

lamb:[英 [læm] 美 [læm] ]



lamb 基本解释


名词羔羊肉; 羔羊,小羊; 耶稣



lamb 相关词组

1. like a lamb : 驯顺地, 怯弱地, 天真地;

lamb 相关例句


1. The sheep are lambing this week.



1. lamb的意思

1. Which do you prefer, lamb chops or pork chops?


lamb 情景对话


A:Can I take your order?


B:I’ll have a (roast beef sandwich on rye/ lamb / hamburger, well-done), please.


lamb 网络解释

1. lamb

1. 羊肉:巅峰(ziwipeak)的三种猫食,其脂肪含量全都超过20%,羊肉(Lamb)配方的蛋白质含量超过40%,所以这是可以列在餵食幼猫的考虑范围内. 其余配方,鹿肉鳕鱼(Venison & Fish )的蛋白质约为39%,鹿肉(Venison)猫食的蛋白质含量约为38%.

2. 小羊肉:他们吃肉时都比较讲究,为了达到最好的效果,不同的肉配不同的酱(sauce),牛肉配辣根酱(horseradish sauce),猪肉配甜苹果酱(sweet apple sauce),小羊肉(lamb)配薄荷酱(mint sauce).

3. lamb在线翻译

3. 羔羊肉:在欧洲许多国家,复活节当天的主餐均是羔羊肉(lamb),以纪念耶稣本人以及摩西(Moses)借着羔羊的血,领导以色列人出埃及(Exodus). 依据希腊神话(Greek mythology),厄罗斯(Eros,即罗马神话中的丘比特Cupid)将情欲之箭射向冥王哈德斯(Hades),

lamb 双语例句

1. lamb的意思

1. The group -- sitting in a private booth upstairs -- ordered Kobe beef meatballs and lamb and steak satays.


2. lamb

2. He had a very large farm and grew so much vegetable lamb on a large farm, which was as large as my village.


3. Horse: Oh, it's a lamb Foal:It's crying.


4. lamb的近义词

4. She is a fox in a lamb's skin.


5. She is a fox in a lamb's ski.

她 是个口蜜腹剑的人。

6. And he said to me, These are those who come out of the great tribulation, and they have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.


7. He doesnt usually eat lamb, but he did when he went to australia.


8. Perky violets and soft lamb's ears skirt the beds'edges.


9. lamb的意思

9. I should be unwilling to take the life of a lamb for the sake of the human body.


10. Cashmere Mist Body Lotion Packette, Be Delicious Body Lotion Packette, Be Delicious Night Body Lotion Packette, Ma Dame Sample, Issey Miyake Intense Sample, Euphoria Women's Sample, Vera Wang Princess Sample, Gwen Stefani Lamb Sample, Euphoria Men's Sample, Beckham Him Sample, Beckham Her Sample, Absolutely Irresistible Givenchy Sample, Clinique Dramatically Different Moisturizing Lotion Sample, Benefit B Spot Sample, Chrome Sample.

山羊绒细水雾润肤露Packette ,是美味的身体乳液Packette ,是美味的夜晚润肤露Packette ,马村样品,三宅一生激烈的样品,兴奋妇女的样本,维拉王公主样品,关史蒂芬妮羊肉样品,兴奋男子的样本,贝克汉姆他的样品,贝克汉姆她的样品,绝对不可阻挡的纪梵希样品,倩碧特效润肤乳液样品,受益乙现货样品,铬范例。

11. And he said to me, Write, Blessed are they who are called to the marriage dinner of the Lamb.

19:9 天使对我说,你要写上,凡被请赴羔羊婚筵的有福了。

12. lamb在线翻译

12. And he said to me, Put in the book, Happy are the guests at the bride-feast of the Lamb.

19:9 天使吩咐我说、你要写上、凡被请赴羔羊之婚筵的有福了。

13. lamb的反义词

13. If you have lamb chops to go with them, you will think you are attending of east.


14. Best food match: lamb, braised abalone.


15. Historically, most of the work has been concerned with the effect of fluid loading on Lamb waves in isotropic plate, especially aluminum plate, relatively little attention has been given to Lamb wave propagation in anisotropic plates.


16. lamb的近义词

16. The developmental changes of muscle OBR mRNAs expression levels and theireffects on IMF contents in different parts of Hu lamb muscles 1 The OBR mRNAs expression had a similar pattern in different parts of Hu lambmuscle, the gene expression levels were lower on birth and then increased with growth, then had the highest level on month 3; in psoas major muscle the OBR mRNAs levels onmonth 2 were significantly higher than that of 0~1 month and 4~6 month old (P<0.01 inlongissimus dorsi muscle the gene expression levels on aged 3 month showed obviouslyhigher than aged 2 and 6 month (P<0.05 the OBR mRNAs levels on month 3 weresignificantly higher than that of other age groups in biceps brachii muscle (P<0.01 in biceps femoris muscle the gene levels on month 3 were significantly higher than that termsof 0~1 and 5~6 month (P<0.01), obviously higher than aged 4 month (P<0.052 TheOBR mRNAs levels in different parts of muscle on the same age showed that, on month 2biceps femoris muscle showed significantly higher than longissimus dorsi muscle (P<0.01), on month 3 biceps brachii muscle and biceps femoris muscle were higher than psoas majorand longissimus dorsi muscle (P<0.05), on month 3 biceps femoris muscle showedsignificantly higher than psoas major muscle (P<0.01), it revealed that the developmentalchanges of OBR expression in sheep muscle were tissues-and ages-dependent; 3 In bicepsfemoris muscle the OBR mRNAs levels showed obviously negatively correlated with thatof IMF contents (r=-0.433, P=0.012), in longissimus dorsi (r=-0.128, P=0.209) andpsoas major muscle (r=-0.254, P=0.168) we found similar relationship, it suggested thatthe OBR mRNAs levels may have negative effects on IMF accumulation.

