

sharpen:[英 [ˈʃɑ:pən] 美 [ˈʃɑ:rpən] ]


过去式:sharpened;   过去分词:sharpened;   现在分词:sharpening;

sharpen 基本解释

及物/不及物动词削尖; 使锐利; 使敏捷; 加重

不及物动词尖锐; 变锋利


sharpen 相关例句


1. Debates sharpen one's wits.


2. He neatly sharpened pencils.



3. Please sharpen this pencil.


4. Cold weather sharpens the pain in my knee.



1. Her voice sharpened as she became impatient.


sharpen 网络解释

1. 锐化滤镜:这一脚本先使用了去斑点滤镜(Despeckle),然后又使用了锐化滤镜(Sharpen). 虽然前一个滤镜能够去除大量的颗粒,但却会同时将图像变模糊. 因此,还需要再使用锐化滤镜. 这样,图像清晰如初,但颗粒现象却减轻了.

2. (锐利化):要后制的话也可以~我是用photoshop有一个滤镜功能叫做锐利化(Sharpen)要后制的话也可以~我是用photoshop有一个滤镜功能叫做锐利化(Sharpen)

3. 銳利度:影像调整项有饱和度( Saturation), 色调 (Tone), 锐利度( Sharpen) 供调整,多了饱和度的项目.

sharpen 双语例句

1. Supported effects which can be processed in batch mode include: Adjust HSL, Adjust RGB, Blend, Brightness, Buttonize, Color Depth, Contrast, Crop, Draw Text, Motion Blur, Mosaic, Perspective, Pinch, Posterize, Resample, Resize, Ripple, Rotate, Sharpen, Soften, Solarize, Swirl, Auto Contrast, Blur, Diffuse, Dilate, Emboss, Equalize, Erode, Flip, Median, Mirror, Negate, Outline, Replace Colors, Colorize, Merge.

支持的影响可以处理在批处理模式包括:hsl调整,调整的RGB ,共混物,亮度,buttonize ,颜色深度,相反,作物,制定文本,运动模糊,马赛克,角度来看,箍缩,posterize ,重采样,大小,纹波,旋转,锐化,柔化,曝光,漩涡,自动调整对比度,模糊,弥漫性,扩张,emboss ,平衡,削弱,倒装,中位数,是一面镜子,否定,纲要,取代的颜色,colorize ,合并。


2. Available features: Auto-Trim, Crop, Deskew, Flip, Mirror, Resample, Resize, Rotate, Shear, Add Noise, Anti-Alias, Average, Bending, Border Remove, Brightness, Buttonize, Color Resolution, Colored Gray, Contour, Contrast, Cylindrical, Despeckle, Dilate, Dot Remove, DPI Resolution, Edge Detector, Emboss, Erode, Etch, Gamma Correct, Gaussian Blur, Glow, Gradient, Grayscale, Half-Tone, HistoContrast, Hole Punch Remove, Hue, Impressionist, Intensity Detect, Invert, Invert Text, Laplacian, Line Remove, Line Segment, Max Filter, Median, Min Filter, Mosaic, Motion Blur, Multiply, Oilify, Old Photo, Pixelate, Polar, Posterize, Prewitt, Punch, Radial Wave, Ripple, Saturation, Sharpen, Smooth, Sobel, Solarize, Swirl, Unsharp, Wave, and more!

可用的功能:自动修剪,作物,deskew ,倒装,是一面镜子,重新取样,大小,旋转,剪切,添加噪音,抗混叠,平均而言,弯曲,边界消除,亮度,buttonize ,色彩解析度,色灰,轮廓,对比度,圆筒形,despeckle ,扩张,点删除,dpi解析度,边缘检测,emboss ,侵蚀,腐蚀,Gamma修正,高斯模糊,辉光,梯度,灰阶,半色调,histocontrast ,孔冲床删除,色调,印象派,强度检测,反转,反转文本,拉普拉斯,删除线,线段,最高过滤器,中位数,闵过滤器,马赛克,运动模糊,乘,oilify ,旧照片,pixelate ,极地,posterize ,prewitt ,冲床,径向波,涟漪,饱和度,锐化,平滑,索贝尔,曝光,漩涡,锐化,波浪,及其他更多功能!

3. sharpen

3. ZYXP slicer is our factory to producing the chemical thick liquid or the wood chip wood grinder with the timber, is it sharpen in blocks demand original slab to need, combine reality, develop but develop with multi-functional dishes of type sharpening blocks of planing meticulously, this machine structure is rational, the craft is superior, easy to operate, it is high to use security, productivity, can replace single function slicer, pulverizer, than use single function equipment raise the efficiency 40%, power consumptive to reduce 25%, suitable for log, reed, cotton firewood pole, mulberry skin, slab, branch material, etc.


4. sharpen什么意思

4. That the revered Nelson Mandela`s rainbow nation is now turning to a man of Mr Zuma`s stamp may sharpen prejudices about Africa.


