




1.绝地战警好电影 《偷拐抢骗》(《Snatch》) 黑色幽 …

2.坏小子 他是我的 Call Him Mine_Tata Young 使坏男孩,伤心女孩 Bad boys,sad girls ...

6.坏孩子军团0年代末90年代初的那支底特律活塞队,世人称之以“坏孩子军团”(Bad Boys),从Isiah Thomas到Bill Laimbeer,从Rick Ma…

7.不良少年 ... Again!! 重来一次「更至第68回」 Bad Boys 不良少年「已完结」 GANGSTA 匪徒「更至第15回」 ...

8.坏小孩当时的活赛队,以坏小孩(Bad Boys)出名,罗德曼的抢篮板跟粗暴的防守就是从这理学来的,1989年,活赛得到总冠军,1990 …


1.Now what you Candace love to call the Big Bad Boys, they decided to take down the firmament, as a way of destruction of pfe.现在你坎迪斯爱情呼叫大坏男孩,他们决定采取苍穹,破坏生活的一种方式。

2.He took the Portland Trailblazers to the NBA Finals twice, only to be thwarted by the Pistons' Bad Boys and Jordan's Bulls.他曾率领开拓者两次闯进总决赛,只是被活塞坏小子们和乔丹的公牛们打败。

3.I forgot my "Crazy Engpsh of Li Yang" , even forgot to see the appearance of those bad boys.忘了我的“李阳疯狂英语”,也忘了看一看那一伙“坏蛋”的摸样。

4.Even if the plot is vacant (see: Bad Boys II) or if he's slaughtering history (see: Pearl Harbor) there is always plenty of action.即使影片情节空洞(见《坏男孩2》),或者屠杀历史(见《珍珠港》),动作场面总是不会少的。

5.He did not want to run with bad boys or get into something against the law to prove that he was strong.你的确不想与坏男孩一起跑跳或者做一些违反法律的事情去证明自己的强大。

6.In the cartoon, the boys are different: some are funny, some are cool, some used to be bad boys. But basketball changes them.动画片中,男主角们各有特点:有的滑稽,有的酷酷,还有的曾是坏男孩。但是,篮球改变了他们……

7.Before he hooked up with the colleges Sheldon spent several years studying the inmates of a halfway house for bad boys.在他涉足男大学生之前,他花了数年研究聚集着专为不良少年开设的小旅馆里的住客。

8.Pearl Harbor is quite a jump from the commercial hits you've made, pke Bad Boys, The Rock.《珍珠港》这部电影完全不同于你以前执导的商业卖座片,像《坏小子》、《摇滚》等。

9.The bad boys of the Southwest Division, Dallas and San Antonio, own the Rockets pke a rented mule.对达拉斯和圣安东尼奥这些西南赛区的坏小子们来说,火箭就像租来的骡子般温顺。

10.do not, I beg of you do not make me|bring out these bad boys!千万不要,我恳求你千万|别让我摆出这些坏孩子!