

stimulate:[英 [ˈstɪmjuleɪt] 美 [ˈstɪmjəˌlet] ]


过去式:stimulated;   过去分词:stimulated;   现在分词:stimulating;

stimulate 基本解释


及物动词刺激; 激励,鼓舞; 使兴奋

不及物动词起兴奋作用; 起促进作用; 起刺激作用

stimulate 同义词


stimulate 反义词



stimulate 相关例句



1. The optical system of the eye stimulates cells of the retina.


2. stimulate

2. Exercise stimulates the flow of blood.


3. Light stimulates the optic nerve.


4. The government will do everything in its power to stimulate economic growth.


5. Alcohol stimulates the action of the heart.


stimulate 网络解释

1. 激发:美国新闻评论人明白,仅仅形成一个吸引人的或令人震惊的结构是不够的,在这之后,还要把握写作技巧,让新闻评论的思想逐步前行,从而得出一个有意义的,即激发(Stimulate)受众、解释(Explain)问题、提出解决问题的主张(Advocate)结论才

2. 激励:reject)的人酚类精油主要具有滋补(tonic)/激励(stimulate)的作用适合处于虚脱状态(exhaustion stage)的人是一个可以在多个层面平衡(balance)的精油在情绪层面(emotion)很有效规律(regulate)排卵1/2 同属倍半萜烯类精油- 天蓝烃,

stimulate 双语例句

1. This product cure illness the mechanism of the health care is:The jade can lower a, stabilizing the brain to press, the jade implies beneficial and various chemical elements of human body, person's brain connect the Cape jade and will produce the static electricity magnetic field, can dredge the axis veins and arteries of the brain; A behavior of each jade brain of the jade pillow orders contact more, have the function of stimulate the massage to the brain nerve acupuncture points, and can promote cerebral blood circulation, thus rise the town to calm down to tranquilize the nerves, dredge the veins and arteries, annoy the blood flowing freely, internal organs Anne and of function.


2. We play the ferris wheel first, the ferris wheel may arrive at the very high place, afterward we played the pirate ship, about the pirate ship sway stimulate, we also had play revolve very likely coffee cup's amusement facility, this amusement facility was amusing, if has not held an arm rest straight skid to slide, this point i thought am very interesting, we also had play the imperial crown swing, this amusement facility will not stimulate very much, revolving time had the breeze blow slightly to come, this feeling on was blowing the electric fan probably, but, its nature's electric fan, except this some amusing was also interestingoutside amusement facility, but also many amusing amusement facility!


3. Modality of placement and location for electrodes:1After opening facial recess and before cochlear implantation, stimulate promontorium tympani or round window niche with needle electrode or insulated nerve block needle, and stimulate round window membrane with ball-end wire electrode.2 Trans-tympanic electric auditory brainstem response before the surgery with promontory needle electrode or insulated nerve block electrode.


4. stimulate

4. The fusion protein GST-hEGF expressed in Escherichia coli in the experiments with mice showed the recombinant protein had good immunogenecity and the purifid protein hEGF could stimulate the growth of Hela cells efficiently.


5. Without fat, lip skin is very gentle and acute, specially sensitive to external stimulate.


6. Gentle massage can stimulate strong sex drive.


7. stimulate

7. Monetary policy to stimulate the economy, in fact, is to fool people to achieve.


8. stimulate

8. To cope with the problems the following measures should be taken: to improve the technological element and additional value in the products; stimulate innovation; to extend chain of industry to develop economy of scales; to make scientific plans to achieve sustainable development; to introduce and convert ripe R&D achievements; to attach importance to developing manpower re—sources; to use IT technology more widely.


9. The pressure ramp and the temperature ramp stimulate together and finally provide a pressure-temperature fusion tactile for the user.


10. Now that something new had come along to stimulate their jaded spirits, they were unwilling to let it go, especially in their present state of tipsiness


11. Reuters, Canberra, February 11 ---- analysts said yesterday, the Australian forest fires may be arson suspect young man, his motives may be to seek to stimulate, or out of control To be recognized...

路透堪培拉2月11日电(记者James Grubel)---分析人士周三称,澳大利亚森林火灾的纵火嫌疑人可能是名年轻男子,他的犯罪动机可能是希望寻求刺激、获得认可或出于控制欲。。。

12. stimulate是什么意思

12. Takeinto account the fact that China tried to get round soaring commodityprices by developing domestic sources of such items as iron ore andnickel and it is less likely these efforts to stimulate the economywill be sufficient to maintain recent levels of demand for importedmaterials.


13. Carry out a proof, apply demonstrate to guide, vocal guide, anecdotical, fun guides, jest guides, caricature guides etc guide subject method, can cheerful classroom, stimulate the enthusiasm of class of student learning Chinese and initiative, improve education result.


14. Althea: Burned for protection and to stimulate the psychic powers.



15. The species of extracellular ATP can participate the effect of nerve system not only as the neurotransmitter and modulator but also has a trophic action to glial cell and neuron. It participates in many courses, e. g. cell differentiation and apoptosis, the morphologic change of chondriosome, to stimulate the synthesis and release of cytokine and nerve growth factor. It has a great influence to neurological growth and plasticity.


16. If you do not do something for more than just want to stimulate, it is necessary to meet the emotional self, I hope you go the way you are, do not hurt the roadside trees, birds and beasts.



