


美式发音: [ˌkɔrəˈneɪʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [ˌkɒrəˈneɪʃ(ə)n]






1.加冕;加冕典礼a ceremony at which a crown is formally placed on the head of a new king or queen


n.1.a ceremony at which someone officially becomes king or queen

1.加冕 donation 捐赠品(物), 捐款, 贡献 coronation 加冕礼 detonation 爆炸, 爆炸声, 爆裂 ...


5.罗内申皇帝,之后大卫以古典、宏大的形式创作了大幅钜作:《拿破仑的加冕典礼》(Coronation)、《授鹰旗式》(Distribution of …

7.加冤仪式 ... 11. Transformation 变身 12. Coronation 加冤仪式 13. Destruction of the Moon 月球基地毁灭 ...

8.加冕图David (1748 ~ 1825) 所画的 [加冕图] (Coronation). 尤其是第二册的 "烟火" 一曲, 将钢琴弹到像管弦乐团一样的色彩, 层次丰富…


1.Princess, I shall prepare for your coronation. It would be best if you got some rest. You can use the master bedroom if you desire.女王,我应该准备加冕礼。如果你休息一下那将更好。如果你要求你可以使用主人的卧室。

2.Ronaldo revealed that he did not know what is Coronation Street until he was told that the Brit population is absolutely obsessed with it.罗纳尔多透露,他一直不知道什么是“加冕街”,直到有人告诉他这是英国最受欢迎的一部肥皂剧,大家都着迷于它。

3.Also known as the Cathedral Basipca of Sts. Stanis? aw and Vaclav, Wawel Cathedral was the traditional coronation site of Popsh monarchs.瓦维尔大教堂又被称为圣旺斯拉斯和圣斯坦尼斯洛斯大教堂,是波兰皇帝的传统加冕礼举行地。

4.Observing his mother on her Coronation Day, Charles remarks on her "amazing poise" and "natural grace. "回顾他母亲在加冕礼那天的表现,查尔斯王子赞叹她惊人的风度和自然的优雅。

5.Nevertheless, thanks to the incorruptness of monarchic government, the country was still more prosperous than the time of her coronation.但由于国王政府保持廉洁,整个国家还是比她登基时繁荣昌盛。

6.At the coronation ceremony, he treats her to smile affectionately, who knew what receives can have?在加冕仪式上,他对着她深情地微笑,谁知道接下来会发生什么呢?

7.But this would have been outrageous for a queen who paraded her virginity at her coronation by leaving her hair down.但对于在加冕礼上披散着头发以贞洁自持的女王来说,这必然会引起民众的愤慨。

8.When her seemingly inevitable coronation as his successor was delayed, she began to look vulnerable.当她势在必得的胜利因为卢拉的接班人耽搁了,她开始变得敏感了。

9.Bhutan News, a non-partisan blog, informed just days before the coronation that the "refugees are in a state of flux" .无党派色彩的博客BhutanNews在加冕前几天指出,「众多难民不断流离」;

10.Before long, it was apparent that Washington's journey would form the repubpcan equivalent of the procession to a royal coronation.不久,华盛顿的行程俨然变成了共和国体制下的王室加冕巡游。