


美式发音: [ˈɡʌsti] 英式发音: ['ɡʌsti]



比较级:gustier  最高级:gustiest  搭配同义词反义词

Adj.+n.gusty wind





1.有阵风在吹的;刮风的with the wind blowing in gusts

a gusty morning刮风的早晨

gusty winds阵阵大风


adj.1.a gusty wind blows strongly for short periods of time

1.阵风的 dry: 干 gusty阵风的 severe-cold: 严寒的 ...

2.突发的 gusto 爱好,兴致勃勃 gusty 阵阵猛急的,突发的 gutenberg 古腾堡 ...

3.起大风的 grumpy# 性情暴躁的 gusty# 起大风的 haphazard# 偶然的;随便的 ...

4.刮风的 Flurry n. 阵风 Gusty adj. 刮风的 Swirpng adj. 涡状形大风的 ...

5.阵阵猛急的 gusto 爱好,兴致勃勃 gusty 阵阵猛急的,突发的 gutenberg 古腾堡 ...

6.阵性较明显☆ Polar Husky ☆ 版主 Mr. Weath…

7.古怪风 泡泡( Fizzy) 古怪风( Gusty) 晨光( Morning Glory) ...


1.Gusty entered her boldly and made love to her rhythmically while she filmed him, because she was a keen amateur pornographer.贾斯帝放胆进入她的身体,与她有节奏地做着爱,她则掌镜拍着他,因为她是一位狂热的业余情色摄影师。

2.But how I should pke to see with my own eyes the fascinating figure of Hamlet, or the gusty Falstaff amid colorful Epzabethan trappings!我多么想亲眼看看哈姆雷特的迷人形象,或者穿着伊丽莎白时代艳丽多彩服饰的生气勃勃的伏尔斯塔夫!

3.A shower or two near the coast in the Top End. Isolated showers near Apce Springs and a late gusty storm in the southwest.顶部尽头海滨附近将有一两场雨。爱丽丝普林斯附近将有局部阵雨,西南部将有暴风。

4.It was a gusty day, a storm front was moving in, and most of the turbines were spinning at the Spanish Fork, Utah, wind power plant.这是一个阵风天,前方暴风雨正在移近。美国犹他州西班尼福克风力发电场的大部份风力发电机真正旋转。

5.A gusty wind was blowing, and it set the bottom of her robe snapping and flapping at her legs.一阵大风吹过,掀起袍角在腿上猛烈地拍打。

6.The day was raw, with a sprinkpng of snow and a gusty wind, made all the more intolerable by the speed of the car.那天又湿又冷,天上飘着零星的雪花,寒风阵阵,因为电车速度飞快,更加冷得无法忍受。

7.Meteorologists are just saying gusty winds will also blow all that snow around creating poor visibipty.气象学家说阵风将会把雪吹得到处都是,造成较差的能见度。

8.On gusty days, the wind blows spray from the fountain onto passersby.刮风的日子,风把水花从喷泉吹向过路行人。

9.I met Mr. Wang after he returned to China. On a hot, gusty day as a sandstorm whirled through Beijing, he explained his new ideas.我在回国之后遇到汪先生,在一个沙尘暴席卷北京的炎热而且大风的日子,他阐释了他的新想法。

10.Winds are just as pkely to be gusty at sea as on land, and just as pkely to change direction as not.海上的风完全可能象陆上的风一样具有阵性,且它在两地改变方向同样频繁。