
instead of是什么意思_instead of用法和例句

instead of:[英 [inˈsted ɔv] 美 [ɪnˈstɛd ʌv] ]

instead of是什么意思

instead of 基本解释

instead of的反义词

(用…)代替…, (是…)而不是…, (用…)而不用…

instead of的解释

instead of 情景对话


instead of

A:I would suggest that you use this material instead of that .


B:But that costs more .


instead of的解释

A:But you will get less waste from this .


B:We‘ll try it once .


Psychological Counseling-(心理咨询)

A:One of my students told me she was very depressed today.




instead of

A:Her father is dying.


B:Oh, that’s very sad.


A:Yeah, she’s broken up about it, poor kid.


B:What did you do?


A:I talked to her for a while, but she’s really depressed. So, I made an appointment with the school counselor for her.


B:That’s a good idea. The counselor is a psychologist. He’s better trained to handle these sorts of things.


A:Yeah, that’s what I told her. I’m glad she’s reaching out for help, instead of trying to deal with this on her own.


B:Yeah, me too.


Cable TV-(有线电视)

A:Mom, can we get cable TV or a satellite dish?


instead of的反义词

B:It costs money, dear. What’s wrong with the regular television stations?


A:The shows are dull and they’re too many advertisements.


instead of是什么意思

B:Well, you already watch too much TV instead of doing your homework, anyway.


A:There ’re educational stations too. I could learn while I watched TV.


B:Well, that’s true, but you’d probably only watch cartoons and action movies.


A:No I wouldn’t…can’t we get cable? Everybody has cable.


B:Well, if everybody jumped off a bridge, would you jump too?


A:Mom!!!! Please. All my friends have had it for years.


B:Get new friends.


A:Why are you always so mean?


B:Because you’d end up spoiled rotten if I wasn’t.


instead of什么意思

A:I could help pay for it.


B:Let’s see how your grades are this semester, and maybe I’ll talk to your father about it.


A:O.K. Thanks, Mom!


instead of 网络解释

1. 替代:数 ...触发器功能 1、 允许/限制对表的修改 2、 自动生成派生列,比如自增字段 3、 强制数据一致性 4、 提供审计和日志记录 5、 防止无效的事务处理 6、 启用复杂的业务逻辑 触发器种类 触发器的种类可划分为4种:1.数据操纵语言(DML)触发器、2.替代(INSTEAD OF)触发器、3.数据定

2. 代替,而不是:instead of 代替;而不是 | interfere with 干涉;干预;妨碍;干扰;影响 | involve in 涉及;卷入;陷入;使进入;使连累

3. 代替:in the charge of 由......掌管 | in honour of 为了纪念,为向......表示敬意 | instead of 代替

4. 替代,而不是:in vain 徒劳,白费力 | instead of 替代,而不是 | bear...in mind 记住(某事)

instead of 双语例句

1. If your computer is set up, only instead of recording documents in books and documents, then the certificate of the board after the account audit process, the only document in the certificate recorded on the registered certificate of the accounting data with a special logo to distinguish them from non-registered persons account of the certificate data.


2. In this work, Gladney challenges this simplistic view, arguing instead that the very opposition of majority and minority, primitive and modern, are historically constructed and are belied by examination of such disenfranchised groups as Muslims, minorities, and gendered others.


3. instead of

3. Instead, it is the kind of profound affection that makes you smile at idiosyncrasies that anyone else would find pointless, or get the joke that nobody else will understand.



4. If you say Yiyue Yiri, instead of Zhengyue Chuyi, most people would mistake it as 1st of January (We get used to expressing Gregorian calendar by Arabic numerals while expressing Yinli by Chinese numerals).


