

tree:[英 [tri:] 美 [tri] ]


过去式:treed;   过去分词:treed;   现在分词:treeing;   复数形式:trees;

tree 基本解释

名词树; 木料; 树状图; 宗谱

及物动词把…赶上树; 使处于困境; 把鞋型插入(鞋内)

tree 相关词组


1. shake the pagoda tree : 暴发致富;

2. bark up the wrong tree : 找错目标;

3. up a tree : 进退两难;

tree 相关例句



1. The dog treed the cat.


2. The cat was treed by the dog.



1. He is making a clothes tree.


2. Birds are singing in the trees.


tree 网络解释

1. tree的翻译

1. 树木:永久,不及物动词;rise上升, 上涨, 增加,不及物动词. 16 C 常识运用词义辨析 冬天的积雪应该主要是在山顶(top)上,而不仅仅在岩石(rock),树木(tree)和山尖(tip)上. rock岩石;tree 树木;tip顶, 尖端,末端;top顶部,上部.


2. 乔木:乔木 (tree) 具有明显主干 , 且在胸高以上始有分枝出现 , 树高多在5公尺以上者称之. 树高在5 ~ 9公尺者称为小乔木 , 树高在18 ~ 9公尺者称为中乔木 , 树高在18公尺以上者称之为大乔木. 灌木(shrub) 不具有明显主干 ,

3. 树状结构:iNota以树状结构(TREE)来分类及管理资料,透过定义资料名称及类别,管理搜集到的资料. 其次,提供剪下、复制、贴上及删除等功能,作资料项目的编辑,并且可以将相同类型的资料合并,方便资料的管理. iNota透过搜寻资料的条件;

tree 双语例句

1. Entropy; independent assortment; random match; Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium; ternary tree algorithm

熵; 独立分配;随机交配; Hardy-Weinberg平衡;三叉树算法

2. O seven apples on a with's tree With seven seeds to plant inside of me In springtime I grew a magic song Then skipping along, oh I sang the song to everyone I looked at the world through apple eyes And cut myself a slice of sunshine pie I danced with the peanut butterflies Till time went and told me to say hello but wave goodbye A thousand sugar stars Oh put then in a jar And then whistle round the world Oh whistle round the world I'm a little wolf insede a girl, you say And off I'll go from June to May Oh whistling round the world I met a golden swan upon the road Who was a handsome prince, so I was told I asked it the way to yesterday Then I was a sailor, and through the day I sailed away Bluebird seas I sailed With mermaids riding whales Oh whistle round the world Oh whistle round the world I'm a little wolf inside a girl, you say And off I'll go down Winder Way Oh whistling round the world Through apple eyes Oh there are rose-coloured skylines Where flying silver spoons Eat melting marmalade moons Through apple eyes I see for millions of miles The sun's a diamond shining In the nighttime of a summer day A thousand sugar stars Oh put them in a jar And then whistle round the world Oh whistle round the world I'm a little wolf inside a girl, you say And off I'll go Oh whistling round the world Let's whistle round the world Whistle round the world

o七个苹果,就同的树七种子植物里面的我在春天,我成长的一个魔术歌然后跳到沿线,哦i唱这首歌给大家我一看,在世界通过苹果电脑眼和削减自己一片阳光馅饼动作与花生蝴蝶直到时间一天天过去,并告诉我说,你好,但波再见 1000糖颗星哦付诸表决,然后在一个瓦罐然后哨子环游世界哦哨子环游世界我是一个很少狼insede一个女孩,你说断断续续我会去,从6至5月哦吹口哨环游世界我遇见了一名金色天鹅后,道一位英俊的王子,所以有人告诉我我问它的方式,以昨日那么,我是一个水手,并通过我每天航行距离蓝鸟公海航行i 与mermaids骑鲸哦哨子环游世界哦哨子环游世界我是一个很少狼里面一个女孩,你说断断续续我会走络筒机方式哦吹口哨环游世界通过苹果电脑的眼睛哦,还有玫瑰有色skylines 如飞行银汤匙吃熔化果酱的月亮通过苹果电脑的眼睛我看到数百万英里太阳的一颗钻石闪耀在夜间的一个夏天,一天 1000糖颗星哦,他们在一个瓦罐然后哨子环游世界哦哨子环游世界我是一个很少狼里面一个女孩,你说断断续续我会去哦吹口哨环游世界让的哨子环游世界哨子环游世界

3. The first son said that the tree was ugly, bent, and twisted.



4. Data preprocessing method of Web log mining is studied. Frame pages filtering and overtime threshold value seting are analyzed. The improved method based on induction of decision tree(ID3) algorithm and threshold value dynamic amendment algorithm is proposed.



