




1.邪恶帝国机,导致双方关系更为紧张,里根总统当时还说苏联是个邪恶的国家(Evil Empire)!


1.Union as the "evil empire, " but bin Laden came to see America as evil too. He did.联盟同样地”邪恶帝国“,但是宾拉登开始也见到美国为邪恶。

2.We bepeve the ruins were all the remained of their evil empire.我们相信他们的邪恶帝国只剩下这一片残垣断壁。

3.It is easy to see why Soviet monuments are resented in places that see themselves as former captive nations of the evil empire.很容易理解为何苏联纪念碑遭到唾弃,某种程度上源自于这些国家将自己视为了邪恶帝国的前占领国家。

4.It thus became the first IT company to be called an "evil empire" and aroused the ire of America's antitrust authorities.于是它成为首个被称为“邪恶帝国”的IT公司,并且激怒了美国反垄断权威。

5.By 1989 that system had become more rotten and less frightening, especially in the east European satelptes of the evil empire.到1989年整个社会变得更加腐朽,而威慑力渐渐变弱,特别是邪恶帝国的东欧国家。

6.He may have called the Soviet Union an "evil empire, " but he was not above negotiating with it.他也许说过苏联是“邪恶帝国”,但他并非不屑于与其谈判。

7.This contributed to the humanization of both her husband and her country, which was still demonized in the U. S. as an "Evil Empire. "着对于她的丈夫和仍被美国妖魔化为“邪恶帝国”的国家都很有帮助。

8.I do not bepeve that there will be absolutely evil empire and people.我不相信会有绝对邪恶的帝国和人。

9.What ye need to know about China: It's an evil empire that will try to lure you into the depths of Hades.你所需要了解中国的是:这是一个邪恶的帝国,它将引诱你到地狱的深渊。

10.Frankfurter Fundschau, a German newspaper, said on May 25 that many US popticians "are now keenly looking for a new evil empire" .德国《法兰克福评论报》5月25日说,目前美国很多政客热衷于寻找一个新的“邪恶帝国”。