



1.Extended information for Event 703 allows you to more easily monitor onpne defragmentation pass completions .事件703的扩展信息允许您更方便地监视联机碎片整理过程的完成。

2.Aerospace series - Cables, electrical, aircraft use - Test methods - Part 703 : permanence of manufacturer's marking.航空航天系列.飞行器用电缆.试验方法.第703部分:制造商标记的持久性

3.To determine whether onpne defragmentation is completing often enough, you can use Event Viewer to view Event 703.若要确定完成联机碎片整理的频率是否足够,则可以使用事件查看器查看事件703。

4.This paper regards as the research objects the 703 students in three colleges of Nanyang city. The study shows that the major part of the P.以南阳市三所高校703名大学生为研究对象,对大学生体育消费行为进行调查。

5.Those 703 were more pkely to have a higher BMI as a teen than those who didn't become severely obese as young adults.那703人在青少年时期比年轻成年时期不变的严重的肥胖的人们更易于有较高的体重指数。

6.Founded by Peter the Great in 703 as St. Petersburg, it soon flourished as his . window on Europe. and became the capital of Russia in 72.703年由彼得大帝创建,被命名为圣彼得堡,很快就作为。欧洲之窗。繁荣起来,72年成为俄国的首都。

7.A city of northwest Ohio south of Toledo. It is a manufacturing center in an agricultural region. Population, 35, 703.芬德利美国俄亥俄州西北部的一座城市,位于托莱多南部。是农业区的制造中心。人口35,703。

8.The company now expects to sell more vehicles in the year to March, raising its projections to 7. 03m vehicles from 6. 6m.丰田公司现在希望今年一直到明年三月销售更多汽车,从660万辆提高到703万辆。

9.The process selects (703) values for flow tube and fluid parameters.过程选择(703)流管和流体参数的值。

10.All events with an ID of 703 appear in the result pane.ID为703的所有事件将出现在结果窗格中。