


美式发音: [eɪl] 英式发音: [eɪl]






1.[u][c]麦芽啤酒a type of beer, usually sold in bottles or cans. There are several kinds of ale .

brown/pale ale棕色╱淡色麦芽啤酒

2.[c]一杯(或一瓶、一罐)麦芽啤酒a glass, bottle or can of ale

Two light ales please.请来两杯淡麦芽啤酒。

3.[u](泛指)啤酒beer generally


n.1.a type of dark-colored beer without bubbles; a glass of ale

1.麦酒 苏打水 soda 麦酒 ale 补酒 tonic ...

2.啤酒淡啤酒(Large)、苦啤酒(Bitter)、褐麦啤酒(Ale)、爱尔兰黑麦啤酒(Gunnies)、或是加了果汁的Cider,啤酒可点大杯的One Prin…

3.爱尔啤酒 aldose 醛醣 ale 淡色啤酒 aleak 漏水的 ...

5.地址锁存允许(Address Latch Enable) ALC 自动电平控制 ALE 地址锁存允许 ALU 运算单元,运算器 ...

6.应用链接启用(Application Link Enabling) 6 饿的另一种说法: Starving. 淡啤酒,麦芽酒ale 酥炸,煎: Crispy fried ...


1.Ale said he was very excited when he spotted the leopards , but kept calm enough to focus his camera and get some photographs.艾尔说他发现雪豹的时候很兴奋,但是仍保持冷静聚焦相机拍下了几张照片。

2.Some of her letters had been discovered in a keg of ale belonging to a brewer who had delivered beer to the house.在一个为庄园送啤酒的商人的酒桶里,人们发现了她的一些信件。

3.Theon drained the last dregs of his ale and rose reluctantly to his feet.席恩喝干他最后的几滴淡啤酒然后勉强站起来。

4.By forcing her to drink the honey ale, it was hoped that she could remain docile during her captivity.(新郎)逼着她喝蜂蜜浆,希望她在囚禁期间能温顺。

5.Only 12 bottles of "The End of History, " a blond Belgian ale, were produced, and each came packaged in its own bit of taxidermy.这款叫做“历史的终结”的金黄色比利时啤酒只生产的12瓶,每瓶都用不同的动物标本包装。

6.A compound is a substance made up of two or more elements which ale so combined that we cannot tell one from the other.化合物是由两种或两种以上的元素构成的,这些元素化合在一起,使得我们不能把它们彼此区分开来。

7.Oddly, the Brewmaster is sort of an oddity in Pandaren society, given his love for ale and spirits.奇怪的是,酒仙是熊猫人社会的另类,全心爱着麦酒和烈酒。

8.Theon broke his own fast with a tankard of dark ale, cloudy with yeast and thick enough to chew on.席恩用一大杯黑色淡啤酒和足以咬动的厚发酵面饼解决了早餐问题。

9.Nearer the door, the Queen's Hand was attacking a brace of 'capons, sucking the meat off the bones and washing down each bite with ale.女王之手坐在门边,正在向两只阉鸡发动进攻,他从骨头上嘬下每一口肉,用麦酒灌下去。

10.He had finished his ale in a hurry and some of it had gone the wrong way.因为他急忙喝完啤酒,有一部分呛进了气管。