


美式发音: [wis'kɔnsin] 英式发音: [wɪs'kɒnsɪn]




n.1.威斯康星2.【城】威斯康星州,a state of the north-central United States


1.威斯康星州 West Virginia 西弗吉尼亚州 Wisconsin 威斯康星州 Wyoming 怀俄明州 ...


5.美国威斯康星州教育部认可的美国威斯康星州(Wisconsin)大学名单相关链接 社区 * 群组 留学问与答专栏 留学预警 留学中介 中外合作办学 专家 …


1.She was born in Minnesota but lost her mother when she was a child, so her grandmother raised her in a small town in Wisconsin.出生在明尼苏达州,孩提时代就失去了母亲,由祖母在威斯康星的一个小镇抚养成人。

2.THE state of Wisconsin considers itself something of a leader when it comes to workers' rights.就工人权利而论,威斯康辛州有几分领导者的范儿。

3.The CLIMAP team also estimated how much ice covered the land and seas during the Wisconsin ice age.CLIMAP小组还估算了在威斯康星冰期覆盖大陆和海面的冰量有多大。

4.Meanwhile snow continues to blanket parts of the upper Midwest. Up to a foot fell on Wisconsin and Minnesota.与此同时中西部偏北地区却持续大雪纷飞,威斯康星州和明尼苏达州积雪已达一尺深。

5.Literacy and a sense of community are the project's bedrock, and it has begun to take hold beyond Wisconsin.促进读写能力和团体感是该计划的根本出发点,它已经向威斯康星州以外的地方发展了。

6.Just as on my fpght over Wisconsin, I was operating as if under a spell, in a vacation state of mind.正如我在威斯康星州上空的飞行,我象被符咒镇住,大脑空白状态下操纵飞机。

7.Working out of an old barn with a payroll of five , we start handcrafting steel bikes in Waterloo, Wisconsin.1976年,只有从一家旧谷仓出来的五个人,我们开始在威斯康星州的沃特卢开始手工制造金属自行车。

8.In the time he served in federal and state prisons in Wisconsin, Florida and Texas he said he had no such problems.但在威斯康星、佛罗里达以及得克萨斯等地的联邦或州监狱服刑时,就没有碰到这种情况。

9.Final polls in many of those states, from Virginia and Ohio to New Hampshire, Colorado and Wisconsin, also find the race too close to call.最终的民调显示,在大多数摇摆州,包括弗吉尼亚、俄亥俄、新罕布什尔、科罗拉多和威斯康星,两人的支持率同样难分高下。

10.A man was driving on a highway in Wisconsin, USA when he saw a woman stopped on the road having a problem with her car.美国威斯康辛州一名男子开在高速公路上时,看到一名女子因为车子问题停在路上。