5. In the spring of the following year, a fragrant aroma wafted from the tree stump into the nostrils of Du Kang.


6. Occurring in yellow, golden and brown colors, Baltic Amber is also known as Succinite after its parent tree pinus succinfera that was common in the tertiary period, some 50 million years ago.



7. Chi Village, the original rich wood fungus, fungus named the village after the village found under a tree Millennium Ganoderma lucidum, has changed his name to Mu Chi material.


8. Eg:Man, I really wish I could help her but I`m up a tree.


9. He's climbing up a tree.


10. The best kind of secret house is up in a tree, I think.


11. He could not get up into a tree.


12. He is too fat to climb up a tree.


13. I let in the salty pool Longma swig Qiongjiang, I loose the beast tied to a tree in the Hibiscus rosa-sinensis.


14. tree的解释

14. Have u ever try to laid on the blackforest in the night, listen to the wind, and the tree speaking, beautiful dark sky, and the soft light from the village. softly and beauitiful.


15. When the elephant is about to devour a plaintain-tree in someone's garden, the mahut strikes it with his iron-tipped goad.


16. In fact, many of the plants used in Chinese cooking, such as scallions, fresh ginger root, garlic, dried lily buds, tree fungus, etc.


17. He uses the axe to chok the tree.


18. I found a small girl crying in the tree this morning.


19. The girl hid in tree's behind, but she saw to a picture: A strange girl, is putting on beautifully, the stature is very good, is long very lovably, held his clothes, was certainly also taking that paper.


20. The old tree before your window is lonely.


tree 词典解释

1. 树;树木;乔木

A tree is a tall plant that has a hard trunk, branches, and leaves.

e.g. I planted those apple trees.


e.g. ...a variety of shrubs and trees.


2. 走错路线;搞错方向;想法不对路

If you say that someone is barking up the wrong tree, you mean that they are following the wrong course of action because their beliefs or ideas about something are incorrect.

e.g. Scientists in Switzerland realised that most other researchers had been barking up the wrong tree.


3. 只见树木,不见森林;只重细节,不顾整体

If someone can't see the wood for the trees in British English, or can't see the forest for the trees in American English, they are very involved in the details of something and so they do not notice what is important about the thing as a whole.

4. the top of the tree -> see top

tree 单语例句tree的翻译

1. Researchers suspected he had taken refuge in a tree after a fight with wild pandas, but then had fallen to his death.

2. The hundreds of bees buzzing around a pine tree in the park had become the scourge of people hoping to do their morning exercises.

3. My cousin and I would first hook flowers from the tree with a reaping hook and then pick them little by little.

4. The " king fir " has become a symbol of Xishui and has been designated by many forestry experts as a rare tree.

5. But the local people have formed special dietary customs by picking tender tree leaves for dishes.

6. And unlike that bygone partridge in a pear tree, available at several price points.

7. The cacao tree produces a fruit about the size of a small pineapple and shaped like a football.

8. Passersby who spotted the man sleeping on the tree were forced to call firefighters after their calls to him went unheard.

9. In the Yufeng Temple, there is a world famous camellia tree.

10. It is said this camellia tree was planted between 1465 and 1487 during the Ming Dynasty before the temple was built.

tree 英英释义


1. a tall perennial woody plant having a main trunk and branches forming a distinct elevated crown

includes both gymnosperms and angiosperms

2. a figure that branches from a single root

e.g. genealogical tree

Synonym: tree diagram


1. stretch (a shoe) on a shoetree

Synonym: shoetree

2. chase an animal up a tree

e.g. the hunters treed the bear with dogs and killed it

her dog likes to tree squirrels

3. plant with trees

e.g. this lot should be treed so that the house will be shaded in summer

4. force a person or an animal into a position from which he cannot escape

Synonym: corner