


美式发音: [ˈprestən] 英式发音: ['prestən]





n.1.[City]a port city in northwestern England2.[Male Name]a male given name

1.普雷斯顿普雷斯顿preston)是北英格兰最受人钟爱的集镇之一,其悠久的历史可追溯到1179年,如今,该市是重要而繁华的商业、购 …

2.普莱斯顿例如普莱斯顿Preston)和寇尔(Coale)提出的从死亡人口年龄分布估计成人死亡率方法,布拉斯(Brass)提出的增长平衡方 …

3.普勒斯顿英国普勒斯顿 (Preston)附近的雷兰(Leyland),是一个很的城巿,属於兰开夏(Lancashire)县;50年代后,这个城巿因汽车工业 …

4.普雷斯顿市普雷斯顿市(Preston)是英国兰开夏郡行政中心,相当于中国的省会城市。它也是北英格兰最受人钟爱的集镇之一,其悠久的历 …

5.普林斯顿普林斯顿PRESTON) 是位于英格兰西北部的一座历史悠久的城市,为兰开郡的管理和经济中心。城市被迷人变幻的乡村风 …

6.普瑞斯顿1977 年,加拿大 学者普瑞斯顿preston)认为:企业社会责任应当从企业处理社 会问题的流程来对企业社会责任进行评价, …


1.He took six years to work around UK, he came to Southampton, Eastleigh, Bradford, Birmingham, Manchester before he came to Preston.然后用六年时间走南闯北,他去过南安普顿,伊斯特里,bradford,伯明翰,曼城,最后来到普雷斯顿。

2.If Preston had to be extended to handle other kinds of input data, it might have to be able to different forms of the same name.如果必须对Preston进行扩展来处理其他类型的输入数据,那么必须能够处理同一名字的不同形式。

3.Showing off three expensive watches to his travepng companions, Preston said the dollar's woes have made his trip especially economical.普莱斯顿向他的旅行同伴炫耀了三块昂贵的手表,并且说美元贬值使他的旅行特别值。

4.We would love to see Preston fill a role similar to what Mathew Ingram does at the Toronto Globe and Mail, Canada's largest daily paper.我们很高兴普雷斯顿能担当着类似于马修·英格拉姆(MathewIngram)在加拿大最大日报《多伦多环球邮报》所任的职位。

5.He stated that the charity was actually initiated by two sisters named Preston and that the effigy on the cake was that of two poor widows.他认为该慈善活动最初是由普列斯顿两姐妹发起的,糕饼上的肖像则是两位贫穷的寡妇。

6.Sue Preston, his mother, says several of her friends are helping out their grown sons, providing either money or shelter or both.他的妈妈休-普雷斯顿(SuePreston)说,她有几个朋友也在接济已经成年的儿子,要么给钱,要么提供住处,要么既给钱又提供住处。

7.Housing Secretary Steven C. Preston said the expanded program would help an additional 100, 000 borrowers in crisis by the end of the year.住房部长Preston说计划的扩展年底前将帮助额外10万有风险的借款人。

8.So, detective Preston. . . Can I call you Mitch? Why don't I just launch into a few basic questions. and find out what makes you tick.那,普雷斯顿探员…我能叫你米奇?我们从一些基本的问题开始好了。

9.Mr. Preston's marriage broke up and he moved back in with his parents, an increasingly common pattern for jobless young men.普雷斯顿的婚姻破裂了,和越来越多的失业年轻人一样,他搬回去跟父母住到了一起。

10.Kevin took time out of his busy schedule to support his son, Sean Preston, at his pttle league game in L. A. on Sunday.凯文把百忙之中抽空来支持他的儿子肖恩·普雷斯顿,在他的小联赛在洛杉矶星期天的比赛。