


美式发音: [ɪnˈdʒɔɪəb(ə)l] 英式发音: 




adj.+n.enjoyable occasion





1.有乐趣的;使人快乐的;令人愉快的giving pleasure

an enjoyable weekend/experience令人愉快的周末╱经历

highly/really/thoroughly/very enjoyable令人非常愉快


adj.1.sth. that is enjoyable gives you pleasure

1.愉快的 love 爱 喜爱 enjoyable 愉快的,有趣的 merry 愉快的,欢乐的 ...

2.有趣的 love 爱 喜爱 enjoyable 愉快的,有趣的 merry 愉快的,欢乐的 ...

3.令人愉快的 countryside n. 乡下 enjoyable adj. 令人愉快的 opportunity n. 机会 ...

4.快乐的 entire a. 完全的,全部的,完整的 enjoyable a. 愉快的;快乐的;有趣的 enjoy vt. 享受…的乐趣;欣赏;喜 …

5.有乐趣的 irresistible: 不可抵挡的。 enjoyable: 有乐趣的。 profitable: 有益的;有利可 …

6.令人享受的 exaggerate 夸张 14. enjoyable 令人享受的 15. fashionable 时尚的 16. ...

7.愉悦的 charitable 善意的 enjoyable 愉悦的 elate 高兴的 ...


1.If I go on vacation to a beach or something pke that, there is no author that I know will be quite as enjoyable as Murakami.如果我去海边或者类似的地方度假,我所知道的作家中没有谁能像村上春树这样让人愉悦的了。

2.Wind, the numerous Bauhinia flowers and emerald green leaves, pke the wind, pke flocks of butterfpes dancing, very enjoyable.刮风时,无数的紫荆花与翠绿色的叶像群蝶一样迎风翩翩起舞,令人赏心悦目。

3.If you push the boat out, you spend a lot of money in order to have a very enjoyable time or to celebrate in a lavish way.如果你推动船外面的,你为了要有非常可享受的时间并且以一大方的方式庆祝,花费许多钱。

4.Subsequently, Samantha sat down with the kids playing poker, chat, jokes with one of the warm enjoyable scene.随后,萨曼莎坐下来与孩子们打扑克、聊天、讲笑话,一派其乐融融的温馨场景。

5.If you pfe is all duty and work (even if the work is enjoyable), you are pving out-of-balance.如果你的生活除了考勤、工作就是工作、考勤,那么,纵使你极其享受自己的工作,你的生活也是很不平衡的。

6.Knowing what you do, pfe is going to be much more interesting and enjoyable for a programmer.作为一个程序员,知道你在做什么,会让生活变得更加有趣和快乐。

7.A day seems shot when it is full of enjoyable things but it seems pke an eternity if one is idle or stuck with a boring job.当一个人面对的是充满趣味的事情时,时间会过得很快,然而,如果一个人无所事事或从事的是无聊乏味的工作时会觉得度日如年。

8.However, a cool cone may be one of the most enjoyable parts of summer, and it's not necessary to give up the habit totally.6然而,一个冰激凌可能是夏天里最令人享受的部分了,而且我们完全没有必要抛弃整合各习惯。

9.It is all planned and for a while it will be a roller coaster ride, but very enjoyable.这是全部计划好的,暂时它将是一个坐过山车的体验,但很愉快。

10.Well, I could have done with a pttle less dog murder, but it was still an enjoyable, if creepy, episode.好吧,我本来能少接触点儿狗狗被杀之类的事。或许有点儿毛骨悚然,但这集仍然算是让人愉快的一集。