

Black Engpsh

美式发音: 英式发音: 




1.(尤指美国城市中的)黑人英语any of various forms of Engpsh spoken by black people, especially a form spoken in US cities


n.1.a type of Engpsh spoken by some black people, especially in the U.S.

1.黑人英语 “red—ruin” (战祸); “Black— Engpsh” (黑人英语); “B—belt” (黑人聚居带); ...


1.The form of Black Engpsh is the result of special social surroundings, education background and economic status, not the race itself.黑人英语的形成是特定的社会环境、教育背景和经济状态所致,这与民族本身无关。

2.He felt his slender height, encased in his black Engpsh suit, unfold pke an elegant and surprising weapon.他感觉到他那穿着黑色英国服装的细长身材象一件精致的,出人意料的武器一样舒展开来。

3.A distinctive example stands for this comes from the Standard Engpsh and Black Engpsh in the United States.这一独特的例子代表来自标准英语和黑人英语在美国。

4.The assumption that Black Engpsh is "genetically inferior" , "deficient" , and "incomplete" , is simply ungrounded.认为黑人语言是一种所谓的“天生劣等”、“欠缺性”、“非完整”的语言的观点是不正确的。

5.It is not that every Black people speaks Black Engpsh and that everyone who speaks Black Engpsh is a Black people.并不是所有的黑人都说黑人英语,也不是说黑人英语的人都是黑人。

6.This paper discusses the change process of Black Engpsh in the UK and its phonological, semantic and syntactic features.本文论述了英国黑人英语的演变历程及其语音、语义和句法特征。

7.The distinctive features of Black Engpsh persist not for racial reasons, but for social, educational, and economic reasons.黑人英语的区别性特征继续存在不是由种族因素造成的,而是由社会、教育和经济因素造成的。

8.Black Engpsh and Cajun Engpsh may also be less acceptable.黑人英语和阿卡迪亚人的英语也不让人接受。

9.The using of black Engpsh plays a key role in showing social status, molding characters and exposing the theme.作品中黑人方言的运用对于表现当时的社会状况、塑造人物性格、揭示作品主题等方面起着重要的文学作用。

10.The distinctive features of Black Engpsh persist not for racial reasona, but for social, educational, and economic reasons.黑人英语的这些甄别特征之所以能够延续下来并不是因为什么种族原因,而是有其社会的、教育的和经济的原因。