

ruffian:[英 [ˈrʌfiən] 美 [ˈrʌfiən, ˈrʌfjən] ]



ruffian 基本解释



ruffian 相关例句


1. The ruffian flicked the knife open.


ruffian 网络解释

1. ruffian

1. 流氓:Rogue 歹徒 | Ruffian 流氓 | Thief 盗贼

2. 恶棍:revolution#革命 | ruffian#恶棍 | rupture#破裂;失和

3. ruffian

3. 乱打胡来的拳击手:round arm blow 屈肘拳 | ruffian乱打胡来的拳击手 | rusher猛打猛冲的拳击手

4. 恶棍,歹徒. adj. 凶恶的,残暴的:453. rudder: 船舵,领导者. | 454. ruffian: 恶棍,歹徒. adj. 凶恶的,残暴的. | 455. rustler: 偷牛(马)贼.

ruffian 双语例句

1. In Ruffian Hero, there are many people who think ZaiZai is a better actor, what do you think?


2. Ruffian and Hero, in a police bandit pursues in tangled warfare, had their absurd first meeting.


3. ruffian在线翻译

3. Ruffian Hero is really nice to watch. Some people feel that ZaiZai should win.


4. Ruffian and Hero, are precisely two unceasing and the dark resistance, simultaneous firing bright two policemen.


5. ruffian

5. The Kaohsiung, many of the early experience, in addition to first take the Kaohsiung MRT, it also ran a number of subway stations in particular, the new spots to see the famous Dome of Light, ruffian hero shot point, Central Park these points, but also with current students around town Lio Ho Night Market, eat a lot of delicious snacks!



6. Charity is always concrete and particular; those nonobjective and general charities mask(没有表达出托词'之意, 可修改为is the pretext of) the ruffian, pharisee and lickspittle.


7. He is one of the greatest ruffian s who ever cheated the gallows.


8. You are happy like:: ruffian off state PIXNET


9. ruffian的解释

9. Only my mind is free among the ruffian growths, the bindweed and the meadowsweet, the riff-raff of my garden.


10. With woman steps she followed: the ruffian and his strolling mort.


11. ruffian

11. Meanwhile the infant ruffian continued sucking; and glowered at me defyingly as he slavered into the jug.


12. Taipei Living blog:: ruffian off state PIXNET


13. Avocado sushi diary:: ruffian off state PIXNET


14. And who's that Moorish ruffian?


15. The doctor is pointing to eyesight watch to let him reply with a young ruffian, he sweats on the head however silent as the grave.



16. If you marry this ruffian, I wash my hands of you forever!


17. If that ruffian does not mend his ways, he will come to the gallows some day.


18. ruffian是什么意思

18. Arrived in the evening, make an appointment with friend of several young local ruffian, hold a knife to cheat a face to develop the young lady's home, the young lady is sitting on sofa to see TV, alarmed not at all: Hey, how do you just come, need not cheat a face, I know who you are, I am waiting for you, tell you, now a lot of police outside my house, want me to cry only, the meeting on the horse rushs, with a ha breath out....


19. Consequently, number of peasants, for no proper jobs to take up, formed an under-social group of army ruffian, bandit, prostitute, beggar, fortune-teller, and etc.


20. Think Kitty¤ King degree of temperatures such as ruffian make a mistake memory budding remote sweet-scented osmanthus in bud look like first at any time according to desire fire that unable to bear already will it be free time mid-night With stuffy to disturb everyone and sexy peace and quiet of buttock it break through safe bottom line have be until that is the most shy on sueing for and at any time for a long time Act in collusion with each other excitedly, how many real warriors capture proud protruding radian that how many absolute heroes be in belong to he hero happy to disappear night as soon as possible night in confusion of right and wrong The soul, with coexisting peacefully lonelily in the true love, the love hates the mixed one in the abyss of the mind How much homeless soul lonely drifting is there There are a lot of people like me Sleep in fatherless pillow difficulty Are there persons more pitiful than I It is loved so-and-so Feel dejected

午夜暇思 Kitty¤King 三十几度的气温如光棍早已经按耐不住的欲火随时都可能犯错记忆里含苞待放的缅桂花像一个个闷骚并性感着的臀部它的安静早就突破了安全的底线随时都可能将那个最羞于告人的那个秘密暴露出来在欲望与冲动狼狈为奸,是非混淆的夜里是哪位真正的勇士第一时间攻占了那骄傲凸起的弧度又是哪位绝对的英雄在属于他英雄的夜晚快活消魂而在真爱与寂寞和平共处,爱恨交集的心灵深处有多少无家可归的灵魂落寞的飘荡有多少人和我一样孤枕难眠还有没有比我更可怜的人为他心爱的某某黯然神伤

ruffian 词典解释

1. 流氓;恶棍;暴徒;罪犯

A ruffian is a man who behaves violently and is involved in crime.


e.g. ...gangs of ruffians who lurk about intent on troublemaking.


ruffian 英英释义


1. a cruel and brutal fellow

Synonym: bullytoughhooliganroughneckrowdyyobyoboyobbo