


美式发音: 英式发音: 

n.波莉;同“poll parrot”;【女名】女子名



n.1.波莉2.同“poll parrot”3.【女名】女子名

n.1.Same as poll parrot

1.波莉 Phylps 菲丽丝 Polly 波莉 Priscilla 普里西拉 ...

2.珀莉 Pollyanna( 波丽安娜) Polly( 珀莉) Phylps( 菲莉丝) ...

3.波利 Painter 佩因特 Polly 波利,波莉 Paupne 葆琳 ...

4.柏莉 布兰达·哈里斯 Brenda Harris 波丽 Polly 波比·毕克 Bobbi Birk ...

6.宝莉麦斯 森林家族(Forest Homestea) 波莉娃娃Polly) 摩比 Q比娃娃(Kewpie) Ddung娃娃(Ddung) 胡桃夹子人偶(Nut…


1.As Polly observed the passengers on the train, she sensed that she was being watched by a tall man in a dark coat.正当波莉打量火车里的乘客时,她感觉到有一个穿黑色外套的男人在注视着她。

2.Aunt Polly was vexed to think she had overlooked that bit of circumstantial evidence, and missed a trick.波莉阿姨心里一想,她居然没有注意到这个附带的证据,以致又错过了一个好机会,不免有些懊恼。

3.'And there's my sister Jemima at the door, I do declare' cried Polly, 'with my own sweet precious baby in her arms! '“站在门口的是我的妹妹杰迈玛,准没错!”波利喊道,“她手里抱着的是我自己可爱的宝贝娃娃!”

4.Tom entered, struggpng with the weight of his sacks, and Aunt Polly did not finish her sentence.25她还没说完,只见汤姆吃力地背着口袋走进来。

5.Nothing could be better than Miss Florence, Sir, ' said Polly eagerly, 'but I understood from her maid that they were not to '“没有什么能比弗洛伦斯小姐更好的了,先生,”波利热情洋溢地说道,“但是我从她的小保姆那里了解到,他们不——”

6.Polly knew that she was being watched but still her mother's persistent silence could not be misunderstood.波莉知道自己受到监视,即使母亲始终保持沉默,她的用意还是不言而喻的。

7.That kind, reassuring grip on her elbows, the old man's funny bright eyes, made Polly want to drop her head on his shoulder for a second.那种令人放心她的胳膊肘上的抓地力,老人的滑稽明亮的眼睛,使波莉要砸他的肩上第二她的头。

8."Mr. Polly's status was that of a guest pure and simple" (H. G. Wells).“波利先生的身份纯粹是客人”(H·G·韦尔斯)。

9."That would be lovely of you, Polly, " he said humbly.“这将是可爱的你,波利,”他谦虚地说。

10.Suddenly Polly felt a rough hand brush her face and a man's voice close to her ear, said 'Sorry. '忽然,波莉觉得有一只粗糙的手拂了一下她的脸,随即就有一个男人的声音在她耳边响起:“对不起。”