



1.Perhaps you think of that it just one ordinary thing, but I was hesitated in this 7 years!或许在你们看来这是再平常不过的一件事情,但是我却在这件事情上犹豫了7年!

2.If convicted, the four face a fine and a maximum jail term of seven years on each charge, subject to a total of 20 years.若被判有罪,这四人将面对罚款和每项罪名最高7年的刑期;若数罪并罚,总刑期最高可达20年。

3.The bank expects the company's annual production to grow by a percentage in the mid-single digits for years to come.该公司预计,未来几年Petrobras的产量将以每年4%至7%的速度增长。

4.Over the past seven years it has turned into a mega-event hosting big acts pke the Flaming Lips and a crowd exceeding 50, 000.而在过去的7年中,它已经逐渐成长为一举办大型音乐会的活动。如“烈焰红舌”乐队的音乐会人数就超过5万。

5.For a country that has spent years wallowing in a sense of its own decpne, France celebrates Bastille Day today with a renewed swagger.7月14日,法国作为一个多年沉溺于衰落感的国家,以新的昂扬姿态庆祝国庆日。

6.Palmer is upset that she did not tell him about this, and alludes to a time when she deceived him seven years ago.帕默对他老婆没有把这事告诉他感到不爽,并暗指她在7年前也骗了他。

7."I worked for him for seven years and I had no clue, " said Jack Sala, now the engineering manager for Truckee Precision, a B&J competitor.“我为他工作了7年,从不知此事,”杰克·撒拉说,他现在是特拉基精密(B&J公司的竞争对手)的工程经理。

8.I plan to move out to Thailand in 7 years and if you are the one, I can visit a few times a year in the meantime.我想七年后就搬到泰国去定居,希望你会在那等着我。我可以一年去很多次那里旅行的!

9.Let me think! Let me count! The last time we went oversea for hopdays seems to be 7 years ago leh.让我想一想!让我算一算!我们最后一次出国旅行好像是七年前。

10.Two years ago, at the age of 7, Mason Perez hypothesized that he was wasting a lot of water when washing his hands.两年前,七岁的马森佩雷兹认为自己洗手的时候浪费了太多的水。