湖羊羔羊肌肉OBR基因表达的发育性变化及其对IMF的影响(1)OBR基因mRNA在湖羊羔羊不同部位肌肉中的发育变化模式基本相同,即在刚出生时表达量均较低,然后随月龄增加而上升,到3月龄时各部位均升到最高,然后又下降,保持一个相对较低的水平;腰大肌中,2月龄时OBR mRNA的表达水平极显著高于0~1月龄和4~6月龄(P<0.01);背最长肌中OBR表达水平在3月显著高于2和6月龄(P<0.05);OBR基因在肱二头肌中的表达水平在3月龄时极显著大于其余各月龄(P<0.01);在股二头肌中,3月龄时OBR基因表达水平极显著大于0~1和5~6月龄(P<0.01),显著高于4月龄(P<0.05),6月龄水平显著低于2月龄(P<0.05);(2)2月龄时股二头肌OBR基因mRNA表达量极显著高于背最长肌(P<0.01),3月龄时肱二头肌和股二头肌均高于腰大肌和背最长肌(P<0.05),4月龄时股二头肌极显著高于腰大肌(P<0.01),表明OBR基因在湖羊羔羊肌肉中的表达呈现出组织特异性和时序性发育变化模式;(3)股二头肌中OBR基因的表达量与IMF在本研究中的各月龄均呈明显的负相关(r=-0.433,P=0.012);在背最长肌(r=-0.128,P=0.209)和腰大肌中(r=-0.254,P=0.168)也发现成负相关,表明OBR基因在湖羊肌肉中的表达对肌内脂肪的沉积也起一定的负作用。

17. The developmental changes of muscle OB mRNAs expression levels and theireffects on IMF contents in different parts of Hu lamb muscles 1 The longissimus dorsi muscle OB mRNAs expression level was the highest inmonth 3 (P<0.01 inpsoas major muscle the gene expression level was the highest on birth, obviously higher than month 2~3 (P<0.05), then it reached the lowest level on month 3 andincreased after month 4; the biceps brachii muscle OB mRNAs expression level was thehighest on birth, it showed obviously higher than month 3, 5 and 6, then decreased afterthat and reached the lowest level on month 6; in biceps femoris muscle the gene expressionwas different from other parts of muscle, it was lower on birth and got highest level onmonth 3 (P<0.01), after month 3 the mRNAs of OB kept a lower level; 2 OB mRNAslevels in psoas major and biceps brachii muscle were significantly higher than inlongissimus dorsi and biceps femoris muscle (P<0.01) on birth; on month 3, the geneexpression in longissimus dorsi were significantly higher than psoas major and bicepsbrachii muscle (P<0.01), biceps femoris muscle were higher than psoas major and bicepsbrachii muscle (P<0.05), it suggested that the characteristics of OB gene expression insheep muscle were tissues-dependent; 3 The mRNAs level of OB were negativelycorrelated with that of IMF contents in longissimus dorsi muscle (r=-0.405, P=0.119) andin biceps femoris muscle (r=-0.303, P=0.194) from month 3 to 6, it gave us an indicationthat OB expression in sheep muscles may have negative effects on IMF growth.


18. The lamb is a filial generation of a goat and a milch goat. There was no horn on the head.


19. And with each lamb, a grain offering of a tenth of an ephah of fine flour mixed with oil.



20. Relatives from towns around Pennsylvania and Ohio filled our living room and dining room, circling the table crowded with my mother's fabulous array of Arabic dishes: hummus, chick bean dip, baba ghanouj, eggplant with sesame, stuffed grape leaves, shish kebob, kibbee, raw or fried lamb and bulgur wheat patties, a leg of lamb, a turkey stuffed with rice and raisins and platter after platter of side dishes.


lamb 词典解释

1. 羔羊;羊羔;小羊

A lamb is a young sheep.

2. (对年幼者慈爱或怜悯的称呼)宝贝,乖乖

People sometimes use lamb when they are addressing or referring to someone who they are fond of and who is young, gentle, or unfortunate.

e.g. She came and put her arms around me. 'You poor lamb. What's wrong?'


3. 温顺地;听话地;任人宰割地

If you say that people do something like lambs or like lambs to the slaughter, you mean that they do what someone wants them to do without complaining or fighting.

e.g. The pair surrendered to him like lambs...


e.g. We follow their every word like lambs to the slaughter.


4. mutton dressed as lamb -> see mutton

lamb 单语例句

1. I find the best lamb chops are loin, rib or sirloin so ask the butcher for details.

2. Washed by the Blood of the Lamb, is a popular hymn sung in many Christian churches.

3. This restaurant offers spicy and mild broths side by side, and lamb is one of the house specialties.

4. After a whole year of hard work, all our income from selling cashmere and lamb was used to pay off debt.

5. Then I broiled the lamb to char the surface and keep the meat juicy and rare.

6. Higgs said he gave the lamb a slight char on the surface, to match the wine.

7. The properly roasted lamb retained a soft and loose texture, which allowed it to soak up the flavors of condiments the chef chosen.

8. He says foods that raise energy in spring include sprouts and the liver of chicken, pork and lamb to replenish energy in the liver.

9. There is also my husband's favorite topping - wafer thin slices of Inner Mongolian lamb fried with caramelized onion and some really hot chili strips.

10. In the latter category was a lamb chop from chef Kenny Fu at Le Quai some time ago.

lamb 英英释义


1. young sheep

2. the flesh of a young domestic sheep eaten as food

3. a sweet innocent mild-mannered person (especially a child)

Synonym: dear

4. a person easily deceived or cheated (especially in financial matters)


1. give birth to a lamb

e.g. the ewe lambed