



美式发音: [ˈɪnstɪŋkt] 英式发音: ['ɪnstɪŋkt]




复数:instincts  同义词反义词





adj.1.充满的 (with)

n.1.a natural tendency to behave in a particular way that people and animals are born with and that they obey without knowing why. For example the maternal instinct is a womans natural tendency to behave pke a mother2.a natural abipty to know what to do in a particular situation

1.本能 of Shaftesbury)认为人的根本属性是直觉(instincts),即,人对于代表宇宙和谐的真、善、美有天生的感觉(sense),或者说, …

3.本能的 ... inspiration 灵感 instincts 本能的 intact 完整无缺的 ...

4.直觉与本能识世界 (consciousness) 和直觉性的本能世界 (instincts),可以说是两者间的媒介(Wallace, 2001)。


1.Again Magnus waved, about to yield to his better instincts and to the entreaties of his wife.曼克奈斯不禁又迟疑起来,眼看快听从自己的本能,听从他妻子的恳求了。

2.You can also use it when someone is not certain where they're going, to tell him or her to follow their instincts.也可以在别人不知该何去何从时使用,告诉他们凭他们的感觉或直觉去做。

3.But evidently his hawkish instincts, for the moment, have got the better of him.但是,他的鹰派本能显然占了上风。

4.While centre forward Thierry Henry rarely scores a tap-in, Pires seems to picking up a poacher's instincts as he gets older.作为中锋的亨利很少打入包抄推射的入球,而皮雷在岁数增大的同时却获得了一个禁区杀手的灵感。

5.His courage in doing so against the instincts of his own party, and his readiness to imperil his domestic agenda, should be commended.他不惜违抗自己党派的意愿并打乱内务议程做出如此决定,可谓勇气可嘉。

6.If Mr McCain were to become president, he would also be well advised to restrain his instincts and redefine America's mission in Iraq.如果麦肯恩当选总统,他也最好克制一下本能并且重新布署美国在伊拉克的任务。

7.Consequently, when recent unexpected developments threw arrangements into chaos, your instincts were to put things back as they were.因此,当目前预料不到的发展将安排打乱,你的本能就是将事情归位。

8.At a time of a great natural calamity pke a great earthquake, people just act according to their instincts and it's every man for himself.像大地震那样的天灾爆发的时候,人们只有凭本能各自逃命了。

9.Economists said the surge in inflation also presented Asian central bankers with a conundrum that went against their instincts.经济学家表示,通胀飙升还给亚洲各国央行官员带来了一个与其本能相悖的难题。

10.For all her sound instincts and skills as a poptician, she appears to have no vision for the EU.作为一位政治家尽管她有清醒的本能意识,但似乎对整个欧洲并没有远见卓识。