于凯西奥,让我去取他的命吧;您在午夜前后,一定可以听到消息。

8.But we now understand that economics without human falpbipty is pke the play Othello without Iago.我们现在知道没有考虑人易范错的经济学就像上演《奥赛罗》没有埃古一样。

9.Iago. I see, sir, you are eaten up with passion: I do repent me that I put it to you. You would be satisfied?伊阿古主帅,我看您完全被感情所支配了。我很后悔不该惹起您的疑心。那麽您愿意知道究竟吗?

10.Iago. ' Zounds, sir, you are one of those that will not serve God, if the devil bid you.伊阿古嘿,先生,您也是那种因为魔鬼叫他敬奉上帝而把上帝丢在一旁的人。