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网络释义:快速公交(Bus Rapid Transit);快速公交系统;大容量快速公交系统



1.快速公交(Bus Rapid Transit)级市,交通便捷、教育发达、国际化程度高,政府决定将快速公交系统BRT)尽快纳入规划实施中,将公交优先的理念融入 …

3.大容量快速公交系统 13/03/20 中心召开交通运输科技成果公开座谈会 13/03/20 全国桥梁安 …

6.公车捷运系统规划公车捷运系统(BRT)路网来补捷运、轻轨之不足 2013-05-23给弱势者「钓竿」,协助原住民部落 2013-05-23 凤山县旧城西 …


1.Now the system beats out the ridership of every metro pne in mainland China except Beijing's.现在证实广州BRT客流量比除北京外中国城市的每条地铁线的客流量都多。

2.And investigate the promising high-tech Bus Rapid Transit (BRT), which seems to be as efficient as a subway but at 5 % the cost to build.应对有发展前景的高科技快速公交系统(BRT)进行调研,它的效率像地铁一样高,但建设成本只相当于地铁的百分之五。

3.The paper first reviews Guangzhou BRT system in terms of the system structure, BRT corridors and stops, passenger flow, and etc.首先,从系统模式、BRT通道和车站、客流情况几个方面介绍了广州市快速公交系统的概况。

4.If the bus company belonging to the official staff can, but BRT is a transport form of short-term hard to say.如果属于公交公司的正式员工还可以,不过BRT是不是短期的一种交通形式很难说。

5.Saturation is one of the key factors in BRT station planning and design, influencing the determination of other parameters.饱和度是车站规划设计的核心指标,影响着其他各种指标的取值。

6.And recently I had an opportunity to spend a year (2008-2009) working in Johannesburg with the Rea Vaya BRT project team.就在最近,我有机会在约翰内斯堡为ReaVaya快速公交项目组工作一年时间。

7.BRT system has been internationally recognized as effective means of responding the urban transport problems above-mentioned.BRT系统已经国际性地被认为回应的有效方法都市的运输系统问题上述的。

8.But the terminal next to Khanpur Colony marks the beginning of Delhi's new Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) corridor.然而,汗布尔殖民地一旁的终点站标志着新德里公交快速车道走廊的开端。

9.As the BRT system is a project for pubpc interests, it must be judged in both the project finance and the social benefits.快速公交系统是公共产品,其成本效益分析应从项目财务和社会效益两方面展开。

10.With such a sound basis, some proposals regarding further development of BRT are concluded.在此基础上,有针对性地提出了BRT进一步发展的建议。