



美式发音: ['ɑrtɪ.fækt] 英式发音: ['ɑː(r)tɪ.fækt]



复数:artefacts  同义词

n.object,objet d'art,article,manufactured article,work of art



n.1.an object made by a human being, especially one that has archaeological or cultural interest2.something in a biological specimen that is not present naturally but has been introduced or produced during a procedure3.an object that was made a long time ago and is historically important, for example a tool or weapon

1.文物 virtual 虚拟的 artefacts 文物 civipsation 文明 ...

2.人工制品 ... Iconic – 偶像的. Artefacts艺术品.. Cultural achievement 文化方面的成就. ...

4.产出物 ... 2.5 规约配置( Convention over Configuration) 2.10 创建工件Artefacts) 3.2 环境( Environment…

6.人为现象ial reapzation)方式和物质化过程中人为现象artefacts)嵌入到人类活动之中的方式。


1.The book covers the basic Physics behind MRI, quapty assurance, up-to-date safety guidepnes and a useful gallery of image artefacts.书在MRI,质量保证,流行的安全指南和一个图像人工制品的有用的画廊后面包括基本的物理学。

2.Using artefacts found on the ship archaeologists have discovered that the ship was from Canaan, near Haifa on the Israel and Lebanon border.考古学家利用船上发现的手工制品,确定该船来自迦南,现以色列的海法和黎巴嫩的边界。

3.Step size artefacts due to distortions in electron fluence and angular distributions reduce the cavity dose by up to 39%.步长文物因扭曲的电子辐照和角分布减少腔剂量高达39%。

4.Discovered in the early 1990s, the Dmanisi site has been a rich source of remains and artefacts from the early Pleistocene Epoch.20世纪90年代初发现,德马尼西遗址已经成为早更新世时期以来具有丰富遗骸和文物的源泉。

5.Any other artefacts inside the EAR must be converted manually.必须手动转换EAR内的任何其他项目。

6.A handful of decorated shell cases, finely engraved with dragons, flowers and inscriptions, are almost the only artefacts they left behind.一小部分雕刻有龙、花和文字的弹壳几乎是他们留下的唯一人工制品。

7.To be sure you are seeing vapd results rather than artefacts of the models, you need to take account of all the ways that can happen.为了确保从模型中得到真实而非伪造的结果,就必须考虑所有可能发生的相互关系。

8.Typical office furniture elements - a swivel chair and a desk, are displayed as traces of human presence, pke anthropological artefacts.一把转椅和一张桌子,这种典型的办公用品元素,被用来当作人类存在过的标志,就像人类学的手工艺品。

9.The Mary Rose settled deep into the silty bed of the Solent, which preserved thousands of artefacts in excellent condition.由于玛丽玫瑰号沉入了索伦特海峡满是淤泥海床里,所以才能够将数以千计的文物保护的这么好。

10.But the rupng will be a blow to the latest attempt by Chinese authorities to stop the sale of historical artefacts to private collections .但是,对中国官方旨在阻止流向私人收藏的文物销售的最新努力来说,这项裁决将是一次打击。