

quickly:[英 [ˈkwɪkli] 美 [ˈkwɪklɪ] ]


quickly 基本解释

副词迅速地; 立即; 马上

quickly 同义词



quickly 反义词


quickly 相关例句


1. Quickly, open the door!


2. He died quickly.


quickly 情景对话



A:You mast be Mrs. Wang. I am delighted to meet you at last.


B:Likewise. I have been looking forward to this moment or months!


A:You must be exhausted. Would you like to sit down and rest for a few minutes?


B:Oh, no, I’d rather get to College as quickly as possible.



A:Let’s go to Wangfujing by bus.


B:Better take the subway. It’s faster, and more convenient.


A:O.K, it will be a new experience for me.



B:We have a rather comprehensive subway system here. You can get almost anywhere rather quickly on a subway, especially at this time of day when the traffic is heavy…


A:Where do we pay the fare?


B:Just give the man standing there 3 yuan and he’ll give you a token. Then, you slip it into the slot at the turnstile and push the turnstile to get in.

给售票员3 元,他会给你一张辅币。你在入口处那儿把辅币塞进投币孔,就能推转门去了。


A:Let me pay for it. Where can I get a subway map?



B:Ask the worker who sells tokens to give you one. It’s free of charge. Actually maps showing subway routes are posted at most stations.


A:Do I have to pay an additional fare to change trains?


B:No, you don’t have to. Here comes the train.



A:Be careful! Subway doors open and close automatically.


quickly 网络解释

1. 迅速的:在工厂建设和启动投产、劳务管理和教育训练、生产.品质.物流等工厂运营的现场管理方面,利用信息技术(Intelligent)进行改善(Improvement)和创新(Innovation),提供一流(Quality)专业(Qualified)迅速的(Quickly)服务和支持.

2. 快速:一家位于内湖的办公大楼内,仅3、4坪大,约提供200种商品,另一家则为实体门市,位于北市八德路上的德舜店,坪数约20坪,采无人化的自助销售模式,提供300种以上的热门商品,让消费者可以在Qshop体验快速(Quickly)和高质量(Quai

3. 感觉产生得这么:原来幸福来得如此Easy, | 感觉产生得这么Quickly, | 以至俺没反应样子Clumsy.

quickly 双语例句

1. At Flare, she quickly ascended the ranks, starting as an assistant beauty editor upon graduation from Ryerson University in Toronto, Ontario, then moving up to beauty editor and beauty director within three years.


2. When the contractor told me that a summer construction job was available, I was quickly alert and desire for the job uncoiled within me.


3. At present, as the severe domestic competition in India market and the quickly rising of China market, more and more Indian software companies are heading to China to set up their subsidiaries, aiming to share a piece of cut in this world's largest cake.


4. quickly在线翻译

4. After Effects gives you a great idea of what a shot is going to be—the speed at which someone runs or how quickly you want to pan over the sky.

After Effects关于一个镜头将怎样进行下去能给你一个很不错的想法——人跑步的速度调整或者你希望飞船多快的速度掠过天空。

5. The news of Pougatcheffs uprising quickly spread through the garrison. Many of the Cossacks of the town sided with the rebel, so that Captain Mironoff did not know whom he could trust or who might betray him.


6. quickly在线翻译

6. The news of Pougatcheff's uprising quickly spread through the garrison. Many of the Cossacks of the town sided with the rebel, so that Captain Mironoff did not know whom he could trust or who might betray him.


7. quickly

7. My first hawker experience in China was at Tiananmen Square. Hats, lighters, Rolexes, postcards, you name it, they probably sold it. I turned most of them down and ended up walking away quickly from the rest.


8. quickly

8. Secondly, the method can make people' s recognizing and remembering convert from the short-term memory into long-term memory quickly and smoothly, can get rid of the interference of proactive inhibition and retroactive inhibition effectively.


9. Advantage of logistics services including: domestic air transport, domestic rail transport, domestic auto transport route quickly.


10. An asset that is so easily and quickly convertible to cash that holding it is equivalent to holding cash.


11. Wallace was taken to Dumbarton castle, but quickly moved to London for a show trial in Westminster Hall.


12. As the process is inherently dynamic, even a small process drift may create an out-of-spec situation quickly.


13. Push, got encircling go-between namely reputably, what the member that expanded quickly registers quantity and ring of person arteries and veins is ceaseless and duplicate, the whip Niu Shiliu that lets build beginning measures straight strong the sky.


14. He tossed away the power to back down quickly, chair of the bars to play in the Okanagan Malacca cane, the bodyguard is not enough time to pull the trigger and so on machine, walking stick has been knocked out in the ground.


15. If you follow the rules, you'll also fall asleep more quickly at night, because at the end of the day, your brain metabolizes serotonin into the natural sleep aid melatonin.


16. quickly

16. Reflector with the curvature changed automaticly make the focus`s place fixed permanently and make it possible to cut the sheet, thin or thick, quickly and steadily.


17. These are my many years of experience in laundry, for your reference, help you to be able to wash quickly and material saving in net again!


18. A simple double-click on the desired field in your password list will quickly transfer the data to your clipboard.


19. quickly的解释

19. At present the market two big contrary are market nominal and each country government, government the economic stability for the country, inevitable meeting enacts corresponding measure, nominal for the biggest turn profit, it is to borrow all sorts of opportunities to hit necessarily control the market, the wave motion of the market can be increased quickly.


20. With national construct of express highway quickly developing, it requires bridge structures higher and higher.


quickly 单语例句

1. With the help of the business sector, equipment and materials needed in emergent issues can be quickly produced and delivered.

2. The area bounced back quickly and had returned to its normal bustle on a rainy Monday morning.

3. An extended rally may include some days where there is a strong price retreat but then this is quickly followed by another up day.

4. " Those barriers are being toppled fairly quickly, " Butt added.

5. But the infamous play also quickly became the butt of Internet jokes, online games and parody videos.

6. Jiang helped build his reputation by showing he was able to tame Li Na, a former firebrand who quickly butted heads with each new coach.

7. Therefore, the government should act quickly to ensure an adequate and timely supply of vaccines.

8. They posed quickly for cameras with no visible signs of the marital distress that tabloids have been buzzing about recently.

9. Related departments of the State Council urged local governments to act as quickly as possible.

10. This would allow Russia to quickly destroy the radar by air or by land without invading multiple European nations.

quickly 英英释义


1. with rapid movements

e.g. he works quickly

Synonym: rapidlyspeedilychop-chopapace

2. with little or no delay

e.g. the rescue squad arrived promptly

come here, quick!

Synonym: promptlyquick

3. without taking pains

e.g. he looked cursorily through the magazine

Synonym: cursorily