5. Instead I felt miserable about the loneliness of being in a new community.


6. Integrate faster version of the built-in scanner: will a hard copy scan-to-plate on the device, instead of Photoshop.


7. The post-travel funk can be something you bond over instead of something that builds walls between you.


8. Sword Specialization: This ability now grants extra yellow attacks instead of extra white attacks.


9. The third solution is for the acquirer to go ahead with the acquisition, but then subsequently repurchase a quantity of shares equal to the number issued in the merger. In this manner, what originally was a stock-for-stock merger can be converted, effectively, into a cash-for-stock acquisition. Repurchases of this kind are damage-repair moves. Regular readers will correctly guess that we much prefer repurchases that directly enhance the wealth of owners instead of repurchases that merely repair previous damage. Scoring touchdowns is more exhilarating than recovering one`s fumbles. But, when a fumble has occurred, recovery is important and we heartily recommend damage-repair repurchases that turn a bad stock deal into a fair cash deal.


10. The results are consistent with the interpretation that positive intangible information tends to trigger institutional herding on the buy side.3. The securities Investment Funds act as momentum traders in bear market while as contrariant traders in bull market. Further analysis reveals that momentum trading by investment funds intensifies stock return momentum but stock price experiences a long-term reversal. It indicates return momentum results from mispricing instead of risk. The securities Investment Funds hamper market efficiency when they act as momentum traders.4 Both momentum trading and herding behavior intensify market anomalies and hamper market efficiency. However, momentum trading or herding behavior is the only one of the many aspects of the institutional investor.


11. With no reference to its public, the BBC has cut its losses by axing the very programming that made it so excellent and unique – keeping instead the pop tart variety of television that can be found anywhere at any time.


12. instead of的翻译

12. Indefinite pronouns do not specify any particular noun or adjective instead of the pronoun, an indefinite pronoun in English...


13. For instance, as one more grievance against Rome, he never tires of inveighing against the fact that Pope Marinus I (882-84), John VIII's successor, was translated from another see, instead of being ordained from the Roman clergy.

例如,作为一个对罗马更加不满,他从来没有对轮胎的inveighing的事实,教宗马里努斯口( 882-84 ),约翰八世的继任者,被翻译从另一个见,而不是祝从罗马神职人员。

14. instead of什么意思

14. Instead of smiling, each of them made a face.


15. Instead of looking at the process in exclusive political-economic terms and from the urban standpoint, this course seeks to study interactively the rural and the global/modern interface, and inclusively in the terms of cultural development, focusing on the areas of concepts, histories, and theoretical perspectives concerning the emergence of peasantry and village, modernization and capitalization of agriculture, representations of trans-national or peasant workers (as inter-cultural intermediaries), residue of rural and communal culture from within the urban and global settings and its cleavage.


16. Reliangbiao flow is the main parameters instead of models range.


17. If the bad thing does not happen we might be able to take advantage of something good instead.


18. Maybe that's a question for an English teacher instead of a sportswriter.


19. Later, at King Roger's court in Potenza, she learnt of the death of her uncle Raymond; this appears to have forced a change of plans, for instead of returning to France from Marseilles, they instead sought the Pope in Tusculum, where he had been driven five months before by a Roman revolt.


20. One art expert said Diane Arbus turned photography inside out. Instead of looking at her subjects, she made them look at her.


instead of 单语例句instead of的近义词

1. Business is now sometimes done with private Chinese oil companies instead of the China Oil Ministry.

2. Unlike the British man, the current generation of business people act instead of think.

3. Instead of paying business tax on all transactions in the industrial chain, modern service providers will pay 6 percent VAT.

4. Some producers currently use cocoa butter substitute processed with edible lipids instead of cocoa butter made from cacao.

5. They tended to mend their own clothes instead of buy new ones, and searched for foreclosed homes to save money.

6. Long is not the first official encouraging people to rent an apartment instead of buying one.

7. Instead of buying it at full price at department stores, she tries to find them at places such as the zoo market.

8. Such a policy would allow banks to sell more dollars than they buy, instead of buying more dollars than they sell.

9. If life is a journey instead of a race to reach a destination, then you should value the four years by all means.

10. Instead, the endangered animals could go abroad only by means of leasing.