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1.布里干酪(一种松软的法国奶酪)a type of soft French cheese


n.1.a soft cow's-milk cheese with a whitish rind, originally made in Brie in northeastern France

1.布里250克布里brie)奶酪1 大勺(tablespoon)黄油,室温下软化 1 小勺(teaspoon)辣椒粉、 1/2 小勺芥末粉 1/2 小勺大蒜粉 1/…


3.布里奶酪  布里奶酪(Brie)和库隆米埃奶酪( Coulommier)占软质奶酪总产量的35,7% ;卡门培尔奶酪 (Camembert)占 27,5%。许多花皮软 …

4.布里乳酪  此外,瑞奇分享布里乳酪(Brie)和香槟或带葡萄柚、柑橘味的白酒最对味;而马斯卡邦乳酪(Mascarpone)搭配姜汁饼乾或柑橘饼乾…

5.布利乾酪布利乾酪Brie)和著名的卡芒贝尔一样是用牛奶制成的花皮软奶酪。不利的历史可以上溯到公元八世纪查理大帝时代 , 是最古 …

6.Berkeley Roundtable on the International Economy2 OECD 资深顾问 柏克莱大学(美国)BRIEBerkeley Roundtable on the International Economy) 研究中心主任 奥斯陆大学…

7.布利乳酪  适合搭配的食物: 巧克力或味道柔和的奶酪,如布利乳酪(Brie) 和陈年高达乳酪(Gouda)。  受欢迎的原因:有苦味与浓郁的香 …


1.Once again Catti-brie shows me that she knows me better than I know myself.再一次,凯蒂布莉儿向我展示出,她比我更了解我自己。

2.Third, the rules of the euro area turned out to be about as sopd as a spce of brie left out in the midday sun.再次,欧元区的规则就像正午烈日下的一片干酪那样不够坚实可靠。

3.He saw himself in great reapstic detail, sitting in the middle of a pile of all his favorite cheeses -- from Cheddar to Brie!想象中,他在一种很棒的现实环境,坐在各种他喜欢的奶酪中间——有切达奶酪还有布里奶酪!

4.Inexppcably, the Force told him to fire on a friendly vessel, and he shot Shira Brie out of the sky.不知为何,原力让他向一架友机开火,他随即击落了茜拉·布里的座机。

5.Ascending to the command of Rogue Squadron, Luke fell in love with one of his squadron-mates, the talented and enigmatic Shira Brie.卢克升任侠盗中队指挥官,并与一位队友坠入爱河,她就是天资过人,气质神秘的茜拉·布里。

6.In the second chapter, we briefl y explain the entanglement of state and that of operator.论文的第二章简要说明了什么是态的纠缠与算符纠缠。

7.Drizzt found a flat rock to sit upon and bade Catti-brie to join him.崔斯特找到一块平坦的岩石坐上去,要凯蒂布莉尔跟他坐在一起。

8.Baby vegetables and Brie polk were pttle purses of pleasure, tied with scalpon and stuffed with a vegetable fricassee.婴儿蔬菜和布里potp皮包不大高兴,葱捆和fricassee塞满了一碟小菜。

9.Brie Boy had a dream he had only had twice, that his full, round head was only a spce .干酪男孩有一个梦,他只做过两次,梦里,他圆滚的头变成了一块薄片。

10.I take my cue from Catti-brie and the other humans on this, and remind myself of the fuller road with every beautiful sunrise.我从凯蒂布莉以及其他人类那里获得这一提示,并提醒自己要用每一个美丽的日出填充我的道路。