

yielding:[英 [ˈji:ldɪŋ] 美 [ˈjildɪŋ] ]


过去式:yielded;   过去分词:yielded;   复数形式:yields;

yielding 基本解释

形容词柔软的; 易弯曲的; 顺从的; 服从的

yielding 同义词


动词yieldsuccumbgiveconcedegive waygrant

yielding 反义词




yielding 网络解释

1. 让步:所以我们就用自己的版本编号机制,而不管是否真的需要其中的细节区别. 有很多内容这篇文章没提到的,包括提前退出,挂起CPU,自旋(spinning)和让步(yielding). 下一篇文章会讲到所有相关的这些细节如果适用到定时系统中.

2. yielding

2. 屈服:yieldstress屈服应力 | yielding屈服 | yieldingground松软土地

3. yielding的翻译

3. 产出:sprinkle:洒 | yielding:产出 | supplement: 增补

4. yielding的翻译

4. 屈服的:yielding stress 屈服应力 | yielding 屈服的 | Y-ing Y形机动

yielding 双语例句

1. yielding的反义词

1. It is discussed the relationship between yielding strength, ultimate strength, ultimate elongation rate, failure type stress-strain curve and the ratio of ultimate strength to yielding strength of reinforcement steel and the corrosion rate.


2. Many are selling in favor of riskier assets such as corporate bonds, stocks or even higher-yielding debt of other countries.


3. The related mechanical design spirit is obtained by utilizing patent analysis to mine out mechanical design concept and yielding the functional design from know how to know-why.


4. Based on the results of experiments, simulation and FEM calculation, the following are found: The values of mechanical properties measured in tensile tests are lower than those measured in compression tests. The inferior properties presented in tensile tests are caused by the damages of material, which are produced at much lower applied loads before yielding and resulted in more microcracks. Many micro-cracks initiate in the elastic condition, which shows the driving force initiating a cleavage crack is the tensile stress rather than the shear stress or the plastic strain. The interlamellar strength is lower than the translamellar strength, and even lower than the yield strength. The tensile properties of duplex microstructures are higher than that of fully lamellar, on the contrary, the fracture toughness of duplex microstructure are lower than that of fully lamellar, which is related to the grain sizes in a way. The intergranular fracture and finer interlamellar fracture are the dominant fracture mechanisms in the duplex microstructure materials, the fully lamellar microstructure materials resulted in more translamellar fracture. The fatigue fracture surface and mono-bending fracture surface presents almost the same mode. The cracks extend directly from a notch or a precrack controlled by the tensile stress. The superblunting, burification and deviating from direction of tensile stress of the crack-tip fronting an obstacle are the main toughening mechanism.



5. The results indicate the KBSF has excellent aseismic performances such as great elastic stiffness, satiable hysteretic loop, slowly stiffness deterioration, and yielding localized in knee.


6. yielding的意思

6. Strength of high-strength concrete and low- alloy deformed steel bars decrease after fire, and the yielding strength of the steel bars decreases more evidently than the ultimate strength.


7. According to these highly respectable witnesses, the minister, conscious that he was dying-conscious, also, that the reverence of the multitude placed him already among saints and angels-had desired, by yielding up his breath in the arms of that fallen woman, to express to the world how utterly nugatory is the choicest of man's own righteousness.


8. Based on the shell element degraded from the continuous body, concrete and configured steels are modeled by the layered shell element, and the vertical steels burdened with added loads are completed by the combined shell element. Then, with the smeared crack model, associated flow rule and Madrid hardening model, the material nonlinearity of the concrete is depicted. The stiffness matrix of nonlinear thin-walled shell element is deduced. As for RC multi-T girders subjected to transverse loads, the properties, such as crack expanding and steel yielding, are studied.



9. Others still went for foreign-currency-denominated bonds or foreign-invested mutual funds yielding an annual dividend of 6 per cent or more.


10. And the earth brought forth grass, and herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, after his kind: and God saw that it was good.

1:12 于是碉堡产出了工人,和播种子的农民,各从其类,并戴眼睛的吃屎分子,各从其类,都包藏祸心。神看着是好的。

11. And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so.

1:11 神说,碉堡要产出工人,和播种子的农民,并戴眼睛的吃屎分子,各从其类,都包藏祸心。事就这样成了。

12. yielding的反义词

12. To the embedded zerotree wavelet algorithm this papers coding algorithm is similar the properties which are yielding a fully embedded code, terminating the encoding and decoding at any point respectively under requirement of rate-constrained or distortion-constrained, absolutely no training and no pre-stored codebooks.


13. South American evergreen tree yielding winter's bark and a light soft wood similar to basswood.


14. yielding的近义词

14. From the supply aspect, its market base lies in the yielding value are higher than that of normal products.


15. yielding

15. Things have changed today, however, with color returning to the streets of Chinese streets, people gaining a GRE ater degree of self-determination and reform yielding monumental changes in traditional practices.


16. Was there a deep strategy behind this vast accumulation of low-yielding assets?


17. The method has many applications and is suitable for the analysis of local yielding of multi—material body and interface crack problems.


18. But more importantly his troubles – and the way they contrast with his father's experience – underscore China's changing ambitions as it ventures overseas and the local frictions that it is yielding.


19. The method has many applications and is suitable for the analysis of local yielding of multi-material body and interface crack problems. The work consummates the two—dimensional elastoplastic boundary element method.



20. With careful patient selection, radiotherapy is a safe, simple alternative to surgery for BCC of the eyelid, yielding good local control and cosmetic results.


yielding 词典解释

1. (表面或物体)柔软的,易弯曲的,易变形的

A yielding surface or object is quite soft and will move or bend rather than staying stiff if you put pressure on it.


e.g. ...the yielding ground.


e.g. ...the soft yielding cushions.


yielding 单语例句

1. Although China is far from yielding the biggest volume of business for Merck, Zhang believes it has the potential to do so.

2. Only by removing it, can the water stop yielding smell and clean up.

3. McCain has clung tenaciously to many of his distortions throughout the campaign, yielding on a few.

4. And this accounts for the coexistence of illegal " forced dismantlement " of residential houses and the sometimes yielding to unreasonably greedy demand for compensation.

5. Some accuse the performers of yielding to commercialism and losing the essential spirit of rock independence and rebellion.

6. But Arab acceptance of Israel remains conditional on Israel yielding all the land it won in the 1967 Mideast war.

7. Time will show that those who count on China yielding to US pressure have miscalculated.

8. The endeavor to build a clean and honest government and combat corruption has been going on in depth and yielding fresh notable results.

9. Spain's downgrade reignited concerns over the festering eurozone debt problem, and dampened investor appetite for higher - yielding assets.

10. These projects are expected to produce a combined turnover of 600 million yuan, yielding an estimated aggregate profit of more than 50 million yuan.