




1.克拉克 幕瑞·雷因斯特 Murray Leinster 阿瑟·C·克拉克 Arthur C. Clarke 《大时代》 The Big Tim…

4.阿瑟·克拉克 Armageddon 《世界末日》 Arthur C.Clarke 阿瑟•克拉克 Arthur Conan Doyle 柯南道尔 ...

5.埃瑟•克拉克 ... Gone With Wind 飘 Arthur C. Clarke 埃瑟•克拉克 Spde fastener 拉链 ...

6.克拉克的名言公司名称来自科幻大师亚瑟‧克拉克的名言(Arthur C. Clarke):"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from m…

7.克拉克爵亚瑟‧克拉克爵Arthur C. Clarke)士再也看不到「太空漫游」,更别说外星人了。周三,《2001太空漫游》的作者、科幻小说 …


1.The first was a comment by the late Sir Arthur C. Clarke to me: "Teachers that can be replaced by a machine should be" .第一件是已故的亚瑟爵士.C.克拉克对我说过:“用机器代替教师,是应该可以的”。

2.But even half a century of Arthur C. Clarke has not been able to shake Sri Lankans' obsession with astrology.不过,即使过了半个世纪,阿瑟克拉克仍然未能动摇斯里兰卡人对占星术的痴迷。

3.With the death of Arthur C. Clarke, science and rational thought have lost one of their leading promoters.随着亚瑟•克拉克的去世,科学与理性思维也失去了一位杰出的推动者。

4.At least, according to Arthur C. Clarke, writing around a decade earper.至少,ArthurC.Clarke在十年前是这么写的。

5.Arthur C. Clarke was also known for his confident predictions.阿瑟·克拉克(ArthurC.Clarke)也是以令人确信的预测而闻名。

6.As Arthur C. Clarke once wrote, "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. "阿瑟•克拉克曾写道:“任何非常先进的技术,初看都与魔法无异。”

7.But at the same time. . . As Arthur C. Clarke said, you know, "The rotting of the human mind. "然而与此同时……正如阿瑟C克拉克所说,“人心大坏。”

8.Arthur C. Clarke gave us "zero-g" in his 1952 novel Islands in the Sky.亚瑟C·克拉克在他1952年的小说《空中岛》中说道“零重力”。

9.As Arthur C. Clarke, the science fiction writer, once said, "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable51 from magic. "正如科幻作家亚瑟.C。克拉克曾经说过的:“任何十分先进的技术和魔术没有两样。”

10.Arthur C. Clarke wrote 2001: A Space Odyssey there, too, training his telescope not into space but at the apartment windows opposite.2001年阿瑟克·拉克也曾在那儿创作出电影剧本:《太空漫游》,不过他的望远镜并没有瞄向浩瀚的宇宙,而是对准了对面公寓的窗户。