17. Of Ma Jun struggle to sad so of silence spread out, do not be good at the earnest teacher of one's words by, flying evolution becomes the CEO of a poineering enterprise, this leaps character, bore the weight of the happy anger of individual of fine horse of too much horse is sad, what never be good at a speech is undemonstrative, to impromptu speech stimulate raise, ma Jun this fine as thoroghbred horse begin to march toward his annals to be in the warfare troops of a thousand li.


18. Firstly, this text mainly carries on the brief summary of traditional savings theory and precautionary savings theory; Then the author qualitatively analyzes the behavior of our urban residents during the transitional period. Proceeding with the characteristics of the institution changes, the author explains the difficulties and deficiency on savings behavior variation of our urban residents when directly applies the western savings theory to our country in this chapter. At the same time, the author expands the precautionary savings theory and applies it to the explanation of our residents` savings behavior mainly evolving from the residents future expenditure uncertainty angle; And then this text inspects the behavior of precautionary saving of our urban residents during the transitional period empirically, through utilizing the revised Dynan Model, picking up the urban residents` consumption, income, price data between 1991 and 2003 of China, the author proves the expenditure uncertainty reason of the precautionary savings theory during the transitional period. Finally, On the basis of the above the qualitative and quantitative analysis, it puts forward suggestions in order to stimulate consumption through reducing residents` precautionary savings together with total savings.

本文首先对西方储蓄理论进行简要概述,主要介绍了传统储蓄理论及预防性储蓄理论;然后对转轨时期我国城镇居民预防性储蓄行为进行了全面定性的分析,在阐述这一问题时,从中国制度变迁的特点出发,分析了西方储蓄理论在解释我国城镇居民储蓄行为变异上的难点和不足,同时主要从未来支出不确定性角度对西方预防性储蓄理论进行了扩展,并运用扩展的理论对我国城镇居民储蓄行为的变异予以解释;随后文章对转轨时期我国城镇居民预防性储蓄行为进行实证检验,采用修正后的迪南模型,选取 1991——2003 年间中国城镇居民消费、收入及物价数据,对转轨时期我国城镇居民预防性储蓄行为的支出不确定性原因进行验证;最后则在以上定性和定量分析的基础上,提出相应地降低居民预防性储蓄进而降低储蓄率以刺激消费的对策建议。

19. In the past, some people think that UV ink exist to stimulate the skin and the problem of inadequate adhesion, but recently a new UV ink on film material exhibits sufficient adhesion in technology has made great progress.


20. Imply the genital gland endocrine vegetable, have obvious of can make the ** gland stimulate of living creature activity.


stimulate 词典解释

1. 刺激;激励;促使;促起

To stimulate something means to encourage it to begin or develop further.

e.g. America's priority is rightly to stimulate its economy...


e.g. The Russian health service has stimulated public interest in home cures.



...an economy in need of stimulation.


2. 激发;激励;使充满热情

If you are stimulated by something, it makes you feel full of ideas and enthusiasm.

e.g. Bill was stimulated by the challenge...


e.g. I was stimulated to examine my deepest thoughts.



It is a complex yet stimulating book...


The atmosphere was always stimulating.


Many enjoy the mental stimulation of a challenging job.


3. 刺激(身体部位);使活跃

If something stimulates a part of a person's body, it causes it to move or start working.


e.g. Exercise stimulates the digestive and excretory systems...


e.g. The production of melanin in the skin is stimulated by exposure to the sun...



...the stimulating effect of adrenaline.


...physical stimulation.


...the chemical stimulation of drugs.

药物的化学刺激作用stimulate 单语例句

1. Lin said a flexible policy must be followed to activate the market and stimulate development of the aquatic products business.

2. Zhao said it was an active way to promote housing circulation and stimulate purchasing.

3. A sense of social responsibility should be inculcated in banks to stimulate them to play an active role in the green credit policy.

4. It is also a necessary step to stimulate healthy development of a private capital market and to boost economic structure transformation.

5. Initially it is important to focus on increasing carbohydrate intake because this provides the energy necessary to train and so stimulate muscle growth.

6. Ban urged governments and businesses to make investment flows better stimulate economic activity while promoting energy efficiency and green technology at the same time.

7. Just a hint of a caress is all it takes to stimulate a response.

8. The new policy is expected to stimulate deals in international transfer shipment, trade and cargo distribution.

9. The survey was conducted in regard to the proposed distribution of cash vouchers to stimulate the economy.

10. Scholars seem to increasingly favor cash vouchers, which are considered as a good measure to stimulate spending.

stimulate 英英释义


1. cause to be alert and energetic

e.g. Coffee and tea stimulate me

This herbal infusion doesn't stimulate

Synonym: arousebraceenergizeenergiseperk up

2. act as a stimulant

e.g. The book stimulated her imagination

This play stimulates

Synonym: excite

3. cause to do

cause to act in a specified manner

e.g. The ads induced me to buy a VCR

My children finally got me to buy a computer

My wife made me buy a new sofa

Synonym: inducecausehavegetmake

4. provide the needed stimulus for

Synonym: provoke

5. cause to occur rapidly

e.g. the infection precipitated a high fever and allergic reactions

Synonym: inducerushhasten

6. stir the feelings, emotions, or peace of

e.g. These stories shook the community

the civil war shook the country

Synonym: shakeshake upexcitestir

7. stir feelings in

e.g. stimulate my appetite

excite the audience

stir emotions

Synonym: excitestir