5. In the recent years, the company has developed series of the down-stream derivatives of P/O-Chlorotoluene, i. e. 3, 000 t/a O- Chlorobenzaldehyde and O-Chlorobenzyl Chloride, 3, 000 t/a P- Chlorobenzaldehyde and P-Chlorobenzyl Chloride, 1, 500 t/a 2.4- Di chlorotoluene etc. In addition, there is the by-product of 30, 000t/a of chlorhydric acid (31-33%). In 2008, the company invested 80 mln yuan, to build the project with 25, 000t/a of Maleic Acid by adopting the up-to-date in China technology, thus to improve the product range to a greater extent, and hence to sharpen its competitive edge.


6. Even though we couldn't win the group championship, we still had good opportunities to sharpen our mental approach and we used good strategy to win more medals.


7. It will sharpen or soften damping as well as steering, gearbox, and throttle responses.


8. sharpen是什么意思

8. Here is a knife to sharpen your pencil, my dear boy.


9. sharpen的解释

9. You own your own meat cleaver and sharpen it.


10. Domestic development and opening-up to the outside world should be well coordinate d in order to sharpen our international competitiveness.


11. sharpen的翻译

11. I also intend to take a few computer classes to sharpen my IT skills.


12. sharpen的解释

12. If the business card printing and membership card making conditions allow, the viscous inks should be possible, so that the business card printing and membership card making products in order to sharpen a clear, complete, Business card printing and membership card making ink you can add thinner or inking oil so as to enhance business card printing and membership card number of produced products.


13. Slash the top of each roll with a sharpen knife.


14. sharpen的意思

14. You own your own meatcleaver and sharpen it.

你有自己的切肉刀而且你会磨它 Mitbbs.com

15. Therefore all Israel would go down to the Philistines so that each might sharpen his plowshare or his mattock or his ax or his hoe.

13:20 以色列人都必须下到非利士人那里去,修打各人的锄、犁、斧、铲。

16. sharpen的意思

16. So all Israel went down to the Philistines, each to sharpen his plowshare, his mattock, his axe, and his hoe.


17. But every one of the Israelites went down to the Philistines to sharpen his plowshare, his mattock, his axe, or his sickle


18. Now the social pressure is too great, a few days before I see the Internet now most people are like you and the like, I think that it is estimated that only a dream, in reality, or bow to the will, to look for a High-tech high-duty work it up, in the community, Big Wave sharpen your own, then I wish you a happy ah work. B: Now as we have such a high responsibility to young people looking for high-tech work has become a trend, and pressure from all sides is too great, not a well-paid work and life issues are ah, I get to a job fair, High-tech high responsibility to find someone still does not look at it. A: Yes, I wish you good luck, good-bye. B: good-bye.

现在社会压力太大了,前几天我上网看现在大多数人也都和你想的一样,我的那个想法估计也就只是梦想了,在现实社会中还是会低头的,去找个高新高责任的工作努力吧,在社会的大浪里磨砺自己吧,那祝你找到一个称心的工作啊 B:现在像我们这样的年轻人想找高新高责任的工作已经成为一个趋势了,来自各方面的压力太大了,没有一份高薪的工作生活都是问题啊,我还是赶快去招聘会了,高新高责任的工作有人想找还找不上呢 A:好的,祝你好运,拜拜 B:拜拜

19. sharpen的解释

19. Continuously providing the innovative and high-level professional design and top-quality support and service to our clients so as to sharpen their competitive edge and promote their corporate images; improving the living quality of our community with joint efforts.



20. I need one to sharpen my pencil.


sharpen 词典解释

1. (感觉、理解)加强;(使)加深;(技巧)提高;(使)改善

If your senses, understanding, or skills sharpen or are sharpened, you become better at noticing things, thinking, or doing something.

e.g. Her gaze sharpened, as if she had seen something unusual...


e.g. You can sharpen your skills with rehearsal.


2. 使变得锋利;削尖;磨快

If you sharpen an object, you make its edge very thin or you make its end pointed.

e.g. He started to sharpen his knife.


e.g. ...sharpened pencils.


3. (分歧、差异等)加剧;(使)加深;(使)加重

If disagreements or differences between people sharpen, or if they are sharpened, they become bigger or more important.

e.g. With urbanisation the antagonism between rich and poor sharpened...


e.g. The case of Harris has sharpened the debate over capital punishment.


相关词组:sharpen up

sharpen 单语例句sharpen的反义词

1. The first Chinese man to qualify for the main draw of a Grand Slam event will get to sharpen his form at home first.

2. It was compiled in the aftermath of Christchurch to help sharpen regional planning for an inevitable local disaster.

3. Ginkgo biloba is taken to sharpen cognitive skills and St John's wort is used to fight depression and sleep disorders.

4. The new edict is commendable since it is sure to sharpen Beijing's competitiveness as an international metropolis.

5. The latest effort to encourage innovation shows that the country has resolved to sharpen the technological competitive edge of its exports.

6. He said his company is now helping Chinese PV products sharpen their competitive edge by ensuring their products have a long life.

7. Local judicial officials suggested the city should lead the nation to optimize its legal service environment if it wants to sharpen its competitive edge.

8. CDMA is a newly constructed mobile network and Unicom hopes this network will sharpen its competitive edge in its competition with rival China Mobile.

9. As China's aviation sector opens wider and more foreign airlines fly in, local carriers will have to sharpen their competitive edge on international flights.

10. As multinational giants accelerate their efforts to tap the Chinese market, the time left for domestic enterprises to sharpen their competitive edge is running out.
