




1.冯特拉普出演《音乐之声》时拍的。莫尼卡问菲比又没有看到剧中冯特拉普(Von Trapp)一家的孩子,菲比说没有,莫尼卡说那是因为 …

2.崔普 ... *Sound of Music: 电影 “音乐之声” ) h- f4 Y+ *Von Trapp: 电影里的男主角,那个上校 *alp: 啊而卑斯山 ...

5.特拉普上校d of Music”)中,他与前者合作,分别饰演冯特拉普上校(Von Trapp)和玛丽亚(Maria);而正是后者瓦尔克尔麦的极力鼓励,他 …


1.Maria Von Trapp's only complaint about the musical was that it portrayed her as a goody-goody .玛丽亚对该音乐片唯一有点抱怨是片中把她描绘成了一个唯唯诺诺的人物形象。

2.Kurt: We were afraid you were going to make us all dance together. The Von Trapp family dancers!库:恐怕你要叫我们大家一起跳舞了,冯·特普家庭舞蹈组。

3.Zeller: And you ask me to bepeve this? ! That you, Captain Von Trapp, are singing in a concert?西:你要我信你的话?你,冯·特普上校会在音乐节上演唱?

4.For stepparents who guide and nurture their children with love. especially Maria von Trapp and my own mother Louise.献给用爱给予孩子们养育和引导的继父母们,特别是玛瑞亚。冯。恰普和我的妈妈露易斯。

5.Even now, officials are waiting in this auditorium to escort Captain Von Trapp to his new command in the Naval Forces of the Third Reich.此刻,官员们正坐在观众席上等待着护送冯·特普上校去第三帝国海军就任新职。

6.Von Trapp was the oldest daughter of Austrian naval Capt. Georg Ritter von Trapp.冯特拉普是奥地利海军上校乔治冯特拉普里特的大女儿。

7.Margarit The Von Trapp children, Reverend want to see Maria.院长嬷嬷,是冯·特普家的孩子们,他们想见玛丽亚。

8.Reverend Mother: Him? Thank you, Sister Margarita. (Sister Margarita goes out) Captain Von Trapp? Are you in love with him?嬷:他?谢谢你了,玛格丽塔修女。(玛格丽塔修女退下。)冯·特普上校,你爱上他了?

9.captain von trapp are singing in a concert?你文川普上校在演唱会演唱?

10.Ad when you are finished singing, you Captain Von Trapp, will be taken to Bremer haven.你们一唱完,你,冯·特普将军,就要被送往布莱梅港。