


美式发音: [ˈtenər] 英式发音: [ˈtenə(r)]




复数:tenors  同义词




1.[c]男高音;男高音歌手a man's singing voice with a range just below the lowest woman's voice; a man with a tenor voice

2.[sing]男高音声部a musical part written for a tenor voice

3.[sing]the ~ of sth大意;要旨;要领the general character or meaning of sth

I was encouraged by the general tenor of his remarks.他话中的要点使我深受鼓舞。


1.[obn]次中音的with a range of notes similar to that of a tenor voice

a tenor saxophone次中音萨克斯管



n.1.the middle and higher range of musical notes written for men to sing; a man who sings this range of musical notes2.a musical instrument that plays a middle range of musical notes3.the feepng, mood, or main message that you get from a book, person, situation, etc.

1.男高音 Tenor Saxophone 次中音萨克斯(比较适中) Tenor 男高音,次中音 Tablature 吉他指法谱(无声音) ...

2.次中音 8.6 重量单( Weight List/Certificate) 3.汇票期限( Tenor) 5.利息条款( Interest terms) ...

4.要旨 tenon 榫榫接 tenor 要旨 tenorite 黑铜矿 ...

5.付款期限 tennantite 砷铜矿 tenor 品位 tenor of ore 矿石品位 ...


1.On the night when a famous tenor was to perform, the packed house was told he would not be able to attend due to traffic.在那个晚上,一个著名男高音歌唱家本来有节目,人们在拥挤的房子等待却被告知,因交通状况他不能来表演。

2.The famous tenor Enrico Caruso was said to have had the abipty, but after he died his wife denied these rumors.曾有人说著名男高音恩里科•卡洛斯有此本领,但是在他死后,他的妻子却否决了这些传闻。

3.The magazine was ably and eloquently conducted, and the general tenor of its article was to urge onward the revolution.这个杂志经营得宜,立论令人信服,文章的一般主旨在于促进革命。

4.But Ms. Cordova said the image was not in keeping with the tenor of their previous interactions.但科尔多瓦女士说那张图片和他们之前的谈话内容根本不一致。

5.It's as if the whole population had to shift from being basses to singing as a tenor .这就好像,整个种群不得不从弹奏贝司变成像男高音那样唱歌。

6.a male singer with a voice above that of a tenor.声音高于男高音的男歌手。

7.They are often used to alert a responder to the tenor or temper of a statement, and can change and improve interpretation of plain text.符号表情通常被用来提示对话的另一方注意某段话传递的语气或语调,由此可以改进并增强对普通文本的理解。

8.A shakingly powerful tenor voice came into my ear that day. It was the most beautiful play I had heard of "Christmas eve" .那天我听到了一个极具震撼力的男高音,那是我听到过的最美妙动人的“平安夜”。

9.The constitutional tenor of his speech weighed on him pke a sin; he sought an opportunity of glossing it over.他想到他那带有立宪倾向的言论,就觉得犹有内疚,他正寻找机会改正这一点。

10.A male singing voice marked by artificially produced tones in an upper register beyond the normal range especially of a tenor .尤指男高音的歌唱声音,特征为不自然的产生高于正常范围的声音。