

sudden:[英 [ˈsʌdn] 美 [ˈsʌdn] ]


sudden 基本解释

形容词突然的,未预见到的; 急躁的,仓促的; 快的,迅速的; 急剧

sudden 同义词



sudden 反义词



sudden 相关例句


1. His rise to power was very sudden.


2. There was a sudden change in the plan.


sudden 网络解释

1. 突然的:不管突然的(sudden)和激进的(radical)变动是来自右翼还是左翼,古典保守派几乎都同样反对. 例如,保守派一般与一些欧洲的共和国中希望恢复君主制的右翼团体或是那些在美国希望以官方的形式把基督教建立为国教的右翼团体保持了相当的距离,

2. 突然:1.流动与情感表达有关,分为自由流动(freeflow)与束缚流动(boundflow). 3.时间元素的主要构成为:速度,时间长短-持续性(sustain)和突然(sudden),节奏、韵律(rhythm).

3. 突发的:上诉机构支持这一观点,并进一步认为,进口增加在数量上和性质上必须是近期的(recent)、突发的(sudden)、剧烈的(sharp)和重大的(significant). 采取保障措施国家的调查机关应当审查近期的进口,而不仅仅是过去几年的进口趋势.

4. 日本宝矿力饮料广告歌:32.open up--雀巢咖啡广告主题曲 | 33.sudden--日本宝矿力饮料广告歌 | 50.over the way--探路者广告歌

sudden 双语例句

1. We were seized with a sudden impulse to run.


2. Gradually, something seemed to get opened. The long-held toughness, long-endured pain and long-insisted ways in my body were all of a sudden released with tears trickling down my face. Lying on top of the black synthetic leather surface of the chiropractic bed, I began to recognize the part of me that I had long denied to see.


3. However, this is another life with sentiment, happy, content, and company with a placeful joyance and a sudden excitement occasionally


4. sudden的解释

4. A marked, often sudden, decline in status, rank, or importance


5. China's most authoritative dictionary the most professional mass, sea word dictionary for English learners excellent service: how to say in English flash floods, flash floods of synonyms, antonyms, flash floods in the English translation, a sudden; violent flood; fla.., Most flash floods...

中国最权威最专业的海量词典,海词为英语学习者提供精品词典服务:暴洪的英语怎么说,暴洪的同义词、反义词,暴洪的英文翻译,a sudden; violent flood; fla。。,暴洪最。。。

6. sudden在线翻译

6. All of a sudden, the whole world is at your fingertips.


7. His lawyer has since notified my department of the sudden death of the said investor in a car crash and the lawyer has also asked us to check through our records to see who his client may have indicated as next of kin to the investment, since the fianc§Ы who was indicated in his WILL as beneficiary to most of his properties also died in the same car crash.


8. sudden

8. Haoxianghaoxiang all of a sudden stop and rest, Zhao Yichu local precipitation thoughts.


9. All of a sudden they disappear, the once-thought familiar ones, or the ones we considered to be a part of our life, like the last October sun rays fade away into the far blue of one morning sky.


10. Chinese medicine industry:the end of a sudden huge profil age?



11. There is a sudden rise of a hormone called human chorionic gonadotrophin during early pregnancy, which controls the production of other pregnancy hormones.


12. Urticaria is characterized by skin on the size of the bright red, pink or white porcelain wind mission, this mission often sudden wind, a few hours and then rapidly faded, faded without leaving any traces after.



13. At a party given to introduce Elsa Schraeder to the Captain's neighbors, the ominous rumblings of the imminent German Anschluss begin to be heard. Some of the guests almost come to blows over the possibility of Hilter's take-over of Austria, and one of them threatens the Captain, who is firmly opposed to the Nazi regime. When Maria tries to teach one of the von Trapp boys the charming Austrian folk dance, the Laendler, the Captain takes over, dancing for the first time with Maria. During the dance Maria is confronted with a sudden realization: she has fallen in love with the Captain. In dismay, she flees to the Abbey, where the Mother Abbess advises her that the love of a man and a woman is holy, and that the Abbey is not a place to hide from one's problems but a place in which to confront them. She urges Maria to reach out to meet life and insists that Maria return to the von Trapp household.


14. It was dark when the cannonading stopped all of a sudden.


15. The imminence of the declaration has been suggested more strongly every day, not simply in headlines in the local media, the sudden festooning of Pristina with red and black flags, but the last few technicalities that are required to be tidied up.



16. The effect of hi-voltage static electronic field and hi-voltage pulse electronic field, and the effect of alternate use of two electronic fields on the survival rate of Penaeus vannamei larvae were studied with different treating time and voltages. The 48 h survival rate under anaerobic condition and the adaptability to sudden saline change of the larvae were studied.



17. Chu堵门UNITA car chases of some of the vehicles stopped playing, all of a sudden the gap opened excluded, Wu took the opportunity to rush to League team, around the totem, dining club once again occupied the totem sign, and the situation is quite critical.


18. All of a sudden I slid right down her voice into her living room.


19. He looked at a loss, all of a sudden I get reminded of earlier documents for his ticket.


20. sudden

20. He will bring sudden flashes of inspiration, brilliant brainstorming, and an intuitive ability to work with groups of people into your life.


sudden 词典解释

1. 突然的;骤然的;忽然的

Sudden means happening quickly and unexpectedly.

e.g. He had been deeply affected by the sudden death of his father-in-law...


e.g. 'I hope,' the stranger said, 'that the sudden change of venue did not inconvenience you.'...



The enemy seemed stunned by the suddenness of the attack.


2. 突然地;出乎意料地

If something happens all of a sudden, it happens quickly and unexpectedly.

e.g. All of a sudden she didn't look sleepy any more.


sudden 单语例句sudden在线翻译

1. Ge had been involved in buying heating fuel for schools following a sudden snowfall earlier this month.

2. He explained that his decision to return to the pool had been sudden as he had initially not missed the buzz of top competition.

3. This will not be sudden, but it will be accelerated by margin calls and regulation changes.

4. " We are saddened by the news of Jason Collier's sudden passing, " NBA commissioner David Stern said.

5. Investigators also have been examining whether a sudden decompression sucked oxygen out of the cabin and cockpit and rendered those on board unconscious.

6. As Wong finally managed to free her daughter from the seat that had entangled her, there was a sudden surge of water through the cabin.

7. Faye Chan of SPHC said that it's tricky to try to calculate patients'waiting time, because sometimes one or two sudden deaths release more beds.

8. Cameroon was plunged into grief by the sudden death of the midfielder, an unsung hero of the country's dominant position in African football over the last decade.

9. The shielding canister deformed under a sudden increase of hydraulic pressure from a flood tide, according to a local media report.

10. Shen said traditional broadcasters'monopoly and possible sudden regulatory changes will be the two major factors affecting venture capital in China's IPTV segment.

sudden的意思sudden 英英释义


1. happening without warning or in a short space of time

e.g. a sudden storm

a sudden decision

a sudden cure