

boundless:[英 [ˈbaʊndləs] 美 [ˈbaʊndlɪs] ]


boundless 基本解释


形容词无限的; 无穷的; 无边际的; 广阔的

boundless 网络解释


1. 无限的:bounding surface 边界曲面 | boundless 无限的 | box 框

2. 无边无际:闻名遐迩 known far and wide; well-known; famous | 无边无际boundless | 无可抗拒的Overpowering

3. 漫无边际,无边无际:17) appropriate 恰如其分,恰到好处 | 18) boundless 漫无边际,无边无际 | 19) furious 怒气冲天,怒不可遏

4. 无限的, 无边无际的:bounding wall || 围墙 | boundless || 无限的, 无边无际的 | boundlessly || 无穷地, 无限地

boundless 双语例句

1. boundless什么意思

1. S Annual autumn fresh, not like spring, like owning spring, boundless Jiang Tian Wan Cream is Yong-Ju, Chung-Ju's great poem.


2. boundless的解释

2. Man Metz Dyer one learned to know more, teacher that have boundless prospects, make dedicate oneself to ambition of religion early very.


3. Several dozens years have passed by, I have not flowed in the vast boundless sea.


4. Several decades having elapsed, I haven`t flown into the boundless sea.


5. We are toward the endless sky, boundless high-altitude, as if to take off.


6. Boundless great love, spirit of life



7. In autumn, overwhelmed by nature`s selfless generosity toward humanity, I will find myself at a loss, looking upon the corn stalks robbed of their fruits and then beheaded; the crop stalks and weeds swaying in the wind disturb me profoundly, Nature, however. soon makes me realize that all of these are just a fact of life. The beauty that begs description turns out to be the ultimate truth. It has gradually come to me that the artistic portrayal is actually a manifestation of the artist`s inner world. In other words, the subject serves as a medium for the painter to create a spiritual realm, which is based on the unceasing exploration of nature a well as the boundless, passionate imagination on the part of the artist.


8. Countries, we see at once that one of its charms is thathere no vast mountain ranges, no boundless plains, no


9. Nowadays, in art and designment field, our works more and more get clear of culture and Spirit of nation, and get clear of mass base and boundless life-force, because inpour of kinds of foreign ideas.


10. The romantic and sensational lavender town provided Caston Barthes with boundless inspiration. While at the far orient where his dream and love began, there was a gentle and charming girl could always bring a purple lavender field.



11. And that sense of boundless opportunity is a gift that we must pass on to all who come after us.......



12. He is a the person with boundless ambition.


13. We were drifting on the boundless ocean.


14. boundless什么意思

14. He was lost in thought, staring at the boundless night sky.



15. Schools located in the boundless expanse of blue water of Hengshui Lake - Jizhou


16. Yueqing Branch Electronics Co., Ltd. is located in boundless expanse of blue water of the East Sea, the world's Yandangfoot.


17. Because we have to find room for the boundless hopes with which we cram it.


18. boundless的解释

18. From regions, the expanding speed is growing from south to north. Among these types, the first is the fields of eroded by water, secondary is salinization and last is desolate and boundless of sands. In addition, the degree of Desertification of Land has intensified, and the fields damaged lightly were reversed types.


19. To feel at easing one`s own all day, in Ann lives in the lesson of chanting scriptures reading aloud, that is to say that does not allow one`s own heart to have an opportunity to send vainlying hope, a apparent one not all right to repair not dense anyway, build a dense one to form impression of the hand, according to intelligent law method of Master, hold heavy rounds of Buddha`s warrior attendant top Buddhist nun Luo, is it is it read aloud to hold to give all dense incantation that Master teach, or if because of king and lecturer uncle Wang, I must put down and see the classical progress, I then can only is it build not dense to change too, form impression of the hand hold the dense incantation, then observe one`s own body mouth Italy, is it follow in order and advance step by step to that is to say, shut palm is it study in south have to claim Amitabha, or recite the stupefied tight incantation, anyway will just install the gas defense software in heart, will not make one`s own heart send vainlying hope, it want change as Buddha the symbols become all over, know they because there aren`t I, if wanting, want obstacle I trying every possible means they, certainly I know that they do not hope that I progress greatly, so I must show dense pair and repair, meaning that is to say I can slow, what I can put very slow, one 20 instants such as snap of the fingers, 500 is it put out to born suddenly, diligent among instant, certainly appearance seems to be very slow, because you in can diligent in analogous toing, appearance seem you is it reach to work up at all, but already 500 has been grown and killed for the heart in fact, it can be diligent in the very small place to change sentences, it surpass one day it is the diligent 24 hour, the reason I should want with like if intelligence relation, this the place where the outer course can`t be entered too, if like you know how if intelligence, can now heavy in knowing light right away, it can be small now in it is big, needn`t move and kill the rites place quietly, the pericardium is immeasurable and boundless and too hollow, certainly it is so full of wisdom that I do not have, it is all right that I only know that diligent in instant.


20. Boundless The Middle Ages is the age of God rule the whole shoot, God full of omniscience and almightiness made the heroes in the Hebrew myth wanting of independent consciousness and subjective spirit of Greece heroes trevolting and activity, therefore, The heroes in the Hebrew myth were the embodiment of the godship brilliance and reasonableness spirit of God, Their superhuman power and outstanding achievement is just for proving the greatness of God's divine nature.


boundless 词典解释

1. 无止境的;无限的

If you describe something as boundless, you mean that there seems to be no end or limit to it.

e.g. The work demanded boundless energy and theatrical imagination...


e.g. His reforming zeal was boundless.


boundless 单语例句

1. Their technique is astounding, their boundless energy sets the stage alight.

2. The Guangyun Lake of today is poetic and picturesque, featuring green willows and waves in spring time and boundless skies and reeds in autumn.

3. He hopes his business is beamed with boundless passion for innovation and attracts more talents for a bright future.

4. Business professionals can justify leftovers by saying it's worthwhile, since the boundless food and wine helps them ink lucrative deals.

5. But Marx outlined a more rational approach to our current environmental crisis, results of our boundless exploitation and general disregard for nature.

6. The planting of evergreen trees here by Comrade Xiaoping and President Yang added boundless spring beauty to Shenzhen and would bring benefits to future generations.

7. Winter in the hinterland of the Himalayan area is a desolate scene, yet it is also a land that remains full of boundless charm.

8. The boundless landscape of stark mountains and dusty plains will give you a unique travel experience.

9. If the balance of the natural system is upset, human civilization would lose its footing and vanish in the boundless universe.

10. Liu said visitors will now be able to see how the beautiful lake and boundless forest there look in the snow.

boundless 英英释义


1. seemingly boundless in amount, number, degree, or especially extent

e.g. unbounded enthusiasm

children with boundless energy

a limitless supply of money

Synonym: unboundedlimitless