


美式发音: [ˈbɔrhɛs] 英式发音: [ˈbɔ:hes]

un.博尔赫斯(Jorge Luis,1899-,阿根廷著名小说家)



un.1.博尔赫斯(Jorge Luis,1899-,阿根廷著名小说家)

1.博尔赫斯苏亚雷斯·林奇。我想 B 代表比奥伊(Bioy)和博尔赫斯Borges),苏亚雷斯是我的另一位曾祖父, 而林奇是比奥伊的另一 …

2.作家博尔赫斯 仕梯 Stilla 伯爵 BORGES 橄福 CUFROL ...

5.博尔热斯 ... 索萨 Souza 博尔热斯 Borges 塞阿拉 Cearà ...

6.博格斯 ... 阿洛伊西奥 Aloisio 博格斯 Borges 达戈贝托 Dagoberto ...

7.阿根廷作家博尔赫斯墓阿根廷作家博尔赫斯墓BORGES)1976年,博尔赫斯从杀害了成千上万智利人的大独裁者皮诺切特手中接受了贝尔纳多·奥希 …



1.Mr Borges said the bail-out raised "serious concerns" about related party lending throughout the Russian banking sector.博格斯表示,莫斯科银行救助行动引发了人们对于俄罗斯整个银行业的关联方贷款问题的“严重担忧”。

2.The Giraffe Project says Mr. Borges stuck his neck out to connect children all over the world with the photography .长颈鹿组织说,鲍杰先生强出头(将他的脖子伸出),并用摄影联系全世界的小朋友。

3.Another writer from Argentina named Jorge-Luis Borges was no less an admirer of the work of Dante than myself.另一位作家叫博尔赫斯,是阿根廷人,他对但丁的仰慕不亚于我。

4.He Giraffe Project says Mister Borges stuck his neck out to connect children all over the world with photography.长颈鹿计划认为Borges先生致力于用摄影来联结全世界的孩子们。

5.Borges strenuously defended Burton, whose Nights he read as a child, but few will agree with him.从小就开始读《天方夜谭》的博尔赫斯虽极力袒护伯顿,但恐怕曲高和寡。

6.Unkind observers might be tempted to recall Jorge Luis Borges' memorable phrase, "two bald men fighting over a comb" .刻薄的观察人士也许会由此想起豪尔赫•路易斯•博尔赫斯(JorgeLuisBorges)那句令人难忘的话:“两个秃子为一把梳子打架”。

7.Borges said that, "Nothing is built on stone, everything is built on sand, but we must build as if the sand were stone"博尔赫斯说:“没有什么是建筑在岩石上,任何东西都建于沙子之上的,但我们必须把沙子当作石头来建筑。”

8.With he help Miguel Cohen -Miller, a psychotherapist, Borges managed to overcome his shyness and he could accept lecture offers.在精神治疗医师迈克尔·科恩-米勒的帮助下,博尔赫斯设法克服了他的胆怯。他可以接受授课的邀请。

9.CX: On magical reapsm, I think Borges is a magical reapst, but none of his works are about the real world.残雪:关于魔幻现实主义,我认为博尔赫斯是个魔幻现实主义者,但是他的作品与真实世界无关。

10.I'd rather be a renter in Borges' pbrary than the owner of my own.我宁愿成为博尔赫斯图书馆的租用者而不是所有者。