

new star

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1.新星 NB 不用我解释了吧 有创意么 呵呵 new star 新星 supper star 超级星星 ...

2.新星号人进场。新星资产管理集团(New Star)基金经理人艾佛薛德说:「我对金融股及消费品类股已经算很乐观的了,但看不到近期 …

6.现代舞新星现代舞新星(New Star)稻草人舞团-牵绊 About Categories Contact Terms © 2012 Veengle Add to My Compilation Open Video …

7.纽斯桑拿会所纽斯桑拿会所(new star)预订人均价格:150.00元,点击查看更多关于纽斯桑拿会所(new star)的信息,包含电话、地址、简介、营 …

8.新星资产管理公司但Real一直是麦德龙集团里的麻烦,伦敦新星资产管理公司New Star)欧陆证券部门主管怀特说:「或许事情会有转机,不 …


1.He said, after sending the radio warnings, Russian border guards began to fire to the "New Star" .他说,俄边防军在通过无线电发出警告后,便向“新星号”开火。

2.The lustre of some of New Star's managers faded, notably that of Stephen Whittaker, the former joint chief investment officer.一些新星的基金经理头上的光环已经褪去,特别是前任联合首席投资官史蒂芬•维托克。

3.Russian media say the ship, named New Star, was being pursued by Russian border guards and sank in a storm after the shooting.据俄罗斯媒体报导,当时“新星”号遇到俄罗斯边防军的追逐,中弹后在暴风雨中沉没。

4.On screen, MGM enhanced the mystique of its new star by teaming her with the best photographers and designers.银幕上,米高梅通过给她配备最好的摄影师和造型师来增加这位新星的神秘感。

5.In the past, when fashion designers have glommed on to a new star, they have bent her to their will.在过去,时尚设计师想捧红一个新星,会将其塑造成他们想要的样子。

6.Congress decided the U. S. flag would consist of 13 red and white stripes and 20 stars, with a new star to be added for every new state.年,国会决定美国国旗将由13条红白条纹和20颗星星组成,每增加一个州时增加一颗新的星星。

7.This special planet and this special solar system are to be restored and a new star-nation created.这个特殊的行星和这个特殊的太阳系将被重塑为新的星系联合。

8.A new star is said to have emerged in the sky when Kim Jong-il was born.据说金正日出生时天空出现了一颗新星。

9.The new star was visible for months and is thought to be the earpest recorded supernova.这颗新星持续可见达数月之久,并被公认为是历史上最早的超新星记载。

10.All the new star join directives are query level directives that affect the execution of a query.所有新的星型连接指令都是查询层次的指令,会影响查询的执行。