

carol:[英 [ˈkærəl] 美 [ˈkærəl] ]


过去式:caroled; carolled;   过去分词:caroled; carolled;   现在分词:caroling; carolling;   复数形式:carols;

carol 基本解释


名词圣诞之歌,(宗教)颂歌; 卡罗尔舞蹈

不及物动词欢乐地唱; 唱圣诞颂歌

及物动词欢唱; 歌唱庆祝


carol 相关例句


1. The company's salesman has been caroling its glories for many years.



1. She used to carol cheerfully every morning.


carol 网络解释


1. 卡萝尔:海明威有一个姐姐马塞兰(Marcelline),三个妹妹[厄休拉(Ursula)、马德琳(Madelaine)、卡萝尔(Carol)]和一个弟弟莱斯特?克拉伦斯?海明威(Leicester Clarence Hemingway). 海明威继承了外公厄内斯特.霍尔(Ernest Hall)的名,

2. 颂歌:教徒们在音乐的伴奏下唱着圣歌(hymn)、颂歌(carol)、念着赞美诗,表达他们对耶稣复活的欢乐和喜悦心情. 复活节的教堂烛光通明. 据说,烛身象征着耶稣的圣体,烛芯是耶稣的灵魂,烛光表示耶稣神性和人性的统一. 在复活节里,

3. carol什么意思

3. 卡罗:在本书准备初稿时,卡罗(Carlo Iman)、桑德拉(Sandra Robinson)和文蒂(Wendy Wat)给了我们重要的帮助. 最后,我们要感谢家人和朋友:卡罗(Carol)、凯特(Kate)、乔恩(Jon)、 珍(Jan)、马克(Mark)和林恩尼(Lynne),感谢他们的宽容和帮助.

carol 双语例句

1. carol什么意思

1. I figure I will probably be laid off, 'said Carol Guenther, 38, an executive administrative assistant who has worked at Bear Stearns for 13 years.


2. carol

2. Then singing among the savage branches, it impales itself upon the longest, sharpest spine. And, dying. It rises above its own agony to out-carol the lark and the nightingale.


3. carol是什么意思

3. Carol: One restaurant is on the corner of Main Street and Park lane.



4. Bobby happened to find that situation when he found Carol.


5. True story of Don and Carol Richardsons` sharing of the gospel with the Sawi people of New Guinea, a Stone Age cannibalistic people who knew vaguely of the `Peace Child` from.

一对宣教士夫妇1962年到了新几内亚西半部的沙威并采用救赎类推法向当地人传福音,用他们所能了解的方式,指出耶稣乃是和平之子的真实见证。26 minutes。

6. Carol was so excited to introduce her friend Annie.



7. Carol: You`re lucky to have such a brother-in-law.


8. Carol: Looks like I have a big baby already….


9. carol什么意思

9. Other thinkers associated with the movement include Mary Daly, Susan Griffin, Andrea Dworkin, and Carol Gilligan, to name only a few.


10. I will make every one listen to the brook carol


11. A: My date with Carol is set. I`m so excited.


12. carol什么意思

12. And then Evan Stone and Craig Carol (T-Bone Films) got onboard with their cinematography prowess.


13. carol在线翻译

13. But the simple carol of this novice struck at your love.


14. He has also tapped former Environmental Protection Agency head Carol Browner for a new post that will coordinate White House policy on energy and climate change.

他也为前环境保护处的领导Carol Browner安排了一个新的岗位,将调整白宫在能源和气候变化上的政策。

15. carol的反义词

15. She says prizes are always a nice thing and it is lovely to share it with Carol Greider and Jack Szostak.



16. Carol Greider, now 48, said she was telephoned in the early hours with the news that she had won.


17. It doesn't change the research per se, of course, but it's lovely to have the recognition and share it with Carol Greider and Jack Szostak.


18. Arol's son got an F on his report card, she hit the ceiling!


19. You want this show to do well, you do. It has an awesome, charismatic cast you can root for with Moonlight's Alex O'Loughlin in the lead, a promising premise (a unique medical drama from three different perspectives: the organ donors, the patients and the Doctors), and a talented show-runner (Jericho's Carol Barbee).

你希望这部剧能成功,没错,它拥有迷人的,魅力四射的Alex担当主演,他还主演过你曾狂追的剧《血色月光》,还拥有一个前途远大的主题(一部独特的医疗剧从三方面展开叙事:器官捐赠人,待移植的病人和医生),更别说它还拥有才华出众的制作人Carol Barbee。


20. When beautiful sex researcher Carol Sharp checks into a legendary Eastern European castle to document its strange psychic properties and their effects on the human libido, she discovers an ancient diary which unlocks not only the steamy past of the castle, but her own lustful nature as well.


carol 词典解释

1. 圣诞颂歌

Carols are Christian religious songs that are sung at Christmas.

e.g. The singing of Christmas carols is a custom derived from early dance routines of pagan origin...


e.g. ...carol singers at the door.


carol 单语例句carol什么意思

1. Carol explained I had happily slept through the entire episode, even waking up with a cheery yawn as we approached our destination.

2. The 12 Days of Christmas carol harks to what is today the world's most widely observed Christmas ritual - giving and receiving gifts.

3. We made it a point to walk the long way around our compound so she wouldn't see Carol for the next month.

4. Carol's having a hard time keeping a straight face in her classroom this semester, what with Hotmail sitting in the front row.

5. It's the latest twist in the drama that has been swirling around Yahoo since it fired Carol Bartz as CEO five months ago.

6. A man emerged from the darkness, brushed passed the snake and grabbed Carol's hand to lead her down the mountainside.

7. Judge Carol Amon said she delayed the sentencing because she needs more time to review arguments from both sides regarding restitution.

8. We don't come back from the carol concert and settle down to anything involving Dudley Moore in an elf costume.

9. " She just sat and worried when she was on her own, " Carol Thatcher said of the scandal involving her twin brother.

10. Following the success of last year's production of A Christmas Carol, the Dickens holiday classic will return to the stage this December.

carol 英英释义


1. a joyful song (usually celebrating the birth of Christ)

2. joyful religious song celebrating the birth of Christ

Synonym: Christmas carol


1. sing carols

e.g. They went caroling on Christmas Day