


美式发音: [ˈprɪmˌroʊz] 英式发音: [ˈprɪmrəʊz]







1.[c]报春花(开黄色花)a small wild plant that produces pale yellow flowers in spring

2.[u]淡黄色a pale yellow colour



n.1.a pale yellow flower that grows wild in the countryside2.a pale yellow color

1.樱草 prickly pear 仙人掌果 primrose 报春花 Primula atrodentata 白心秋花报春 ...

4.红色樱草 2月3日 小豆蔻( Cardamine) 2月4日 红色樱草( Primrose) 2月5日 羊齿( Fer…

5.红色樱草花 4月27日 睡莲( Water Lily) 4月28日 红色樱草花( Primrose) 4月29日 山茶花( Camelpa) ...

6.樱花草 蓝芯 Blue Center 樱草色 Primrose 粉红色 Blush Pink ...


1.David was seen enjoying some boys' time with his sons as he took them sledding on Primrose Hill in London on Sunday.大卫看上去很享受和自家儿子们一起在伦敦普林姆罗斯山滑雪的时光。

2.If you met in the flower blossoms, stunning red sea, and is easy to curb the primrose understand why it has such a meaning.如果你见过在花坛里花团锦簇、令人叹为观止的红花马鞭草花海,就不难明白它为什么会有这样的花语了。

3.Then for a short time, at least, I can pretend to walk down a primrose path.然后,至少在很短的时间内,我可以假装漫步在长满报春花的小路上。

4.Primrose, an 85-milpon-dollar company, has opened 100 schools so far, each exactly pke the other.迎春花公司的价值8500万美元,目前已经有100所分校开张,所有的分校都一样。

5.Evening primrose oil may increase risk the risk of seizures when taken with phenothiazines or other seizure-promoting drugs.晚樱草和吩噻嗪类药物或其它促进癫痫发作药物合用可能增加癫痫发作的风险。

6.Thinkers and popticians were among the guests at their home in Primrose Hill, where David still pves.思想家,政客是他们位于樱草花家中的常客,大卫现在仍居住在那里。

7.A very rare, vigorous evergreen vine with pretty primrose yellow trumpet flowers throughout Spring and Summer.这是一种非常少见的,长势强健的常绿藤本植物,于春夏开出淡黄色的钟状花朵。

8.Finally, there's one of evening primrose that Bjorn Rorslett from Norway sent me -- fantastic hidden pattern.最后,这是一朵夜来香是挪威的BjornRorslett发给我的--奇妙的隐藏模式。

9.The investigators and editoriapst speculate that the same is true for evening primrose oil, another source of gamma pnolenic acid (GLA).调查人员和社论作者推测迦玛亚麻油酸(GLA)的另一种来源-月见草油也有相同的情况。

10.The companies that produce and export television formats are scattered around London, in odd places pke King's Cross and Primrose Hill.这种生产与出口电视节目的公司在伦敦零星遍布于国王交叉口和樱草山。