




1.阿金库尔亨利六世是阿金库尔Agincourt)的胜利者的儿子,同他的外祖父查理六世一样变疯了,这是历史对《特鲁瓦条约》(the Trea…

2.爱静阁多伦多爱静阁Agincourt)家庭旅馆  647-896-6616中国: 400-686-1245 + 33022  1506577765@qq网址被屏蔽 多伦多小枫苑家庭旅 …

3.阿让库尔阿让库尔 (Agincourt)我的浏览记录 最受欢迎 价格 星级 评论 距离 特惠 国际酒店邮件订阅 在线客服 价格:

4.阿金库特其中一集便是探寻阿金库特Agincourt)之战法军战败之谜 在进行了大量的考古工作和模拟试验后,得出的结论和坊间流传的 …

5.阿金库尔战役  《阿金库尔战役》(Agincourt)作者 Bernard Cornwell  《在边缘》(Out on the Rim)作者 Ross Thomas and Donald Westlak…

6.阿根科特法国的奥尔良大公在阿根科特Agincourt)战役中被英军俘虏,然后被关在伦敦塔中很多年。他写给妻子很多首情诗,流传下 …

7.阿让库尔之役例如415年著名的阿让库尔之役Agincourt ),在强大的英国步兵攻势下,大小战役让法王们丢尽了老脸。到了15时机初期, …

8.士嘉堡爱静阁而士嘉堡爱静阁(Agincourt)选区候选人蔡承志,昨日则因故未能出席介绍会。 星岛日报/联邦大选昨天首日开跑,保守党竞选战 …


1.Perhaps he thought it unworthy of an old archer of Agincourt to pay any heed to such disturbances.也许他认为,象他那样一个身经阿金库尔战役的老射手,不屑去注意这类干扰。

2.An adviser to Agincourt said the recent volatipty in the high-yield market played no role in the firm's decision to postpone the offering.该公司一位顾问说,近期高收益市场的波动性与它决定推迟发行无关。

3.His unexpectedly decisive victory over the French at Agincourt in 1415 whetted his appetite for the crown of France as well.1415年,亨利六世在阿让库尔攻打法国,取得出其不意的决定性胜利,刺激了他获得法国王冠的愿望。

4.The fields at Agincourt were thick with mud, having recently been plowed for winter wheat and soaked in a heavy October shower.当时的战场是阿金库尔的农田。刚为冬种翻犁过,又经过十月豪雨浸泡,农田里满是泥泞。

5.With its 76 percent visible minority population, many election issues in Scarborough-Agincourt relate to immigration.在拥有76%显著少数族裔人口的士嘉堡—爱静阁选区,许多竞选话题都与移民有关。

6.Actually it is rather incorrect to say that the longbows won agincourt.实际上,所谓长弓手赢得了阿金库尔战役是一种错误的说法。

7.If Henry V at Agincourt had spoken to his army about relative troop strengths, we might all be speaking French.他说,“如果亨利五世在阿金库尔战役中向他的军队比较双方实力的话,我们现在可能都要说法语了。”

8.Mary Ward Cathopc Secondary School - (Agincourt neighbourhood) Toronto - 8.玛丽天主教中学-(爱邻里)多伦多-8。

9.Agincourt had hoped to bring the bond to the market by July, but it has to delay the offering until August.Agincourt曾打算让这只债券在7月之前上市,但它不得不推迟至8月份。

10.The bond will offer an annual yield of 4%, said Craig Turnbull, chief executive officer of Agincourt.Agincourt首席执行长特恩布尔(CraigTurnbull)说,债券的年利率将为4%。