

tetanus:[英 [ˈtetənəs] 美 [ˈtɛtnəs] ]


tetanus 基本解释



tetanus 网络解释

1. 破伤风:(三)破伤风(tetanus)破伤风患者受到外界刺激时,常发生全身强直性或阵挛性的抽搐,历时数秒钟. 意识清醒,在抽搐间歇肌肉并不松弛,扪诊仍可发现坚硬的强直状态,以咀嚼肌最为显著. 外伤病史、痉笑病容,角弓反张等均可提示破伤风的诊断.

2. tetanus是什么意思

2. 强直收缩:因此在整体内,骨骼肌的活动都是以强度不等的强直收缩(tetanus)进行的. 如果中枢通过运动神经传到骨骼肌的冲动频率高,持续时间长,被兴奋的肌肉便收缩得强而持久;反之,当从中枢传到肌肉的冲动频率低,持续时间短,肌肉便收缩得弱而短暂.


3. 破伤风感染:Smallpox Vaccination 天花疫苗 | Tetanus 破伤风感染 | Thing you should know about Avian Influenza 禽流感常识须知

tetanus 双语例句

1. An early sign of tetanus, in which the jaw is locked closed because of a tonic spasm of the muscles of mastication.


2. Tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis or tetanus and diphtheria: Tdap is recommended especially for adults ages 19 to 64 and for those in contact with small children.


3. tetanus的反义词

3. objective To provide bases for the adjustment of surveillance strategies and control measures in the wurk of elimination of neonatla tetanus? ?? ?


4. tetanus

4. DNA vaccines with sin2 gle2chain Fv fused to fragment C of tetanus toxin induce protectiveimmunity against lymphoma and myeloma.

蛋白疫苗实验表明,在BCL1 小鼠模型中蛋白疫苗诱导出的抗独特型抗体主要作用在免疫球蛋白重链可变区 [13] 。

5. Those mice by the invasion of tetanus bacilli muscle spasm tonic.


6. Since you are sensitive to the anti-tetanus serum, we will have


7. tetanus的近义词

7. Since you are sensitive to the anti-tetanus serum, we will have to give it to you four doses, at an interval of twenty minutes.


8. tetanus是什么意思

8. For instance, the antibody response to the tetanus vaccine was only a few decades.


9. tetanus在线翻译

9. Children who are vaccinated against measles, whooping cough, diphtheria and tetanus are made immune to these diseases.


10. Although 91% of subjects 6 to 11 years old had protective levels of both diphtheria and tetanus antibody, this proportion declined with advancing age, and was only 30% among persons 70 years old.


11. The diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis vaccines are usually combined into a single formula.


12. Although the recommended vaccine is a combination of tetanus and diphtheria, only 63% of adults with protective antibody to tetanus also had protective antibody to diphtheria.


13. Onlythe Yale University medical school, the nursing institute and assistant doctor the project requested the student to vaccinate specially parotitis vaccine, smallpox vaccine, the second grade hepatitis vaccine, tetanus vaccine, the infantile paralysis vaccine, hepatitis A vaccine (or hepatitisA and hepatitis B combination vaccine), typhus vaccine, yellow fever vaccine and the Japanese second grade encephalitis vaccine, as well as provides the hepatitis B blood to examine list and the tuberculin check list (tuberculin exceed the allowed figure also needs to provide chest X light check list).


14. Trismus, the inability to open the mouth, may indicate scleroderma, arthritis, ankylosis of the TMJ, dislocation of the temporomandibular disk, tetanus, or tonsillar abscess.


15. tetanus

15. Abstract] Objective To explore the early effect of alcohol wetpacking on local swelling and induration caused by diphtheria-pertussis-tetanus vaccine.

目的 探讨早期乙醇溶液湿敷对婴幼儿接种百白破疫苗所致局部红肿硬结的影响。

16. In the UK, it is possible to catch the disease tetanus from a bite such as a dog bite, although this is now very rare.


17. RESULTS The ethanol extract of the Huangqi could shorten latent period, increase maximal contractive extent and time and relaxative time at the twitch and complete tetanus of gastrocnemius and soleus muscles.

结果] 黄芪酒精提取液缩短腓肠肌及比目鱼肌单收缩和完全性强直收缩潜伏期,增加单收缩最大收缩幅度,延长最大收缩时间及最大舒张时间;增加完全性强直收缩的最大收缩度,延长最大收缩时间。

18. tetanus是什么意思

18. Results: With the fatigue becoming more serious or fatigue period becoming longer, the pattern of contraction became incomplete tetanus and complete tetanus progressively from single twitch. After fatigue, decrease of -dF/dt was more serious than the decrease of F and +dF/dt, and prolongation of relaxation period was longer than that of contraction period.

结果 随疲劳程度加重和疲劳时间延长,肌肉收缩形式从单收缩向不完全强直收缩和完全强直收缩过渡;疲劳后-dF/dt降低比F和+dF/dt降低更明显,张力下降时程延长比张力上升时程延长更显著。

19. objective to study the effects of ethanol extract of the huangqi on the skeletal muscles contractility in rats. methods the gastrocnemius and soleus muscle contractility were observed by stimulating the sciatic nerve with electricity after affusing stomach with ethanol extract of the200mg/kg dosage of huangqi for2weeks. results the ethanol extract of the huangqi could shorten latent period, increase maximal contractive extent and time and relaxative time at the twitch and complete tetanus of gastrocnemius and soleus muscles. conclusion the ethanol extract of the huangqi can enhance skeletal muscles contractility in rats.

方法] 灌胃给予200mg/kg黄芪酒精提取液2周后,观察大鼠坐骨神经受刺激后腓肠肌及比目鱼肌的收缩力。[结果]黄芪酒精提取液缩短腓肠肌及比目鱼肌单收缩和完全性强直收缩潜伏期,增加单收缩最大收缩幅度,延长最大收缩时间及最大舒张时间;增加完全性强直收缩的最大收缩度,延长最大收缩时间。[结论]黄芪酒精提取液可增强大鼠骨骼肌的收缩力。

20. tetanus

20. To investigate the immune persistence of domestic adsorhed acellular diphtheria tetanus and pertussis Ccombined vaccine.

目的 探讨国产吸附无细胞白百破联合疫苗的免疫持久性。

tetanus 词典解释

1. 破伤风

Tetanus is a serious painful disease caused by bacteria getting into wounds. It makes your muscles, especially your jaw muscles, go stiff.

tetanus 单语例句tetanus

1. Acute diarrhea, tetanus and measles have already killed dozens of people since the quake.

2. A similar policy aimed at reducing maternal mortality and eliminating neonatal tetanus was tried out previously in certain areas.

3. Fears of disease among South Asia's quake survivors grew Thursday after health officials said 22 people had died from tetanus.

4. It also suggests special campaigns to prevent tetanus in pregnant women and simple home care of small babies.

5. As a scratch wound can occur while playing with the animal, all family members should be immunized against tetanus.

6. These include injections against tetanus for pregnant women and clean conditions for births.

7. Chinese doctors treat a local Indonesian man who's life is serious endangered by tetanus.

8. Zeng's wife died of blood loss, and the baby boy contracted tetanus and died six days later.

tetanus 英英释义



1. a sustained muscular contraction resulting from a rapid series of nerve impulses

2. an acute and serious infection of the central nervous system caused by bacterial infection of open wounds

spasms of the jaw and laryngeal muscles may occur during the late stages

Synonym: lockjaw