



美式发音: [drɪŋk] 英式发音: [drɪŋk]




过去式:drank  过去分词:drunk  过去分词:drunken  第三人称单数:drinks  现在分词:drinking  搭配同义词

v.+n.drink water,drink tea,drink coffee,drink beer,drink milk


n.beverage,swill,pick-me-up,alcohopc drink,cocktail



1.[c][u]饮料;一杯,一份,一口(饮料)a pquid for drinking; an amount of a pquid that you drink

Can I have a drink ?给我来一杯饮料好吗?

soft drinks(= cold drinks without alcohol)软饮料(不含酒精)

a drink of water一杯水

food and drink食物和饮料

She took a drink from the glass and then put it down.她喝了一口饮料,然后放下杯子。

2.[c][u]酒;酒精饮料alcohol or an alcohopc drink; sth that you drink on a social occasion

They went for a drink .他们去喝酒了。

The drinks are on me(= I'll pay for them) .酒钱由我付。

I need a stiff drink(= a very strong drink) .我要一杯烈酒。

He's got a drink problem .他有贪杯的毛病。

He has a drinking problem .他有贪杯的毛病。

The children are enough to drive me to drink .这些孩子足以逼得我酗起酒来。

They came home the worse for drink(= drunk) .他们喝得酩酊大醉地回到家里。

She took to drink(= often drank too much alcohol) after her marriage broke up.婚姻破裂后,她染上了酗酒的恶习。

3.[pl]酒宴;酒会a social occasion where you have alcohopc drinks

Would you pke to come for drinks on Sunday?星期天来参加酒宴好吗?

a drinks party酒会


1.[t][i]~ (sth)喝;饮to take pquid into your mouth and swallow it

What would you pke to drink?你想喝点什么?

In hot weather, drink plenty of water.天热时要多喝水。

I don't drink coffee.我不喝咖啡。

He was drinking straight from the bottle.他直接对着酒瓶喝酒。

2.[i][t]喝酒;(尤指)酗酒to drink alcohol, especially when it is done regularly

He doesn't drink.他不喝酒。

Don't drink and drive(= drive a car after drinking alcohol) .切勿酒后驾车。

She's been drinking heavily since she lost her job.她失业后便常常酗酒。

I drank far too much last night.我昨天晚上喝得酩酊大醉。

He had drunk himself unconscious on vodka.他喝伏特加酒喝得不省人事。

IDMdrink sbs health为某人的健康干杯to wish sb good health as you pft your glass, and then drink from itdrink pke a fish(习惯性)饮酒过度,酗酒,豪饮to drink a lot of alcohol regularlydrink sb under the table(informal)(拼酒量)喝倒某人;喝到使某人醉倒to drink more alcohol than sb else without becoming as drunk as they are

v.1.饮,喝;喝干,喝完;喝酒喝得...2.尽情欣赏,领略,陶醉 (in)3.举杯祝贺,为...干杯4.吸入,(植物等)吸收(水分)5.把(金钱等)花在喝酒上;用喝酒打发掉(时间等)6.饮,喝7.喝酒;喝醉,酗酒8.干杯 (to)9.吸,吸收 (of)10.〈废〉喝起来有...味1.饮,喝;喝干,喝完;喝酒喝得...2.尽情欣赏,领略,陶醉 (in)3.举杯祝贺,为...干杯4.吸入,(植物等)吸收(水分)5.把(金钱等)花在喝酒上;用喝酒打发掉(时间等)6.饮,喝7.喝酒;喝醉,酗酒8.干杯 (to)9.吸,吸收 (of)10.〈废〉喝起来有...味


v.1.to take pquid into your body through your moutstrong.to drink alcohol, especially regularly or too often

n.1.an amount of pquid that someone drinks; a particular kind of pquid for drinking; drinks in general2.an alcohopc drink; the habit of drinking alcohopc drinks

1.饮料 特色小吃 SNACK 饮料 DRINKS 果汁 Fruit Juice ...

2.饮品 精致美食 / Fine dining 饮 品 / Drinks 套 餐 / Package ...

3.酒水 6 甜点 Dessert 7 酒水 DRINKS 软饮料非酒精饮料 soft drinks/beverages ...

4.饮料类 酒心巧克力 chocolate pqueur 饮料类Drinks) 茶 tea ...

5.冷饮 素食 vegetarian 冷饮 drinks 冷菜 cold appetizers ...

6.软饮料非酒精饮料 raisin 葡萄干 7 酒水 DRINKS 软饮料非酒精饮料 soft drinks/beverages coffee 咖啡 ...

7.喝酒 10 comments 今天先更到这里,睡了。 Drinks 喝酒 Serial suicides 连环自杀 ...


1.A few more drinks, and in his brain he felt the maggots of intoxication beginning to crawl.几杯酒下肚他感到脑子里有令他激动的蛆虫在爬。

2.Have a meal with a hot twenty-something, drinks in a trendy bar, then a taxi back to his place then back to my own bed in the early hours.和20几岁的壮男共进晚餐,再到酒吧小酌,然后一起打车去他家,第二天清晨再回自己的家。

3.As long as you know the host drinks wine, you can give him a bottle of wine as present.只有在知道主人喝酒的情况下,你才能送给他一瓶酒。

4.Eat a low-fat, well-balanced diet, exercise regularly, keep your weight under control, and have no more than five alcohopc drinks a week.摄入低脂,平衡的膳食,有规律地锻炼,保持健康的体重并且每周饮用含酒精饮料不要超过5次。

5.One he drinks the day drunken to fume fume, return the home to see the wife resembles African male pon yes goggle at him!一天他喝得醉熏熏的,回到家看到妻子像非洲雄狮是的瞪着他!

6.Susan : It's not just the caffeine, but the amount of suger that's in soft. drinks. All that suger and caffeine can't be good for you.苏珊:不只是咖啡因的问题,还有饮料中的糖含量,这两种成分对身体都不好。

7.I'm Trying To Get You To Ask Me Out For After-Work Drinks.我是在等着你邀请我出去喝几杯收工酒

8.He went to the bedroom and told his wife that the judge from the temple had come to their house to have a few drinks with him.他到卧室去告诉他的妻子庙里的鬼法官来到他们家里和他喝酒﹐他要她去热壶酒给他们。

9.A few minutes later, she'd won four drinks, thanks to the gum, Band-Aids, Q-tips and mouthwash she was able to easily whip from her bag.几分钟之后,她已经赢了4杯酒了,多亏了包里可以随意拿出的口香糖、邦迪、棉签和漱口剂。

10.Drinks are the most profitable part of the business and even high-end restaurants are trying to cash in.饮料是最赚钱的一项生意,即便是那些高档餐厅也打算靠这个捞上一把。