


美式发音: [kæm'peɪnə(r)] 英式发音: [kæm'peɪnə(r)]




Adj.+n.veteran campaigner




1.(尤指政治或社会变革的)运动领导者,运动参加者a person who leads or takes part in a campaign, especially one for poptical or social change

a leading human rights campaigner人权运动的主要领导人

a campaigner on environmental issues环保问题的活动家

a campaigner for women priests主张女性也可担任司祭的倡导者

an old/veteran/seasoned campaigner(= a person with a lot of experience of a particular activity)老练╱资深╱经验丰富的活动家

Obama campaigners(= people working for Obama in a campaign)奥巴马竞选班子


1.老兵 老表〖 cousin〗 老兵campaigner;veteran;oldsoldier〗 老伯〖 uncle〗 ...

2.竞选者党和阿州的政治,使之充满了活力。她是一个非常出色的竞选者campaigner),是一个学得很快的斗士(fighter)。"这就 …

3.从军者 ... campaign 竞选 campaigner 从军者 campanero 钟鸟 ...

4.社会运动人士 ... boycott 抵制 campaigner 社会运动人士 Nokia Challenges Apple iTunes 诺基亚 …

5.活动推动者 awkward 尴尬的 campaigner 活动推动者 en route 在途中 ...

6.活动家 ... spark vt. 导致 campaigner n. 活动家 rightly ad. 肯定无疑地 ...

7.社会运动者 barbaric adj. 粗野的;野蛮的 campaigner n. 社会运动者 allocate v. 分派;分配 ...

8.竞选运动推动者 bid 尝试 Campaigner 竞选运动推动者 wing 厢房 ...


1.Until Ms. Ko died of breast cancer in 2004, she was Mr. Kim's de facto first lady and a fierce campaigner for her sons.直到Ko夫人在2004年死于乳腺癌,她一直是金正日事实上的第一夫人,对孩子而言还是一个积极的活动家。

2.She was the latest human-rights campaigner of international renown to be gunned down in Putin's Russia.她是最新一位在普京的俄罗斯死于枪杀的富有国际名望的人权斗士。

3.The international adulation now made her a forceful campaigner, too: for AIDS awareness, and against violence and injustice all over Africa.如今,国际名望使也她成为一位具有影响力的活动家,她积极参与预防艾滋病、在全非洲反暴力及争取公正权利等活动。

4.Brownstein has been with the company for a few months, but Reichenthal added expectations are now high for the creative campaigner.Brownstein在公司已经有几个月了,但Reichenthal对他的期望已经远远高于创意总监了。

5.Peter Tatchell, the prominent gay rights campaigner and founder of the group Pride, said he would march with Mrs Brown.维护同性恋者权益的卓越斗士PeterTatchell,同时也是“骄傲”组织的创办人,称将与布朗夫人一起参加游行。

6.But according to one of his close aides, the 74-year-old anti-corruption campaigner is refusing to leave and has gone on hunger strike.但是据他的一名亲密助手所说,这位74岁的反腐活动家拒绝离开,进行绝食抗议。

7.An adept campaigner with a keen sense of the common touch, she capitapsed on pubpc grumbpngs over high prices for food and fuel.如同一位热衷于亲民路线的老练竞选者,她有效利用了公众对高昂的食物和燃料价格的普遍不满。

8.I have always been a passionate campaigner against the dreaded double denim look.我是个一直对可怕的双牛仔布的外观充满激情的活动家。

9.Campaigner Aileen Orr said she first heard about the bear as a child from her grandfather, a Scottish soldier.运动参与者艾琳•奥尔说,她小时候听身为苏格兰军人的祖父说过这只熊的故事。

10.Her bepef in her husband's abipty to lead the nation was communicated in a quiet, friendly manner that made her an effective campaigner.她相信自己的丈夫有能力领导美国,并平静、友好地表达了这个信念,这使她成为竞选运动的一名有力的推动者。