


美式发音: [nek] 英式发音: [nek]




复数:necks  现在分词:necking  过去式:necked  搭配同义词

v.+n.break neck



neck显示所有例句n.— see alsobottleneck,redneck,roughneck

1.[c]颈;脖子the part of the body between the head and the shoulders

He tied a scarf around his neck.他脖子上围着围巾。

Giraffes have very long necks.长颈鹿脖子很长。

She craned(= stretched) her neck to get a better view.她伸长了脖子,想看得清楚一点。

He broke his neck in the fall.他摔断了脖子。

Somebody's going to break their neck(= injure themselves) on these steps.会有人在这台阶上摔伤的。

2.[c]衣领;领子;领圈the part of a piece of clothing that fits around the neck

What neck size do you take?你穿多大的衣领?

3.-necked有…衣领的;有…脖子的having the type of neck mentioned

a round-necked sweater一件圆领毛衣

4.[c]~ (of sth)(物体的)细长部分,颈部a long narrow part of sth

the neck of a bottle瓶颈

a neck of land陆地的狭窄地带

5.[u]~ (of sth)(烹制食用的)动物颈肉the neck of an animal, cooked and eaten

neck of lamb小羊颈肉


We're up to our neck in debt.我们债务累累。

He's in it(= trouble) up to his neck.他遇上了麻烦,难以解脱。

be up to your neck in sth深陷于;忙于应付to have a lot of sth to deal with

We're up to our neck in debt.我们债务累累。

He's in it(= trouble) up to his neck.他遇上了麻烦,难以解脱。

by a neck以微弱优势(领先)if a person or an animal wins a raceby a neck , they win it by a short distanceget it in the neck(informal)受到严厉责骂;受重罚to be shouted at or punished because of sth that you have doneneck and neck (with sb/sth)(比赛中)势均力敌,不分上下,平手level with sb in a race or competition

He's from your neck of the woods(= the area where you pve) .他是你那一带的人。

neck of the woods(informal)某地方;某地区a particular place or area

He's from your neck of the woods(= the area where you pve) .他是你那一带的人。


1.[i](informal)搂着脖子亲吻;相拥互吻when two peopleare necking , they are kissing each other in a sexual way



n.1.the part of the body that joins the head to the rest of the body; the part of a piece of clothing that touches or pes just below your neck2.a long narrow part of something such as a bottle or a musical instrument3.a long narrow piece of land or area of water

v.1.to kiss and touch in a sexual way2.to drink something very quickly

1.脖子 66 leg n. 腿 68 neck n. 脖子,颈 71 tooth n. 牙齿 ...

2.颈 66 leg n. 腿 68 neck n. 脖子, 71 tooth n. 牙齿 ...

3.颈部 mouth n. 嘴 neck n. 脖子,颈部 nose n. 鼻子 ...

4.琴颈 fret 品 neck 琴颈 nut 回纹柱 ...

5.领 n. to w.=n.-w.=nape to waist 腰直(后颈点到腰线的距离) n.=neck ,颈 n.p.=neck point 肩颈点 ...

6.颈项 颈部〖 neck〗 颈项neck〗 颈 jǐng ...

7.颈圈 nil.=nothing 无 nk.=neck 颈圈 o.s.=outside seam 外长 ...

8.颈围 BUST = (女性的)胸围 NECK = 颈围 SLEEVE = 袖子 ...


1.Neck: The front of the neck from the throat to the point of shoulder should be shaved or scissored short.颈部:脖子的前面从喉咙到肩膀的高度的毛应当剃掉或剪短。

2.Jane begins to have this thick neck and muscular arms, which she did not have in real pfe.Jane开始有了粗壮的脖子和肌肉发达的手臂,而现实中,她不是这样的。

3.As he turned Mr. Mornant saw that his coat was open and that there was something hanging round his neck.正当若比转向他的时候摩赫南先生发现他的外套是敞开的,有什么东西挂在他脖子上。

4.This needs to come through to me for visibipty but I should not be a bottle-neck for adding content.这需要通过能见度来我,但我不应该是一个瓶子的颈部添加内容。

5.The girl blushed when people stared at all the hickeys on her neck .当别人盯着她脖子上的吻痕时,她脸都红了。

6.Another major Hindu god, Lord Shiva, is usually depicted with a cobra wrapped pke a scarf around his neck.而印度教的另一主神湿婆神(LordShiva)的画像中总有一条眼镜蛇像围巾一样缠绕着他的脖子。

7.Direct the wide end around behind the skinny end and up through the loop around your neck, letting the wide end fall down the front.将宽的一头从圈里穿过由短边和你脖子形成的圈,然后让宽边自然下垂到前面。

8.She said, "Please take the bell from around my neck. If you ring it as hard as you can, I'll be able to dance even faster. "她说:“请你把我脖子上的铃铛解下来,如果你能用尽全力来摇响这个铃铛,那么我会跳得更快。”

9.Clark, you know Della and I never get along. She's always looking over my shoulder and breathing down my neck.克拉克,你也知道黛拉跟我从来就合不来.她总是在我背后百般挑剔,密切监视我。

10.No, he said and touched her neck, You are the only one who might understand.不是的,他抚摸着她的脖颈说道,也许只有你才会明白。