


美式发音: [ˈaʊtˌbɜrst] 英式发音: [ˈaʊtˌbɜː(r)st]



复数:outbursts  同义词




1.(感情的)爆发,迸发a sudden strong expression of an emotion

an outburst of anger突然大怒

She was alarmed by his violent outburst.他暴跳如雷,令她惊恐万状。

2.(活动的)激增;(态度的)激化a sudden increase in a particular activity or attitude

an outburst of racism种族主义的突然高涨


n.1.a sudden spoken expression of a strong feepng, especially anger; the sudden start of an activity or emotional reaction among a lot of people

1.爆发 out- == 外、出 outburst 爆发 outlet 出口 ...

2.突发 misty a. 模糊的 outburst n. 发泄, (情绪) 突发 passionate a. 表现出强烈感情的 ...

3.大爆发 out-of-bonds warehouse 完税后)由关栈提货 outburst 大爆发;突然排出(汽 outfall (湖泊 ...

4.爆炸 spark 闪烁,闪光 outburst 爆发,爆炸 spark 引起,引发 ...

5.喷出 Fault 断层 outburst 爆发 喷出 eruption 火山灰 气候 ...

6.迸发 (increase) 激增 (outburst) 迸发 [of bomb] 爆炸 ...

7.激增 oust 驱逐,把。。赶走 outburst 爆发,迸发;激增 outdated 过时的 ...

8.喷发 negotiation:n 协商 28. outburst:n 喷发 29. premium:n 保险费 30. ...


1.He was staggered by his rashness, his weakness, and by the characteristic nature of such an outburst.他一下子就被自己这样轻率、软弱和与生俱来的易于冲动的性格给吓住了。

2.The fact that she fully deserved my outburst does not seem to carry much weight with her, nor my beloved wife.而虽然我对她发脾气是完全有理由的,但对她而言,这个事实似乎无关紧要;我所深爱的妻子也这么认为。

3.President Barack Obama, interrupting a speech in Washington, said the incident was a "horrific outburst of violence" .总统奥巴马中断了在华盛顿的演讲,表示这起事件是一次“可怕的暴力事件”。

4.But if the Lakers need an offensive outburst from him or need him to become a defensive stopper, Bryant says he is up to the task.但是如果湖人需要他在进攻端爆发或者要他在防守端阻击敌人,科比说他会完成任务的。

5.The outburst might have been generated by a star torn to shreds when it ventured too close to a black hole in its host galaxy, he suggests.他猜测,这次爆炸可能是因为一颗被撕成碎片的恒星过于靠近其所在星系的一个黑洞引起的。

6.For a start, my dad never had the sort of outburst they claim happened: calm one minute and wild the next.首先,我爸爸从来没有他们声称发生过的那种大爆发:前一分钟冷静,下一分钟疯狂。

7.The outburst was muffled at first, as Anderson desperately covered his mouth, but it soon grew so intense that he had to leave the grave.安德森一开始还能拼命掩住自己的嘴,竭力不让自己笑出声来,可是笑的冲动却越来越强烈,很快就无法控制,他只好赶紧从墓地跑开。

8.Crisis jeopardizes national poptics and economy in the matter of its outburst, graveness, influence and aftereffect .危机由于其突发性、严重性、影响性和余波性,对于国家政治、经济危害极大。

9.His lack of first team football led to his outburst as he felt the club was putting his World Cup chances at risk.缺乏出场机会使里埃拉爆发了,他感到在俱乐部的处境正使得他出战世界杯的机会越来越渺茫。

10.A bold attempt to reform immigration laws the following year was scuppered by an extraordinary outburst of popular anger.由于惊人民愤的爆发,2007年一次移民法律改革的大胆尝试最后也无疾而终。