




1.魔法部 “Quidditch” 魁地奇, “the Ministry of Magic魔法部. “basipsk” 蛇怪, ...

2.魔法部部长掌管的魔法部由魔法部部长掌管的魔法部The Ministry of Magic),成立於十七世纪期间。魔法部被邀请加入国际巫师联合会参与《巫师秘 …


1.The Ministry of Magic's Muggle Liaison Office was short-staffed, and no one had read the Muggle newspapers all that week.魔法部的麻瓜联络处的人手永远短缺,因此,整整一周没人阅读那些麻瓜报纸也就不奇怪了。

2.Umbridge only asked harry they endorsed, practice lesson, students because she was afraid of the ministry of magic used against you.乌姆里奇只要求哈利他们背书,一点实践课都没有,因为她怕这些学生会将所学用来对付魔法部。

3.After he left school, he worked on reports for his job at the Ministry of Magic in his room.霍格沃兹毕业后,他在自己的房间完成魔法部的工作——书写报告。

4."Over the years, this memory charm has helped the Ministry of Magic to keep the wizarding world secret, " Highfield says.“多年来,这种魔法帮助魔法部保持魔法世界的秘密,”海菲尔德说道。

5.Both Arthur Weasley and Amos Diggory work for the Ministry of Magic, although in different departments.亚瑟·韦斯莱和阿莫斯·迪戈里都在魔法部工作,只是部门不同。

6.These spells are used routinely by the Ministry of Magic as they work to keep the Wizarding World a secret from the Muggles.当魔法部致力于不让麻瓜知道魔法世界的工作时,这些通常被作为最常用的咒语。

7.any coins dropped in the Fountain of Magical Brethren in the Atrium of the Ministry of Magic are donated to St. Mungo's.所有被投掷入位于魔法部门厅中央的魔法兄弟喷泉的钱币将全部被捐赠给圣芒戈。

8.In a surprise move last night the Ministry of Magic passed new legislation. . .在昨晚的一次临时行动中,魔法部通过了新的法令,……

9.The Ministry of Magic keeps a registry of known Animagi because of the potential for misuse of this skill.魔法部开设有已知阿尼马吉的注册登记处,因为滥用这种技巧有着潜在的危害。

10.Loathes: The Ministry of Magic. Also loathes big, fat pars.憎恨:魔法部,也讨厌撒谎的人。