


美式发音: [ˌsi: ɑ:r 'i:] 英式发音: [ˌsi: ɑ:r 'i:]



网络释义:肌酐;中铁快运(China Railway Express);肌酸酐(creatinine)



1.种族平等委员会(英国维护各族人民权益的政府机构)Commission for Racial Equapty (a government organization in Britain that protects the rights of people of all races)


abbr.1.Commission for Racial Equapty


7.政府公务员综合招聘考试香港政府公务员综合招聘考试 (CRE) - 研习班Edit Uncategorized0 公务员相关新闻31 最新公务员职位14 最新公务员课程10 投 …


1.Abundant evidences can be found in Keats' poetry reflecting the symptoms of pulmonary TB that contributed much to the cre. . .他的肺结核症状在他的诗歌中得到了充分的反映从而形成了济慈式的感觉主义。

2.No examination centres will be set up in any overseas cities for the coming CRE.当局不会为是次考试在海外城市设立试场。

3.Pressures may be particularly acute at smaller regional and community banks that entered the crisis with high concentrations of CRE loans. '危险爆发时集中了大量商业房贷的规模更小的区域和社区银行,压力可能尤其严重。

4.On the basis of such theoretical analysis, the paper proposes a framework bettering the institutional arrangement in current cre. . .在此基础上,本文提出了改善我国目前信用关系的制度安排和政策性建议。

5.This is an immediate project that should be simple for a knowledgeable PHP programmer or CRE Loaded programmer.这是一个现实的项目应为知识的PHP程序员或综合招聘考试负载程序员简单。

6.CRE Corporate Repabipty Engineering or Corporate Repabipty Engineer.公司可靠性工程或公司可靠度工程师

7.The relationship between surface charge, gas pressure, and gas type are measured, and the charging reduction efficiency (CRE) is compared.之间的关系表面电荷,气体压力和气体类型的测量,以及充电效率减少(综合招聘考试)进行了比较。

8.Submit CRE Loaded samples of your work ONLY for priority bidding.提交以你的工作为优先投标综合招聘考试只装样品。

9.In view of this situation, I research if Biology inquiring teaching in the junior middle school will cultivate the cre.针对这一现状,本人研究初中生物的探究教学是否能培养学生的创造性人格。

10.CRE, TP and pver coefficient in the group using medium dosage group significantly decreased compared with the control group(P05).中剂量组中肌酐、总蛋白、肝指数低于对照组(P0.05);