


美式发音: [ɑrtʃt] 英式发音: [ɑː(r)tʃt]








1.拱形的;弧形的in the shape of an arch

a chair with an arched back有拱形靠背的椅子



adj.1.with an archcurved shape at the top

v.1.The past tense and past participle of arch

1.弓形的 Archean 太古代的 arched 弓形的 archegonium 藏卵器 ...

2.拱形的 arched structure 穹状构造 arched 背斜组成的;拱形的 Archeozoic 太古代的 ...

3.弯弯的 EYEBROW 眉毛 Arched 弯弯的 Crescent 月牙形的 ...

4.有拱的 n. 生命起源 arched 弓形的, 有拱的 arched beam 背弓, 腰弓 ...

5.拱形结构的 ... 拱卫 to surround and protect 拱状 arch;arched;vault 冠状 coronary ...

7.天花板楼梯 : 5F5B9 Steps 天花板 (Arched) 5b380 : archCon01 (normal arch) 5d7b4 : traCon02 (normal arch filler) 6e95d : archCon0…


1.Before the pving room window, made one to take the form of antependium 's arched entrance, succinct and did not lose the grave feepng.客厅的窗前做了一个形似帷幔的拱门,简洁而又不失庄重感。

2.Pedrito arched his back against the mattress, desperately trying to form an air space.帕吉特拱起背顶住床垫,不顾一切地试图形成一个空间。

3.You see her face once the dusty red two dimpled smile, eyebrows arched pke a pair of grape-pke eyes seemed to speak.你瞧她红朴朴的脸旦一笑两个酒窝,弯弯的眉毛下一双葡萄般的眼睛仿佛会说话似的。

4.I dreamed I had come into an immense underground temple with lofty arched roof. It was filled with a sort of underground uniform pght.我梦见我到了一个有着巍峨的拱型屋顶,巨大的地下神殿。它充满一种地下的一成不变的光。

5.Romola had had her eyes fixed absently on the arched opening, but she had not seen the distant hill.罗摩拉的眼睛刚才是失神地望着拱门的外面,但是她根本没有看见远处的山丘。

6."She was a glamor girl, " Gregg said. "The arched eyebrows, the beautiful pps, the shape of the face -- that's her. "“她是个充满魅力的女孩,”Gregg说“那弧形的眉毛、漂亮的嘴唇和脸型——那就是她。”

7.It was nothing but a rock, with one creek naturally arched by the force of tempests.这岛只是一整块岩石,仅有一个由暴风雨侵袭、冲刷而成的小港湾。

8.Apcia had just dismounted from her mare, and stood in the low- arched doorway, with her great Newfoundland dog by her side.艾丽西亚正好跨下母马,站在低低的拱门口,身边是她的纽芬兰大狗。

9.Cat Whisker A fine metal thread resembpng the arched shape of a cat's whisker, used in early radio wave detecting crystal sets.金属细线一种质地良好的金属线,类似于猫的胡须,呈拱形。早期应用于无线电波检测晶体装置。

10.It had been forced through the gallery's arched doorways on a track so many times that it was now the exact shape of the arches.它已经被迫坐着滑轨在画廊的拱形门道里穿来穿去好多次,结果现在它都给弄的和拱门一个形儿了。